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Soda Jerk

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Everything posted by Soda Jerk

  1. I'm not into Star Wars either. First one I ever saw was actually Episode One. I liked the pod racing bits. They made awful noises. Then I watched the original 3 for the first time at Christmas, and realised the awful noises the pods made were nothing compared to the Tie Fighters. They sound like they've just stood on lego. I don't get it. Who are you siding with? Every character is just so unlikable that I ended up not caring what happens, I just wanted to see wicked light saber fights, and there's not even that much of that. None of them would be in my Sci Fi top 10. I'd even rather watch the shit Terminators (3 onwards) or that hilarious Robocop where he has a jetpack than any Star Wars.
  2. Got a new Harmonic Percolator I built a BYOC HP a few years back, the only one I've ever done, it was a horrible experience, and it recently packed in, probably due to my shitty soldering. I'm definitely not opening that thing up and troubleshooting it, nor do I want someone to fix it and judge how terrible it looks inside. So it goes in a drawer, and this takes its place.
  3. I suspect this would happen when any godawful band plays though. When I was in college, some of the band nights were brutal. There were some truly awful bands who got either sniggered at, or sarcastically rallied. There was one band in particular who had an example made of them by the owner of the bar just shutting off the power, but waited until they announced that it was their last song to do it for maximum devastation, then off went the amps. I wasn't at the Shutterspeed gig, but heard a lot about it. Sounded like any gig where a band is horrifically bad.
  4. The scene with the staged botched-erotic asphyxiation and the two gay henchmen had me howling. The bit where he throws the lamp at his back instead of hitting him with it made real tears appear. Then when he slaps his junk side to side in victory. Incredible. So much dick. Workaholics is great fun. It follows the schematic of modern US sitcoms pretty closely. A bit of a slow start, peaks in Season 2 and 3, then outstays its welcome and the last season or so is a massive drop off; which you can say for just about every sitcom in the last decade.
  5. Game Over, Man. Netflix film, starring the 3 main guys from Workaholics being pretty much the guys from Workaholics, but instead of office drones, they're hotel staff, and the hotel is being attacked by terrorists. If you like Workaholics, you like this. It's silly as fuck, violent as fuck, and for some reason you see a lot of dicks. More dicks than I was expecting to see.
  6. That thread about The End is great. What a mental thing to get uppity about. Then a mod steps in - remember those? - and pisses on the fun. Booourns.
  7. of everything. Guy liked to play devils advocate a lot.
  8. https://thestevenbarronproject.bandcamp.com/album/barron-lands Remember this monster hit record? "You're Married I'm Discreet" is still the jam.
  9. I don't think Loose Cannon had a thread, but seemed to be referenced in a few threads. It was a hashed together Ab-Mus joint screenplay, possibly starring Martin Lawrence in some early 90s undercover cop throwback. Danny Glover was usually mentioned, and Robert DoQui. Come to think of it, it might have actually been a little bit racist.
  10. Shutterspeed was a great time had by all. And the recurring reference to the ultimate gritty cop thriller Loose Cannon was a particular highlight.
  11. I certainly can't either, usually. I've heard a lot of chiptune stuff and it just sounds either gimmicky or awful. I don't know why Disasterpeace is different for me, but it doesn't seem as forced as most stuff I've heard. His body of work is very varied, the HLD soundtrack is much more droney and less midi-band, with lots of piano going on too. Guys got chops.
  12. Disasterpeace - Atebite and the Warrning Nations I don't normally dig chiptune as it all seems a bit too gimmicky, but Disasterpeace is great, and since the majority of his musical output is actual video game soundtracks, it comes across as more authentic. This isn't a video game OST but it's presented as one. It's basically math-rock, but with bitcrushed synths acting as the guitars. It's great. His soundtracks for FEZ and Hyper Light Drifter are both awesome too.
  13. Amazon, again. Great bunch etc Bought a lamp on Monday (I know, right? Life in the fast lane.) I'm a Prime customer, so it's same day dispatch, next day delivery. It didn't get dispatched Monday. Or Tuesday, or Wednesday... I got in touch each day, not even that bothered, just asking "hey, where's the lamp?". Each time they reply to me with enormous emails of a hundreds apologies, call my situation "harrowing" and each time they extend my Prime membership for 2 months and add £5 on my gift card balance. I'm up 6 months free Prime and £15 credit - plus an extra £5 that can only be used on items sold and fulfilled by Amazon, which is weird - so call it £20. I'm hoping by the end of the day I can make it a solid 8 months and £25. I hope they never send this lamp. It's on course to get me Prime for life and pay for Christmas.
