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Everything posted by David

  1. a guy on another forum i visit plays the chapman stick, and sounds awesome they can do everything from jazz to heavy metal, and sound excellent rather expensive as a toy though, but very cool if you wanted to get into playing them properly, coming from a guitar point of view it would be quite a challenge getting both hands independantly doing different rhythms, i guess simpler if you come from a piano background too David
  2. what pedals are they? (not that i am after a guitar, but pedals... maybe ) David
  3. holy shit all i need to do is find somewhere to get hold of it now... David
  4. the darkness will probably split up sometime this year but only so they can go on a massive reunion tour three weeks later David
  5. i have been listening to virgin rock lately when i have been stuck musicless at a computer, some decent classic rock songs... David
  6. the spongebob movie is fucking brilliant it has pirates and david hasselhof in it, how cant it be mighty? David
  7. i got in with kat (hellow_monday) and it was a most excellent show, steriogram still seemed to put on a decent show even though half of them were ill i quite liked how the naked apes doubled up on all the vocals, that sounded most cool stayover reminded me a lot of the earlier bliink 182 stuff (which imho isnt a bad thing) and cheers to tim (guitarist in steriogram) for being a very cool guy David
  8. this news is even more disturbing than when they renamed opal fruits starburst my arse! David
  9. i like the start of the black label socitety dvd, the stage is all dark and they have some police sirens going off and the flashing lights on top of the amps, then zakk appears shredding away like usuall (and paul, if you read this, i want my dvd back) i quite like the really sudden starts to, the songs that dont really have any intro, they just launch into the middle of the song (though i cant name any bands i remember doing this) David
  10. i havent heard and differences in tone between mini and normal pots i have head that they are generally worse quality though, compared to the larger sized pots, and following on from that, there is a difference in sound between cheap crappy pots and wiring and decent stuff... i am going round in circles so yes, there may be a difference in sound between normal and mini pots David
  11. resoldering an input jack is easy, not too sure what the 'pulled a chunk of wood out' bit will be like though... David
  12. on to ebay for tickets i guess then... David
  13. there are a narrower set of tele saddles listed on the graphtech site, the ones you have are the PS-8000-F0 and there are another set listed below them on the page called PS-8100-N0 narrow tele which might fit they are bit bit narrower, and slightly different in the other dimensions, but only .1ish of a millimeter, ie nothign that should matter much (as the height and length can be changed by the user, and the difference are tiny) David
  14. hhgttg first, get your prioritys right. (so you can then loan me that too, as well as spaced) David
  15. woo, more dvds for me to watch i just finished watching black books i got from kieran, what a classy show David
  16. what, you're high on drugs? (which possibly may help you become a leaf ) David
  17. its a tele, the blue one jeid used to own (theres a picture in my gallery) i measured the saddles and they are about 10mm, so yours would be too wide for the bridge... i need new saddles too... when i first got the guitar one was sharp and had to be sanded down a bit, and i just had to resand one again after the string started ringing out strangely on it origonally the intention was to put the old bridge back on the guitar, but the routing for the humbucker is wider than the old bridge in total i wish i knew about that before i bought the guitar... the guitar kicks ass apart fomr that though i am trying to find out what bridge it is exactly David
  18. David


    is it an epiphone by any chance? (crappy switch, plus refering to it as 'treble' and 'rhythm' = epiphone) open up the plate behind the switch, on the switch there is the 'rocker' part that moves when you flick the switch and two contacts it will touch when in th erelevant position, all you should need to do is bend back the treble contact a little, as with use it will have moved slightly and wont connect with the rock properly, bending it back where it should be should fix the problem epi switches are quite well known for going crappy, and that is only a temporary fix as the problem will reoccur after a while, so the best fix would be to replace the switch with something of a higher quality i think prosound have switchcraft switches in (under the gibson name) which should do you fine, its an easy job to replaqce the switch if you can solder David
  19. try contacting your phone company, i think that sometimes they can trace the number for you David
  20. all i know is that with the old vcr i had at home, if you tried playing a lp tape in it, both the audio and video would be speeded up (so the audio was at a higher pitch) David
  21. that looks excellent, the only bit i dont like is the shape of the pickguard as for a tech, neil is the only person i can think of, or rnb. the wiring would be easy enough to do, you could probably do that yourself fairly easily (i remember you speaking about making pedals before) the drilling for the tuners i wouldnt want to do myself, and getting a tech to give it the once over and finish the frets and everything is a good idea. gold in the picture looks cool, in a vintagey honey blonde/lp goltop style, good choice. how much has it cost you for everything? i was contemplating building up a custom strat using warmoth bits, but i wasnt sure how much it would cost (especially after customs) David
  22. damn on a guitar forum i frequent, the word kramer is caught by the swear filter David
  23. i would have taken them off you but i dont think they will fit the bridge i have either... David
  24. they do it because the americans are backwards, they drive on the wrong side of the road too... dates seem to wor the way they are, you get the (generally) most useful bit first, as most people tend to know the month and year, but not always the date, so you read in order of usefulness. this dosent work with time though, as the hours as needed just as often as the minutes, if you have been sitting doing something for a long time, the hours will be of more use then minutes, or if you are boiling an egg the minutes would be more important, there is no obvious way... your way works best for catalouging stuff though (via computers) the same way as if you number tracks on a cd you often have to number them 01... instead of 1... so the computer picks up 3 comes before 10 (if you just used the digits 3 and 10, the 10 comes first, since the first number is 1) David
  25. thats an old one... eveyone knows patrick moore is cooler anyway... David
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