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Everything posted by colb

  1. Korn ARE the best band in the world. It's all about the massive dubstep drops man.....
  2. Yeah that would work. Sung vocals?
  3. Which song are you gonna interpret?
  4. There are some great cover bands around. But there's also a lot of tired bands playing 4 chords versions of tunes and that sucks. By all means play someone else's songs, just put your back into it.......
  5. At least classical musicians get the notes right. Nothing worse than a cover band destroying a tune because they can't be arsed/don't have the ability to learn the song.
  6. Yeah, I like how glitchy it makes everything when I get noisy. Clean it doesn't seem to make too much difference where it is in the chain to my ears.
  7. Shiny Pedals: Polytune Mini Digitech Compressor MXR Carbon Copy Paul Cochrane "Tim" Overdrive Boss Metalzone EHX Big Muff Ibanez PM7 Phaser Flashback X4 Delay Mooer Pitchshifter/Harmoniser/Chorus Whammy Boss Volume Pedal Earthquaker Devices Rainbow Machine Eventide Space Reverb
  8. colb

    TV Series!!

    Keep watching. Just finished season 5. It's almost as epic as the Sopranos
  9. Are your amps and pedals plugged into the same power strip?
  10. These guys will make you a pickguard for about £25 - if you send them yours and give them the exact dimensions for the pickup space you'll get what you want no problems..... http://www.auroraproject.co.uk/prices.htm
  11. There's an actual Yamaha tenori-on app isn't there?
  12. The virtual keyboard on my laptop was lagging too much so I bought a nanopad, it's ace. I also use an m-audio interface and run my guitars through amplitube or guitar rig. They're nice pieces of kit for cheap but I find them a little bit laggy - could just be that my laptop sucks.... I think most DAW's will let you run the drums the way blue mountain describes, reaper can do it automatically if you tell it to. Not sure I'd go to that trouble for demos but I think it would sound awesome for full productions! I've not done any recording for ages this way. These days I mostly use garageband or imaschine on my ipad for jotting down ideas, It's quicker and less fuss.
  13. I'd be all over this if I wasn't having a clear out (and wasn't poor) just now!
  14. I use EZ Drummer with reaper, it's not hard to set up but I had to get a nanopad to trigger beats as using the computer keyboard was too laggy.
  15. http://www.premierguitar.com/Video/20121120/2075/Rig_Rundown_Smashing_Pumpkins_Billy_Corgan.aspx
  16. Yeah it's about £400. Depending what it is you can always bin the packaging and if you get stopped say you took it out with you though. Easy to do if it's an ipad or a laptop - bit trickier if it's a pile of effects pedals....
  17. Yeah, my mrs bought an ipad mini and it worked out about thirty quid cheaper. Depends where you go in the states, some places have no sales tax. Just remember that if you spend too much the customs man wants a payment when you get back...
  18. VAT isn't the reason things are more expensive to buy in the UK. Import Tax is. Same in the US, unless you're buying something from an american based company it isn't really any cheaper to shop there.
  19. Unfortunately they do. And it's not shown on the price tag either. DC is 6% on top of most things. Some states are as much as 10% on top.
  20. Most of the DC shops had started their Black Friday events by Wednesday. Some of the big chains (Gap, Target, Footlocker etc.) were open on Thanksgiving. I got a new Redskins shirt for $20 down from $105. Those crazy Americans.....
  21. I'd certainly be willing to spend £550 if anyone's selling an original '54 strat.....
  22. Just watched Lincoln - it's very very good, proper Spielberg big event movie. No way Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't get an Oscar.
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