  14. Dyer is pretty good in it, aside from some genuine LOL lines. But you're right, the guys in it are often a bit embarrassing. I liked hearing from the guys who have genuine remorse for what they did, but the older guys who still do it seem a bit unhinged. I'd recommend the North West episode. It focuses on Manchester and Liverpool as you'd expect, but the bit where he goes up to Burnley is very good. A really grim area, and he goes in to a pub filled with their firm, one of which is an older hooligan still on the go. Total piece of shit. It also goes in to the origins of the fashion too more than any other episode.
  15. The Real Football Factories, with Danny Dyer. Put it on for a laugh. Ended up watching the whole season in one sitting. Dyer is excellent in it. "Na then. We're off into this boozer 'ere to talk to some pwopa naughty geezers. 'Ave it" Lots of cut scenes of him wearing his big parka, doing a cockney walk through run down housing estates. He uses the word "tear up" at least 10 times per episode. Pwopa naughty telly.
  16. I actually didn't know Grohl's AIDS denying went that far back. And they link to Christine Maggiore's "compelling personal story" on their site in 2003, a fellow AIDS denier and "activist", who was HIV positive and died of AIDS-related pneumonia in 2008 She sounded like a major league piece of shit: Eliza died of the same illness as her mother in 2005. The fuck you doing, Grohl?
  17. TIL that HIV/AIDS denial is a thing, and that Dave Grohl is a HIV/AIDS denier. Or "truther" as they apparently like to be called. Is everyone who is even slightly famous just a total shithouse now? Even Dave 'nicest guy in rock n roll' Grohl?
  18. Igorrr are/is mental. When it's good, it's so good. When it's not, it's just totally stupid. Unfortunately it's only good in quite small doses. The glitchy heavy stuff is awesome, but I'm out when the polka and the flutes come in. It's like if Mike Patton and Buckethead had an argument about who could write the stupidest songs, and then compiled them together.
  19. Yeah, New Model is grand too. You got any more heavy synth stuff you'd recommend? I'm pretty late on the darkwave fad, and I've only really heard whatever Youtube lined up next, and even there it was quite hard to come across full albums rather than 3 hour long mixes. The more I listen to Astronoid, the more undecided I am on it. It sounds like a Jesu/Dragonforce collaboration, which matches my original description of hideous and totally great.
  20. Needed a Black Mirror antidote, so carried on with Brooklyn 99. I only got midway through Season 2 the first time, and then abandoned it for a long time. I did like it, but it got a bit samey and stopped grabbing me, despite all the cast being pretty great. I thought it got quite a bit better in Season 3, as they introduce more rolling plotlines, rather than the more individual episodes in the first two seasons. Gina and Holt are the greatest. Bill Hader wasn't in it long enough.
  21. Chaos Moon - Eschaton Memoire I haven't listened to anything new and unknown for a while, so this is great. Super heavy epic black metal. I'm mega picky about black metal, it's gotta be just right, and this is just right, as it's got all the riffs to cut up all the trem picks and blast beats. Astronoid - Air The most un-black metal sounding black metal. I can't decide if it's hideous or totally great. Someone in the Bandcamp comments called it 'Dream Thrash', and that's kind of apt, but it does have a lot of black going on, even if it is crazy melodic. I think I need to listen to it another 100 times to decide if it's incredible or horrible. Also been on a bit of a "Darkwave" kick, whatever the hell that is. These are pretty cool: Mega Drive - 198XAD GosT - Behemoth Perturbator - The Uncanny Valley Vulta - Sigils These all sound like they could have been made by the same person. Maybe they were. I don't really care. Synth pop that is trying to be heavy metal is alright with me.
  22. Watched a couple from season 2. Definitely no black-comedy. Whoever wrote that is sick and wrong. S2E2, 'White Bear' was pretty wild.
  23. I'm led to believe the Channel 4 ones are more black-comedy orientated from reading about them, but I've not seen them yet. Dived in at Season 4 and just finished both the Netflix seasons, working backwards. The acting from the kid who plays Kenny in 'Shut Up and Dance' in S3 is incredible. That episode is mental. Be like Zuck and tape over your webcam.
  24. I'm late to the Black Mirror party, but I'm totally on it now. Except it's no party at all. I watch 2 or 3 at a time and then I can't feel feelings anymore. So bleak.
  25. Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee I don't know why it's so compelling to watch, but it is. Rich people having rich people conversations. Jerry is a bit of a twat, and some of his guests who you might think are cool end up being a bit twatty too. But I keep watching it. The Obama one is ace. Jerry had to be less of a twat to the president, but he still managed to be one a little bit.
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