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Everything posted by soundian

  1. That's cleared that up then, I will continue to enjoy their cheap prices safe in the knowledge (for the moment) that they are competent enough for my needs. I suppose when you're eyes start to go downhill varies quite a bit but from a bit of googling I know that glaucoma is a concern after 40 (unless you're in a high risk group). The eyes can also be an early indicator of diabetes so that will be a factor as well. Looking at what specsavers say they do in eye tests and what independent people say eye tests should consist of I don't see any difference. There are "special" tests which should be done if there are medical reasons or your job/hobby has high demands of your eyesight, maybe specsavers skip those ones for non-medical reasons which is maybe why you think they weren't rigorous enough. Maybe not.
  2. They way you were talking it sounded as if you thought they were incompetent to the point where it was dangerous but now it seems they're not quite rigorous enough for you. There could be reasons for your recent test being more rigorous, maybe you passed the age threshold where they start to test for more diseases for example. I understand that your eyesight is vitally important in your job and that you'd be a fool not to go for the best but that doesn't give you a licence to throw around highly emotive words like "blind" when describing a company's practices without any evidence to back it up.
  3. I think you'll find that it's the same pretty much everywhere, people in general prefer to hear songs they know.
  4. That wasn't a typo, it was bad grammar. I'll have that back, thank you.
  5. Yeah, it's that Malkie. I didn't know Sirius used to play Radiohead and Cornershop covers, *sniggers*. Last I heard he was playing with Double Jack.
  6. For me, no. I have never learned how to drive so legally it's not necessary. I don't have a job where good eyesight is required so financially it's not necessary. Due to the fact that I'm only slightly short-sighted I can function perfectly well without bins and did so for over 15 years.
  7. Shush! Keep it quiet or they'll all want to come. TRANSLATION: Yes, financial embarrassment has forced me to accept Snafu's gracious offer to "pimp the ride" of the Blacktooth Lounge. Get it while it's tepid
  8. " Onehourblindsaversspecfuckers." Why do you call them that?
  9. On average you don't get the full cost back as far as I'm led to believe by surveyors, estate agents and those home improvement programmes on TV. CH and DG are the best I think, it may be as much as 80% actually. You are, at the end of the day, selling a second hand heating system with your flat so this might be why. It will increase your chances of selling it but you should maybe take some advice from the pros on whether it's worth it once you have a good idea of the cost. Maybe you should look a bit closer at those figures, the average house price may have increased 2% in the first quarter this year but that was after two substantial decreases and it's still significantly lower than the second Q of last year, about 5% judging by the graph.
  10. Surely you should be glad that "even the Globe is packed with folk to see a below average covers band" since that's why you get paid enough to make a living off it. Anyway, I think I'll have to let you off the hook on that one since your heart appears to be in the right place.
  11. Bear in mind that you'll only get maybe 60% of the cost back when you sell and the market's levelling out/dropping at the moment so you stand to make nothing back if it drops far enough by the time you sell. It probably will make it easier to sell though. I've been in those flats, surely a freshly boiled kettle near the front door would suffice for central heating?
  12. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/networking/50194-abdc-need-new-promoter.html
  13. So what, in your opinion, is the difference between a cover band and a tribute band?
  14. Since my eyes aren't going to get any worse (except through ageing) why should I pay through the nose for something to perch on top which is nothing more than a convenience for me, not a necessity.
  15. Not strictly true. There is such a thing as "dry drowning". Basically the larynx goes into spasm when water tries to enter the lungs, sometimes this doesn't relax until after death so the victim's have no (or very little) water in their lungs.
  16. Yup, Paul made me a couple of cups one afternoon.
  17. I think it was the same batch I tasted. Good deal but still not cheap.
  18. I assume that's why the base is wider, to try and minimise the sludge in your cup. Excellent, that's one birthday present idea for my coffee-addict better half.
  19. I have. Not worth the cost imo but interesting nevertheless.
  20. I've never tried Turkish style coffee before. How is it? I also have one of these Neapolitan flip coffee pot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which I haven't used yet. Apparently the trick is to put a small cone of paper in the spout while the coffee is dripping through.
  21. Heh, I like how the picture shows the main drawback to this type of machine, melty handle syndrome. Nevertheless they produce the best tasting coffee imo. I'm told that you should never wash these machines either, just rinse them in water.
  22. What Stripey posted isn't a percolator either, you can tell by the safety valve in the base.
  23. But "This was a very small study and bigger randomised controlled trials are needed before we know for sure..." And since they only used 47 people in total...
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