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Frosty Jack

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Everything posted by Frosty Jack

  1. They need 48 hrs notice. Whatever that is in days.
  2. And they say Aberdeen bands don't get enough exposure...
  3. Fuxake Stripers, how do you do it? I am always amazed at your ability to turn a reasonable exchange of ideas into WWIII. You just will not accept any other point of view than your own, will you? Because someone wants to do something differently from you does not mean they are wrong. It's a big old old world out there, and you are just as insignificant in it as everyone else. You really don't know how little you know. Get over yourself, and try and allow people to do what they want. You have no right to take the piss, so stop it.
  4. Highly recommended evening's entertainment. Nice atmosphere. It's getting pretty diverse lately, and the talent* on show is v. impressive. Wear a pink carnation and I'll buy you a pint...** * musical, tsk... **directed to Mr Bassist, not the barstaff...
  5. radiohead, bluegrass style... www.hardnphirm.com/music/Rodeohead.mp3
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/3796085.stm *turns glass over*
  7. Man. where were you tonight, Sutyansuvaranamsumanaranamnam? I had a copy of cooledit pro ready for you but you never appeared. It should do you nicely. See you in Drakes on Thursday/Friday?
  8. Click on anyone's name (above their avatar) and select 'View Public Profile'. It's in there. *removes 'Neil' costume*
  9. If so, does this mean we are not allowed to do anything else, unless it leads to procreation? Do we have to sit still in a cave, eating raw meat and grains until a fertile female comes along? Stop using the barest minimum example to justify your views on issues which are infinitely more complex. Go back and think about what you're actually objecting to, as I'm not sure anyone knows any more,including yourself. If you're saying homosexuality must be wrong, because it does nothing to further the species, then stop eating chocolate, stop playing football, stop listening to musiczzzzzzzz Really, forget what you think you know, think about it again, and tell me why I mustn't be allowed to walk through Duthie Park holding another man's hand.
  10. Ooh, man... Perfect timing... Birthday weekend, and a mate's headwetting that night descending on Drakes, there's an excellent chance of me being utterly trolleyed for this. Should fit in nicely. Can't wait...
  11. Yes' date=' promotion of tolerance, surely? Which you said is a good thing? I don't think it was meant to be a recruitment drive... Spending money to help reduce racial prejudice = good Spending money to help reduce sexual prejudice = bad? Any other prejudices we shouldn't be spending money on?
  12. *sigh* try looking here then... http://amp.mtv.com/onair/schedule/mtv/daily.jhtml
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