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Everything posted by soundian

  1. First off, considering the social, economic and political climate at the time, all those artists had something to offer so that accounts for their initial appeal (with a fair bit of hype and marketing thrown in no doubt). Their continued appeal though, mostly I'd put it down to their parents/friend's parents record collections. Before people have their own disposable income they are influenced by what they hear around them and apart from TV and radio it's what's lying about at home. A lot of people have Stones, Beatles, Dylan etc albums at home so a lot of kids are going to hear those artists in an environment where they are liked, maybe even revered. I've seen this a lot with young bands, they'll play covers (and sometimes originals that may as well be covers) of bands and you just know what their parents record collections are like, sometimes the parents even turn up at gigs wearing the T-shirts which confirms my suspicions. (I should maybe add, this is maybe going to change now we have the internet. The parents record collections are going to become less relevant. Patience Stripey, in another 15 years the Beatles, Dylan etc may be a distant memory)
  2. Just trying to balance out all that sticking up for you, I've got a reputation to think of
  3. It seems so, not to worry, fudge are shit anyway (Does that mean I'm sacked as your attack dog Bri?)
  4. No, you misunderstood. That's how "rude" they are in pizzeria's in Italy. Get 'em in, feed 'em, sling 'em out. I was in a little trattoria in the spanish quarter of Naples where the owner came out and asked everyone to hurry up because there was a queue. No one batted an eye, some people laughed, that was it. If the food is good...
  5. Although I'm quite happy to eat pizza in Britain, if it's done well enough to not be minging, you just can't beat the original, ultra-thin based, cooked in a wood-fired oven, yours for 3 euro's pizzas you get in (southern) Italy. BTW Chris, that's authentic Italian pizzeria service, the best ones make you lay your own table as well so think yourself lucky. EDIT: Thinking about it, that's the difference. Most Italians don't care how good the service is as long as the food is good, in Britain it seems to be the other way round
  6. You guess wrong. Good stuff, it needs someone to take it by the scruff of the neck, give it a good shake and see if it's potential is still there.
  7. Maybe it's "more of the same" as far as booking goes because they still don't (or have they recently?) got a new booking manager. As I explained, it will take months for this to show any effects in their advertising anyway cos most bands who play at a "national/international' level book many months in advance. And SAC funding is there for the asking, if Moshulu did similar arts ventures I'm sure the SAC would treat their applications (it's not just given to them you know, they have to apply) with the same procedures they apply to every application. As for the link to ACC, that tells you nothing. The grant could be 1, 5000 or shedloads. The lease and service arrangements could be comparable to current market rates for all you know. Waht does it matter to you anyway, you're a student in Essex. You probably don't even pay council tax there, never mind here where the money's coming from!
  8. It does make a difference because most of the people who go to see "local" bands in aberdeen are friends of the band. Hence, out of town bands normally take squat along with them cos of the travel/cost involved, hence he only wants bands from the city. Percentages dear chap, percentages. The chances of an out of town "local" band taking a decent crowd with them are slimmer than a supermodel with bulimia.
  9. It's not the bands that need to be aberdeen based, it's their fans. If the bands are based in aberdeen then their fans will be as well. sheesh, how hard is this. Are you my wife in disguise?
  10. Grrrrr!! Nah, just trying to point out the realities of life/business to artistes. Seem to spend most of my bloody life doing that. ME: "No, you can't have that, it wasn't on your spec and we don't have the equipment to do it, if you'd told us in advance we could have maybe got it for you" ARTISTE: *sulks*
  11. Ah, a PRIVATE message. Anyways, the point is, the promoter doesn't think you are suitable for the gig. End of. I used to book bands and the one thing that really got on my tits was bands demanding to know exactly WHY they weren't getting a particular gig.Why? Because it's my decision and my continued success/mediocrity in my job relies on me making judgement calls. They may not be logical judgement calls but they're mine. Accept it, move on, prove TGOF wrong by having 300 punters gagging for it at your first gig in town, then come here and gloat. Sorry TGOF, this seems to have got out of hand. I should have left the PR part of what's left of your brain handle them in typical Fudge fashion.
