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Everything posted by soundian

  1. Which is different to incorrect. Although words like LASER and SCUBA look weird when capitalised. I see the sense, but my fingers sometimes have a mind of their own and keep going back to the old habit of typing CD's for more than one CD. I think it's probably only become an issue because acronyms are so much more common now than before the second world war, where (mostly military) acronyms really started to enter common speech. In the 19th century I'm sure they never talked of RBEs instead of reciprocating beam engines but I bet you that's what they'd be called if they were invented tomorrow.
  2. I assume by your other posts recently you're on Vista. How to Update a Windows Vista Driver Have you checked your screen resolution is set correctly? Might be worth a quick look if you're not sure.
  3. That's not a misuse of apostrophes, it's just the way it used to be, and still is, done. It's more common to miss it out nowadays, saving the apostrophe to denote possession (and of course the abbreviation for "is"), but the use of an apostrophe in the plural is not incorrect.
  4. Excellent. I hadn't started looking for van hire companies for my impending move. No need now.
  5. Group H Real Madrid Juventus Zenit St Petersburg Bate Borisov Any group would be better than this one I think. I've no idea who Bate Borisov are but unless they have plans to nail large planks of wood across their goals they're not going to have a happy champs league experience.
  6. That must've been some paper round you had.
  7. He posted "controversial and irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion." one too many times I think.
  8. How much of a risk are they taking though? I'd imagine he's on a guarantee and door-split. Say he's 2000 plus 80% the LT would only need to sell 200 tickets at that price to cover the costs of the show and I'm sure Seth's agent wouldn't be setting the price at 16 if s/he didn't think it would sell-out, or be damn close to selling out.
  9. Since this tour seems to be 16 across the board I can only assume it's his agent that's set the price. I don't think you'll hear much people say "Bad agent, I told you I wanted to earn less money." Anyway, 16 seems about right for the level of popularity he's enjoying at the moment. If it sells out then it probably is right, or too little.
  10. I did a quick search and Seth Lakeman tickets for other venues seem to be 16 (before booking fee etc) which is the same as the Lemon Tree so they're probably not stupid.
  11. Judging by the spelling mistakes that was definitely written by a drummer. Take your shoes off and stand on the bloody things. I've seen many drum techs use this approach.
  12. I take it you've tried changing in device manager and it's having none of it. Have a look at this, it may be helpful.
  13. You can check whether you're in PIO or DMA in system>device manager>IDE ATA then advanced settings in properties of primary/secondary channels.
  14. Right-click My Computer and select properties. It'll tell you at the bottom of the General tab. If you want to find out the size of your swapfile it's in the advanced tab.
  15. I really can't believe this one, this person should be locked up right away
  16. Seems like evolution is not the only branch of science they don't believe in, maths obviously isn't up to their standards either.
  17. Well Stripey, if you can't see the difference between your posts and the example you've given I guess we won't be seeing much of you soon.
  18. How about you try respecting other people's opinions Stripey. I've lost count of the amount of times your first post on a topic insults everyone who has a different point of view to you.
  19. Supposedly the bits of your brain that control speech are different to those that control singing. If that's true you've obviously been emulating their vocal style while singing, and the bonus is you won't end up talking like that. That's maybe why people talk in a different accent to the one they sing in actually, maybe it's not conscious maybe they're just emulating what they hear.
  20. I tried them once, if they cut sound evenly across the whole spectrum my nephew is a simian. Much better than most cheapo ones though.
  21. Do you mean do I not understand? Sure, I do, but if it's the choice between pointless noodling and damaging someone's health I know which one wins every time.
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