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Winning the Lottery.


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I often put myself into a pit of deep depression due to me getting excited about buying stuff I don't have money for. Now it's you're turn, if you'd like.

What would you do if that 2 Euro millions ticket turned into 50 million rollover jackpot?

I'll see what some folk would do and get some ideas before I post what I'd do I think...


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I'm sad. I've thought long and hard about this. I'd design and build a house with 3 bedrooms, a library, 2 offices, the kitchen/dining/living rooms etc and attic would hold a gym. downstairs in the basement I would build a studio and properly kit it out.

I'd buy presents for all my nearest and dearest.

I'd buy all the music/games/movies I ever wanted. Give away about a quarter to charity/local bands/local busineses etc.

In my year off I'd also start a few bands, as I'd have more time to do music and I'd just buy gifts.

I'd put the remainder into ISAs. I could go into more details but you get the drift. Massive hoose. Normal cars, nothing flashy, presents holidays and collections. Charity.

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Buy a big house and a sports car (stock answer).

Buy a house in Geneva.

Build a state-of-the-art recording studio and start my own label.

Buy a 3rd division football team and make them into the next Gretna (pre-bankrupcy).

Share with family.

Complain that "money doesn't buy you happiness".

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A nice house in the country with a recording studio, swimming pool etc is a must, maybe even a couple of golf holes in the back garden.

Give some away to friends / family / charity.

Buy a holiday home in the sun.

Go travelling around the world.

Much the same as this (minus the golf holes). Rather than travelling the world in a oner I'd probably plan some month long breaks because I'm a home drawn sort of person.

I would seriously worry about my mental health. I think I need the routine of work to keep me sane but then I could see myself saying "fuck this, I don't need the money" if I was ever unhappy with what I was doing. I'd worry I'd be a depressed drug addled alcoholic after a year or two. Actually, I might just buy a golden gun and kill myself in the first week.

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I would seriously worry about my mental health. I think I need the routine of work to keep me sane but then I could see myself saying "fuck this, I don't need the money" if I was ever unhappy with what I was doing. I'd worry I'd be a depressed drug addled alcoholic after a year or two.

I agree with this. If I had enough money not to work, I could just see myself pottering about, probably having my first glass of wine whilst watching Countdown in my pants, then descending into a drunken haze. I would definitely need some sort of job to stop turning into a rich jakey.

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Actually I'd also buy land next to Crimond and build them a stock car track that isn't as fucking shit as

. It would be long enough that the cars could get past 40mph before having to slow down for the corners. It would have decent grandstands and toilets that aren't a hole in the ground. During the week I'd double it up as a public karting track. Yeah!


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I think the no-work routine thing would be easy to sort out. You'd have the capital to start your own company doing what you love, without having to worry about what sort of turnover it generates, but just for the love of it. Or you could be a volunteer at a cause you deem worthy.

Or you could just keep as busy as possible. Travel the world until there's nothing left to see. There's plenty of it!

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I'd be quite content to win enough to buy a great house outright so leaving no mortgage to worry about freeing up my normal cash for other stuff. However I'd quite like to own a shop. Can't decide what I'd like to sell exactly but a mix of music/film/comic book orientated stuff. So pretty much destined for failure and I'd be back to normal before you can say Michael Carroll. But at least my house would be paid for.

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I think the no-work routine thing would be easy to sort out. You'd have the capital to start your own company doing what you love, without having to worry about what sort of turnover it generates, but just for the love of it. Or you could be a volunteer at a cause you deem worthy.

Or you could just keep as busy as possible. Travel the world until there's nothing left to see. There's plenty of it!

That's what I would do. Do everything that I don't normally have time for. Produce more music, write a book, join a gazzillion bands.

like a boss.

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First thing - not collect the winnings for a while.

Second - refuse to do Camelot's publicity shit.

Third - Not buy anything silly, maybe a nice car but a second hand BMW or Audi, something not outwith the realms of possibility that wouldn't attract attention.

Fourth - Quietly set up a front company with a smart looking website to answer questions as to why I was able to buy a house in Rubislaw Den and a Ferrari

Fifth - snort coke off a high class courtesan's arse.

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If I won something huge like 50 million I'd definitely give a huge amount away. I can't even comprehend what the difference between 5 and 10 million would be, never mind why I would need 50.

I'd buy a flat here and a flat in Aberdeen. Pay off mortgages for family. Buy better versions of the stuff I already have. Buy loads of new clothes from Abercrombie and Hollister. Stop working. Travel and visit friends who live in different places.I can't really think of much else.

To replace work somewhat and give me a bit of a routine I'd probably start studying. I'd like to do a History degree and I'd do some course to improve my Spanish.

Of course this would be after the first month or so when I'd drink to much and take too much drugs.

There may be one joke in this post

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Definitely give a chunk to my parents/family and various charities. Get a decent place in Edinburgh and buy a house on the beach in Cannon Beach in Oregon for the holidays. I don't drive so not fussed about cars. Sometimes I have this dream where I'll win the lottery and buy a Regency era mansion in the English countryside. When people come visit I'll greet them at the entrance to the estate on my horse and tell them I'll 'ride ahead' and let my butler know they're coming so he can prepare their room and some tea. Basically, I'd either turn into a reclusive writer, or some eccentric nonce.

In addition to having all the time in the world to be able to focus on writing, I'd probably study subjects I'm interested in to maintain some sort of routine. Biology, Cultural History, Art History, stuff like that.

I don't know how much you'd need to set one up, but I'd love to start up some sort of bursary fund specifically for students applying to Creative Writing courses in Aberdeen. It's nearly impossible to get funding when there's not as much 'research' going into your thesis so it would be good to fund at least one person through their MLitt or PhD, even if it's just the course fees.

That's what I'd do.

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