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Soda Jerk

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Everything posted by Soda Jerk

  1. Goon 2 I liked the first one, and I've got a lot of time for Jay Baruchel. This one is pretty awful. There's loads of funny bits, but the story is kind of annoying. Doug Glatt's new boss at the insurance firm needed a bigger part. Probably the best character. There's a bunch of outtakes of him too which are all great. TJ Miller's part was just a straight rip from Jason Bateman in Dodgeball, though it still got a few chuckles. Funny, but not good.
  2. Love the Rosenstock record. Everything he does is the bestest. The new record made me revisit Bomb The Music Industry over the weekend, who I've not listened to for a few years. He is the boy.
  3. I watched Star Wars, the first one (well, the 4th one, isn't it?) for the first time yesterday, after years of people not believing I've never seen Star Wars and the incessant "omg you just have to watch it". Do they get better? Because it did nothing for me, and I dig sci-fi. The best bit was laughing at the sound the Tie Fighters make, and the awful Obi Wan vs Darth Vader scene. The next one is the best one, isn't it?
  4. He's good at being better than Mkhitaryan and faster than Mata. He'll go back to being weak and useless in a few weeks. But if he keeps it up all season, he should definitely go to Russia in the Summer. Morata last night though. Might be the worst centre forward performance I've seen. Should have scored 5. Ozil was magic.
  5. Wolfenstein 2. I don't play many games so no idea how it compares to other FPS, but it's great fun. Spraying bullets at Nazis and Nazi robots is incredibly satisfying. Even better getting up close and putting an axe through their neck and a bullet through their face. Also playing NHL18. I haven't played one in about 4 years, but they must have phoned the last few in as it doesn't feel different to the last one I did play on the 360. Must've been 13. The commentary is annoyingly bad. Still nothing in the way of a story mode like FIFA and Madden have. 3 on 3 is great fun though. NBA Jam levels of fun. Glad I got it cheap, cos it's certainly not £40's worth of game here.
  6. Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2. A good few years too late. Great fun. The plot in 2 is a bit of a mishmash, and doesn't work as well, but its still fun, and they use Drax a lot better. Drax laughing at everything is just the best. Drax is just the best. Drax. I've never seen Kurt Russell play the role of a planet before. I don't think I will again. Drax needs a leading role movie, and have a significant role in every Marvel film from now on. And when Drax isn't on screen, everyone should be asking "Where's Drax?".
  7. Top 18 of '17: Propagandhi - Victory Lap Converge - The Dusk In Us Sheer Mag - Need to Feel Your Love Limp Wrist - Facades Unsane - Sterilize Glassjaw - Material Control Sect - No Cure for Death Capitalist Kids - Brand Damage Western Addiction - Tremulous Big|Brave - Ardor Dalek - Endangered Philosophies Municipal Waste - Slime & Punishment Less Art - Strangled Light Thoughts of Ionesco - Skar Cymbals Composite - Artemisia Godflesh - Post Self Power Trip - Nightmare Logic Football etc. - Corner Though I think I might bump Football etc off the list in place of Aye Nako - Silver Haze. Or just make it a Top 19.
  8. I'm envisaging it as some sort of formulaic hardcore band, with lyrics made up entirely of things that racist grans say. Racist Gran needs to have some crew neck long sleeved tees made up, like all the old hardcore bands had, with xBACKxINxMYxDAYx printed down one of the sleeves.
  9. Good Pop Punk is good. Here is two good 2017 Pop Punk records. Capitalist Kids - Brand Damage https://capitalistkids.bandcamp.com/album/brand-damage Their last album, At A Loss, is one of my favourite pop punk releases in a long time. Serious melodies. On first listen, this is just as good. Iron Chic - You Can't Stay Here https://ironchic.bandcamp.com/album/you-cant-stay-here Gruff and fuzzy. Love everything they've done, this included. Pumped to see the next year.
