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Frosty Jack

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Everything posted by Frosty Jack

  1. It is worse than you could imagine. http://www.genesimmons.com/firestarter/firestarter.html
  2. Tom Waits. Closing Time. *sniff*
  3. Well, yeah, that's true, but you don't have to go to Stirling, it's only a pint... OK, I'll let you off with a half, how's that?
  4. 'I know I'm looking older but you should read between the lines The face that's in the mirror is a reflection of my times...'
  5. Yeah' date=' that's about my level, right enough... Sometimes I just can't resist, sorry. I swear I don't do it deliberately, there is no agenda, just a laugh. Do us a favour, and lend Ben some of your sense of humour will you? Either that or just give him these - Add Frosty Jack to Your Ignore List Add Jonny Lucifer to Your Ignore List There's a couple of pints waiting at Drakes for you both, anytime.
  6. ohmigod, what's going on? Quicksand? Radioactive bats? Ooh, has he got his lips stuck to his pickup? I knew no good would come of that nonsense... I'm beginning to panic now, please for the love of God SAVE MAXI! He still owes me a pint!
  7. What I wanted to express when I originally started this thread was just how ridiculous and parochial the Aberdeen local press can be. I never intended that armies of journos should be dispatched to review some Cults bedroom guitar hero and his mates torturing Soundian every night. If thats what anyone is actually saying to Aberdeen Journals, then youre right. But thats not what I was talking about. Surely it would be an advance for them to just occasionally feature an upcoming musical attraction of genuine public interest, rather than some bowling club night out, or even worse, some hobbyist covers band looking for a singer? I once as a favour organised some publicity for a small amateur dramatic production in the Arts Centre. One phone call later I had the biggest picture on the EE front page the next day. Yet something like GoNorth gets not a whisper. I just reckon they need to get a wider perspective. Obviously it's not a proper newspaper, but it could be just one more avenue for promotion. Nothing wrong with that, is there?
  8. Big article on Page 3 of today's P & J. Thank God they've finally got their fingers on the pulse of Aberdeen's vital and cutting edge music scene. Press and Journal Article reckon one of them works for Aberdeen Journals?
  9. The 'Amen break' is a total classic, along with the 'funky drummer' and a few others. But I love hearing them used, and developed, in different ways, I don't think there's a problem with that. You could say there are issues with copyright, and that these beats are being 'stolen', but the question is, should G.C. Coleman, Clyde Stubblefield or whoever be eternally rewarded for one drum pattern they came up with years ago? All music is recycled sound. It's an interesting point, whether the true merit of these breaks is in the sound created, or in the way the pattern is played. Why is it always these performances that are used? If it is the rhythmic structure of the break, then why not just create the same pattern on a drum machine? Or if it is the drum sound that matters, which would appear to be the case as it is usually 'cut up' to some extent at least, then maybe the sound engineer should be getting the credit...
  10. "As a 26-year-old DJ in Texas' date=' underage girls apparently queued outside his studio to offer him oral sex. One, Shirley Anne, became the first Mrs Peel at the age of 15 (Peel says she lied about her age) and later attempted suicide." [url']http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2092-652068,00.html
  11. Absolute nonsense. It was Sussex who won the County Championship that year. Gah...
  12. Sorry dear. Easy target for my lame attempts at humour. Think I'll retire. *hangs up comedy red nose*
  13. It's all good. I just thought you were being a bit unnecessarily rude, and as Electric Tibet is a super nice, quiet, and highly talented kinda guy I had to say something. Nothing wrong with a wee heated exchange now and then. Security were called in briefly, and they made me stay in the bedsit for a while, but I'm fine now.
  14. Exactly the point I was making, it wasn't a dig at you. And of course all my 'material' is derivative, much of it a poor imitation of you-know-where, but that is just my personal sense of humour, so it naturally influences what I post. And, you know, in the land of the blind etc... I do my best, feel free to ignore me, or alternatively, let me buy you a pint. I'd genuinely like that.
  15. Marker pens, actually. Used to have a problem, but I'm aff them now. *twitches* I was fairly heavily medicated, right enough. You could have dropped a tray of cutlery and I would have danced to it.* Interesting experiment. I had perfect pitch for a good while, I could tell what key a piece of music was in by ear. Shame it gradually faded away though. *ooh, another anecdote... I once witnessed a guy outside a club in Brixton, utterly pilled off his napper, dancing to his own keys rattling in his hand. The more he danced the more they rattled, the more he etc. Very funny to watch. Perpetual fuckwittery.
  16. 'Steps' tribute band? *crosses fingers*
  17. I remember one band I was in, when the lead accordionist (don't ask) told me about a box player he once saw who had punctured a hole in his bellows, and put a lit candle underneath it. The column of hot air created a single note drone, which he played over. Sounds a tad unlikely, even to me, but he swears it's true. In equally earthshattering news, I once conducted an experiment into perfect/relative pitch. This consisted of me taping down the note G on my own VL-Tone, and wearing headphones for three hours. For several days afterwards I could sing a perfect G on command. Sorry,carry on...
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