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Everything posted by Chris

  1. so what fucking use are you in this thread then?
  2. as usual, snopes is a beacon of truth and enlightenment in an internet full of shite: http://www.snopes.com/humor/letters/mcdonald.htm
  3. wow. heavy night, wish I was there last night.
  4. Bastard. I went along to see it at UGC last night and after watiing for ten minutes was told it had sold out. Arse.
  5. I'm absolutely gutted about this. Gonna crank up Cemetery Gates later on, it seems fitting somehow. Had 101% proof on in the car on the way home, it just makes it seem even more tragic. Best. Riffs. Ever. The damageplan site just has a picture of Dimebag up and nothing else right now. This is the strangest feeling, having someone I would call a hero of mine die so suddenly. I'll raise a glass in his memory tonight.
  6. pah. 60. I'm well annoyed I got the first question wrong.
  7. dedalus without a doubt. and yes I may be biased but they still have the best sounding EP this year.
  8. I was going to watch neighbours tonight, bu I decided not to as I haven't watched it for about a year. wish I had now.
  9. last night the doormen at exodus only let me in after a long discussion about how drunk I was and after they told my friends to keep an eye on me. At the time I thought this was very unfair and they were taking the piss. With hindsight (and a fucking terrible hangover) they may have been right.
  10. Chris

    Hot Girl.

    this thread now reminds me I haven't played battlefront (killed some ewoks) lately.
  11. I just realised I've missed out two of the most positive things I've done this year. I started training in Hung Ga Kung Fu during the summer after a few years away from martial arts (and any kind of fitness regime whatsoever) and I quit smoking. Well I say quit, I've had a few lapses lately while drunk but I havne't had a sober cigarette since April. Healthwise I feel better than I have done for years, just wish this gut would go away!
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4059743.stm
  13. yes, but the one practice we have had so far doesn't really count as doing anything. Once the other members stop poncing about, releasing Albums and EPs with their other bands then something might happen.
  14. Got my first full time job after finishing uni. Moved into a new flat and out of the hole I was in (nice flat, shit flatmates) Got a new car Went to Alton Towers (in new car) Had some fucking ace alcohol fueled weekends with friends old and new On the downside: I'm still single and have done nothing musically all year.
  15. If the management are saying that they don't have the dress policy mentioned in this thread, then perhaps the management should have a not so quiet word with the enthusiastic bouncers who are enforcing this imaginary policy.
  16. Anyone seen this programme on BBC 3? Just downloaded the whole series and it seems pretty cool. Premise appears to be a brummy Martial Arts instructor travels the world to find out the secrets of the various arts in countries like China, Japan, Philipines etc. At the same time he does practical demos of the techniques in building sites around the UK (that's what I got from the first episode anyway).
  17. How anyone can say Under Siege is the worst film ever I dunno. I mean come on, there's so many worse Seigal films! And none of them have Erika Eliniak in them! Reign of Fire gets my vote just for being a fraction as cool as it should have been. How it managed to fuck up dragons in the modern day I'll never know.
  18. well the back box section of my exhaust actually snapped off at lunchtime today (speed bumps, pfft) but now I have a nice shiny new one.
  19. Bad Boys 2 not withstanding, a small boat won't really do much good on the open road.
  20. My car exhaust has suddenly became rather noisy and it's going to cost me 80 quid for a new one (well for a new rear section of the exhaust). bugger. And my road tax is due. Fucking cars. I should've stuck to walking.
  21. almost as bad as the guy who was so annoyed by a cockeral waking him up, that he ran outside with a knife (before getting dressed) grabbed it by the neck, swung and cut off his dick.
  22. unfortunately I'm on call or I'd have loved to go to this. was a bit annoyed when I saw the poster last night.
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