  10. I remember my Nan saying that when I was a kid. like, 25 years ago. My Nan's a bit racist, like most Nans. They were definitely just myths though, right? "Black board" was definitely used all through high school (do blackboards even exist anymore?) and my missus' niece is currently learning baa baa black sheep, in the 2017 state of Christian White oppression. You need to flush your time-travelling closet-racist colleague's head down the bog. I do love the annual War on Christmas rants though. Every year, like clockwork. Some prat I know was crying about how Christmas Crackers are only called "Crackers" now, because "THEY'RE BANNING CHRISTMAS!!". Nah fam. I've got a massive box of 50 crackers in the attic that I've had for a decade, because we only use a couple every year. They must be from about 2008, when I first moved to Aberdeen, they've moved to about 4 different houses now, and the extra space in the box we use for storing the tinsel. The box just says "Crackers" and that was nearly 10 years ago. Were they ever actually called Christmas Crackers? And who even gives a fuck? What have they even got to do with Christmas anyway? I'm going to need to have another squint at the nativity scene to see where it is exactly that the Baby Jesus and one of the shepherds pull on some cardboard banger with a mustache comb and a shit joke inside. If Christmas is being banned, they need to tell Bristol, because Bristol looks like it vomited Christmas everywhere. I've been to 3 Christmas markets in a week. The one in Cardiff had a stall where this old guy just bellowed "MIIIIIIIIIINCE PIIIIIIIIIES" in the most brazen of Welsh accents, repeatedly. He was wearing a Santa hat, so obviously didn't get the reminder about the nationwide Christmas ban. Off with his head!
  11. They possibly were better. I just wasn't interested in that stuff, of which there was loads of at the time. I even had a quick revisit to early Glassjaw stuff after hearing this new one, and I still don't like it, and still reminds me of all those bands. The new one is better. It sounds less like that particular scene, whilst still sounding like Glassjaw. You're right too, the bass sounds mighty. It all sounds mighty. Great record, gets better with each listen. It might even creep in to my Top 10 of the year, which would be an unprecedented first for a band I thought I didn't like. You heard the new SECT record? It's a total rager. I slept on the last album, for some reason. Didn't even realise it's the drummer from Fall Out Boy until I heard the new album. Ballou recorded it too (which is what sparked my interest, as he tends to only do things that I like) so you already know what it sounds like. It sounds like ALL THE DRUMS.
  12. new Glassjaw is surprisingly good. Surprising because I don't really like them. Their earlier stuff was the epitome of where "post hardcore" was in the early 00s. All that black haired emo bilge like Taking Back Sunday, Finch and Thursday. Yuck. New album sounds pretty cool though. Bit more mature, kind of has a Deftones thing going on.
  13. Them Aeropress contraptions, does it just make one cup? Every pic I see always seems to be just above one cup. Can you get a jumbo one that brews into a pot of some kind? Or can it make more than one cup itself? Tell me everything about how they work. Spare no detail. Diagrams and pie charts are also acceptable.
  14. PUNISHER. Spoiler: Everybody dies or gets gravely injured. Blood everywhere. Fuck loads of guns. Faces punched into a paste. Rinsed it all in 2 days, now I just want to fight everyone.
  15. Welcome To Leith. A doc about that famous Nazi, Craig Cobb, trying to take over a small town in North Dakota and turn it into some sort of white separatist utopia. Tries to go about it via legal and proper channels. Ends up just being an antagonistic piece of shit (Nazi in being not very nice person shocker!), walking around the town with his massive guns in plain sight, to let everyone know that he's an antagonistic piece of shit with a massive gun. Pretty much the only time gun ownership has made me feel like "Yeah, right on!" was when some of the surrounding (anti-Nazi) families are putting their own guns on the table and saying "We need these to protect our families. This is my nine, I got it for my birthday". You go, girl. Ice those nazis. Well made doc, bleak as fuck. Spoiler: No nazis get shot.
  16. Sunderland fan has a poo on his seat: http://www.sportbible.com/football/news-reactions-weird-a-sunderland-fan-has-gone-viral-after-taking-a-st-in-his-seat-20171203 Shit fans.