  12. African or European gazelle? Oh, hang on, that doesn't work.
  13. It's all about bums on seats, as was explained in the succinct but depressingly accurate treatise on the financial aspects of gigging from a promoters point of view. To put it mathematically: You live out of town=most of your friends live out of town=hardly anyone at the gig. You live in town=most of your friends live in town=maybe, just maybe, enough of them will come through the door to pay the bills. Anyway, as I said, there are enough venues and promoters in Aberdeen so it shouldn't be difficult to get a gig. (btw, he didn't ask the question "where are you from? personally I think he looked at your myspace, saw you were from out of town and only had 21 "friends" and decided there was too much risk of none of the aforementioned bums being on seats anywhere in the vicinity of the gig)
  14. Common sense tells me that they are unlikely to get 100% funding for anything so will be required to make a profit from their commercial activities to make up the shortfall in any arts/community projects and their funding will quite possibly be dependent on them making that money. That sort puts them in a worse situation than the barfly cos they could break even and not worry(too much) whereas the LT might have to make a profit competing in the same market. Although, like you, I'm just speculating with no access to facts.
  15. So what you're saying is: you don't know if there is any funding and even if you did, you don't know what the funding might be for therefore it's pure speculation on your part as to whether the Barfly is facing unfair competition.
  16. I think the point TGOF is trying to make is this: if you have a following who live in the city, regardless of where the band lives/rehearses, then that's good enough for fudge. Anyway, there's plenty more gigs to be had to help bands build a following in the city so no stress.
  17. Several points Cloud, dunno if you have the answers to them at your pedantic little fingertips but here goes: 1) Is the new Lemon Tree receiving funding? 2) Are there any caveats attached to any funding, such as restricting usage of funds to theatre or suchlike? 3) Last time I checked, Aberdeen City was not a state so any funding from them wouldn't come under the legislation quoted above. 4) Any state funding would come from the arts council wouldn't it, I'm sure moshulu are perfectly within their rights to apply for grants from them as well. While I'm here: I think people are being a bit quick to jump on the programming, most bands of the size that could sell-out the LT have their tours booked months in advance so even if they started sourcing acts in April you wouldn't really see the benefits of it until at least October. I'd give them until next spring before gathering the frenzied mob complete with burning torches and pitchforks myself cos jan and feb are a bit quiet tourwise. That's my 2p's worth on the subject.
  18. Sorted that last post for you Badger.
  19. I think you're in the minority there. And all those programs you hate, those are normally people who sell homes for a living giving the advice (or used to anyway, before they got their TV contracts) so maybe their advice is at least worth considering. Anyway, "rental friendly" colours are a lot easier to paint over and make rooms look bigger.
  20. What Bigsby said. Bear in mind that we're not deconstructing your lifestyle but merely trying to help you present the flat in a way which will maximise the amount of people interested. You are trying to sell the flat and not your lifestyle and people prefer the "blank-canvas" look because it's easier to imagine their personal belongings being in the flat if your stuff isn't. Good luck anyway, I hope you don't come back to all this advice in 3 months time and go "maybe they have a point". EDIT: Damn you Hog.
  21. How you record guitar is very much down to your needs and how much noise you can make. For work which is purely intended for your own use then there's no reason to go to the great lengths, potential neighbour annoyance and cost required to get an amazing guitar sound, record it, stick on some amp and cab modelling, fiddle with it, that's it. If you need higher quality,can make some noise and can afford the mics then read up on dual miking, it's easy to completely fuck it up doing it this way if you don't know what you're doing so do a good bit of research first, and remember, not everyone on the internet knows what they're talking about so don't believe the first article you read.
  22. Only trying to help, and if one person picks up on it how many others will? I really do think small details like that are worth bothering about in the current market. The only other advice I can give you is maybe to change the wall colour in the bedroom to something more neutral if you're not getting many views after a few weeks. I'm currently redecorating my entire flat with a view to leasing it and everyone tells me that neutral is the only way to go for selling/leasing. For the price of a pot of paint and a few hours work...
  23. That's not squint?? All that quilt says to me is "there is so little space in this room that even making the bed properly is difficult". Oops, pics a bit small. You can see where I've highlighted it though.
  24. I've got to agree with offramp here, the bedroom does look like there just isn't enough storage (and the squint quilt doesn't help either) and the living room could do with a bit of a clear-out as well. We're now in a buyers market so little things like wondering whether it has enough storage will probably be enough to put off some potential viewers since there's probably a good few other places available in their price bracket
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