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Everything posted by colb

  1. colb


    I like the endless. Unsure about the other two.
  2. Your other option could be to use a resin based glue and try to fill the crack yourself? Get a c clamp to hold the crack together while the resin hardens. Use some cloth under the clamp so the neck doesn't damage.
  3. The only person up here that i can think of that might be able to fix it is Ian Taylor, there used to be a number for him on the wall at Toms. A luthier repair on a set neck is gonna be expensive though. Unless it's a USA Les Paul you might be better off with a new guitar.....
  4. It's easy enough to attach the speaker cables to a jack socket. + cable goes to the tip - cable goes to the ring Maplins can sell you the bits. To power it MXR do a pedal amp for about sixty quid I think. You could probably buy an actual amp off here for about that much though......
  5. I also have a couple of Dave guitars, third endorsement for him....
  6. R&B and ii are both fine for setups. If you tell them exactly what you want it'll come back done the way you want it. I imagine most of the problems come from people expecting techs to know how they like their guitar set up without actually telling them....
  7. Bluebell Audio in Dundee is a good place for help with older amps.
  8. That Selmer head's pretty sexy...
  9. That's exactly what Fender should do with the pawn shop range....ashtray and all!
  10. colb

    Amps for Sale

    Make an offer and find out....
  11. colb

    Amps for Sale

    Single speaker. Open to sensible offers......
  12. colb

    Amps for Sale

    The Vox is still for sale.
  13. colb

    Guitars for Sale

    Guitars all gone, pending collection.
  14. I thought they'd stopped making these?
  15. I use the Boss FV 500, nice and smooth. Big footprint though.
  16. The person that sent it out could probably be dismissed for bringing the company into disrepute. Most HR disciplinary procedures list that as grounds for immediate sacking. Unlikely to happen though, embarrassing for the couple but not really all that bad. Dude really needs to do some work on his sexytalk though....
  17. I've got the Eventide Space - it's awesome, infinite reverb......
  18. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=dNEQqZiPcXM&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DdNEQqZiPcXM
  19. colb


    That is awesome......
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