  17. the Less Art link is wrong. Here it is: https://lessart.bandcamp.com/album/strangled-light
  18. More 2017 bangers Friendship. Skullcrushing powerviolence from Japan. Totally brutal. https://friendshipsl.bandcamp.com/releases Less Art. Guys from Thrice, Curl Up & Die and Kowloon Walled City. Sounds like late 90's post-hardcore. Bleak stuff, yet totally rocking. https://friendshipsl.bandcamp.com/releases ONSIND. Acoustic ONSIND never did it for me that much. Full band ONSIND is pure joy. Really good record. Best thing they've done. https://onsind.bandcamp.com/album/we-wilt-we-bloom Jesus and his Judgemental Father. Power pop from Leeds. Super fun sounding songs about very much unfun things. https://specialistsubject.bandcamp.com/album/it-might-get-better
  19. I had no idea these had been released (or were even due to be released) this year until this morning when I saw them on a Best of 2017 list on fucking Instagram of all places. My finger is far away from the pulse when new music is released. These are both great and both better than their previous albums which I liked both of, but they were also a little tame compared to earlier stuff.
  20. Krispy Kreme is pretty much the only chain coffee I get these days. It's rather good. And you can get a doughnut whilst you're in there. Costa is the worst of the coffee chains IMO. I'd rather have McDonalds coffee than Costa, though tbf McDonald's coffee is surprisingly not shit. I don't buy much coffee when I'm out these days anyway. I'd like to have a fuck-coffee-chains policy, but every indie place I go to around here is always pretty shite. Whilst Starbucks and Nero are probably tax-dodging zero-hour shysters, the coffee is reasonable and the service is usually quick even when it's busy.
  21. No chance. It's like saying Frosties are the same as Corn Flakes with sugar. Very different. Not at all the same. Not a fan of adding sugar to cereal. The sugar just seems to sink to the bottom, and at the end you just have this sugar sludge in the milk. Ricicles make the milk sweet without the sugar gunge. And they're just better.
  22. Kelloggs axing Ricicles, spouting some guff about helping kids cut down their sugar intake. Get fucked. If parents want their kids to reduce their sugar, stop giving them Ricicles. I'm an adult, I get to decide how much sugar I get. Give me the Ricicles. Outraged. I think I need to have a Daily Mail article done about me, with a photo of me pointing angrily at a box of Ricicles, where I blame it on lefties and call it a cereal nanny state. Bloody Kelloggs, those commie snowflakes, and them remoaners and their war on sugar. Rabble rabble rabble. Fucking love Ricicles.
  23. I too watched Jim & Andy recently. Great film. Loved the bits with Jerry Lawler. Also watched Mudbound the other day. A pretty bleak affair about a young black man returning home to Mississippi after WW2. It's got Mike from Breaking Bad in it as a nasty old racist. It was good, but bleak and dreary. I gave that Sound City documentary a go too. Didn't realise it was a good few years old, as I'd only heard of it recently. Since Dave Grohl made it, I thought his talking head was going to be plastered all over it, as he is one to do, but he's not in it that much. Good doc though. I didn't know exactly what effect the digital age really had on the analogue recording industry, to the point that some of the biggest reel to reel tape manufacturers went bust. Crazy. Oh and a few weeks ago, I sat through Kingsman. Anyone ever seen that? Utter bobbins. I can't remember the last time I saw a film so bad that it made me cringe, until this. I think it pips the first Fast and Furious film as the worst film I've ever seen.
  24. Shit houses. I guess someones signature might have been the deal breaker. A bit short-sighted from ebay though, as that could have quite easily have been the couriers signature as he just lobbed it over a fence. There wasn't one for the one I claimed for, just a courier saying they'd left it in a 'safe place', which I didn't agree to (I'm certain you have consent to the safe place first, and if you do, then liability switches to you. If they leave it there without consent, they are still liable until you collect it). There's the possibility it was delivered to me and then stolen from my garden, but I'd doubt it, given that we have two bikes in our garden that are not locked up. I'm sure they'd swipe the bikes over a jiffy bag with perfume in it. I'd keep pushing it, if it were me. Post it on eBay's Facebook page. Bad PR on social media carries a lot of weight and companies often act quickly to resolve it - unless you're Easyjet, they don't give a shit.
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