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Guest idol_wild
And, strangely enough, it put me in mind of the stuff Jerry Goldsmith did for the original Planet of The Apes movie, particular those sort of atonal string sweeps that he used to such great effect.

I totally hear that too.

I thought it was okay. Not the type of thing I'd actively choose to listen to as I walk along the street with my earphones or anything, but it'd be good background music in a bar/club/gathering.

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Surely appreciating 'music simply for itself' is just some sort of under-developed aesthetic?

In a sense, that would indicate that is a sound has certain ill-defined melodic and rhythmic qualities, then we should appreciate it?

I'm not saying you can't appreciate it (I enjoyed Metal machine Music) but it would involve appreciating every single peice of music ever made, irrespective of quality, or more finely developed sense of aesthetics (ie. "I like this, it is good because....").

Just a thought.

I don't really understand you. All I know, is that I'm quite happy just sitting around listening to what I consider great music. It's hardly radical; the concept of art for its own sake is old.

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I don't really understand you. All I know, is that I'm quite happy just sitting around listening to what I consider great music. It's hardly radical; the concept of art for its own sake is old.

Old, yes, and some would argue a worthless indulgence. I'm not saying I don't enjoy just sitting round listen to music which I consider great myself.

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You're wrong. I think the analogy between figurative and abstract art is really appropriate here, some literal minded people just don't get it if it doesn't have recognisable shapes and colours, if you see what I mean, which you probably don't.

I don't know if I should dignify your lame attempt to patronise me with a response, but of course I see what you mean. It's not like I didn't get the sounds on question in your song, in fact quite the opposte, I found them predictable.

What I find interesting is that natural ambient sounds in the real physical day to day world are always impinging on us and we are always reacting emotionally and psychologically to this *spit in disgust* "soundscape". No, I don't think you should dance like a bellend to the sound of a cement mixer just because it sounds good, but I think the use of what you might see as "shapeless" or abstract sounds to intentionally create a context and elicit an emotional response in a piece of art is entirely legitemate.

I agree with you, I've never suggested anything to the contrary and abtract sounds are found in lots of pop music too but are less often the dominant feature of the music. It's a pretty conventional idea. On the listeners part, if you are talking about eliciting an emotional response, then I don't think it's a case of some people not getting because they lack imagination or any such thing, it's just the fact that the sound doesn't evoke any emotion or reaction in them. That's an entirely subjective thing, and the same thing can apply to conventional melody and rhythm.

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Guest Steven Dedalus
Fortunately very few have streamlined enough lives to consider these indulgences not worth partaking in. (see 11 million Corrie viewers.)

What I'm getting at is that sound, for sound's sake is all fine and dandy, but every single human being in the world has a finely developed sense of aesthetics which enables them to process sounds.

Put simply, I don't like metal, but under your original post, it would suggest that I should appreciate metal just because the notes have all been arranged and are played well.

The point I'm trying to make (albiet drunkenly) is that we've already developed our sense of aesthetics and know what we like and what we don't like, which is why I can listen to something like Stripey's tune and love the sounds he's used and silmutaneously someone else can hear it as just a load of rubbish because they don't like the way he's used sound.

Or, I could listen to the new MachineHead record (if indeed there is a new one, I don't know) and hate it for exactly the same reasons the biggest Machine Head fan in the world likes it.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Erm...I know I've made this no clearer, but it makes perfect sense to me right now.

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Or, I could listen to the new MachineHead record (if indeed there is a new one, I don't know) and hate it for exactly the same reasons the biggest Machine Head fan in the world likes it.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

That's not what I was getting at earlier in the thread when lasren b mentioned "shapeless sounds".

Some people just don't "get" some forms of music such as ambient in the way that some people just don't "get" abstract art and deride it as being shapeless or something a child could do. They are much happier with something more literal that tells them how to feel or understand it rather than anything which asks them to interpret it for themselves.

I'm not saying everyone should love jackson pollock either.

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But everyone should love Mondrian, if they know whats good for them, or maybe a spot of Miro. I'm not sure that abstract art is the best analogy for music, after all the rise in abstraction was the result of photography usurping the traditional representative role of painting, thus leaving loads of painters wondering what they were 'for', yet no such completely radical shift has ocurred in music, not even the democratisation of the means of production, vis-a-vis digital technology, although that has shifted the paradigm somewhat. I agree that some people seem to need a narrative in music, but reject that as being a bad thing in of itself. Anyway I've just downloaded the actual tune in question, so will check it out.

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Guest Steven Dedalus
cool I'm quite interested to hear your opinion pierre von mondragon.

thanks aswell to everyone who had a listen and posted a response its all appreciated.

Hey, I listened to it three times in a row, so thank you!

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Totally impressed that it was all made from scratch, but I don't really understand why, I thought most of these sounds would be easy to make on FruityLoops or something.

Enjoyment-wise it's ok, there's this one synthy sound doesn't really fit in for me, reminds me a bit too much of the sound that plays when you switch on your PS2. Actually I think the whole track has a sort of 'operating system' vibe. Cool.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What the shit is up with everyone? It's plinky plonk chk chk music, it's not rocket science. I feel like i've been raped by the preposterous nature of this thread.

I didn't even bother to listen to it, but i'm sure you're right min. Its either as you describe or "effette and depressing"......a tidy wee catch all phrase i picked up from uber lord stripey himself. ( spelling mistakes by me)

Stripey, leading the vanguard in Aberdeens plinky plonk chk chk scene!

somebody put that on a t-shirt.

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just to keep you all up to date, i downloaded strappys latest disabled techno, i converted it to wav and imported it into n-track. thing is i dont have my new 2k bluetooth speaker set hooked up yet, but even just looking at the peaks and troughs of the track - it looks shit. later on i might re-mix it with spazzy noises and special speech impediment plug ins.

night night.

student techno.

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