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Everything posted by KimyReizeger

  1. I just think that the only product of this question is a moronic, circular non-debate. Still Game is allright, but the last series was garbage.
  2. They are over-rated because the practice of elevating people to super-human status on the basis of music is stupid and representative of our society's tendency to find meaning by clinging onto celebrities, sob-stories and the kind of rags-to-riches fame everyone believes they can emulate.
  3. the fact that music and image are inter-twined was precisely what I was referring to, merely (once again) making the point that image and all associated bollocks is no criteria on which to judge music, and the fact that pop is littered with this nonsense is testament to the impossibility of obtaining an objective, non-biased view-point and answering the initial question! Someone said this is a good topic for a thread. It's not; it's crap, its only use is to highlight our own inability to think without the chains of conventional bullshit wisdom.
  4. I actually think it's an impossible question, one that can never be answered through 100 or so 'they got me into music' type opinions. The concept of 'rated' is absurd as everyone perceives everything differently - there is no collective view point. No-one has a pure sense of music, all are in differeing degrees influenced by image and the tendency to 'use' music - to consolidate personality traits, to be accepted, to dance etc. So, as I said, in musical terms there is no doubt that they are over-rated, an 'over-rated-ness' that has developed, I feel, due to an over-inflated, irrelevant aspect of the band - image. Initially, the mind associates 'bands' with 'music', not image, so the fans of the image (in their millions) perceive themselves as fans of the music when in fact their subconscious is going through an identity crisis and couldn't give a toss about texture, technique, rhythm..... And Jimboo: Whatever way round, image pollutes any sense of true value, and because it's an image fostered, cultivated and massively publicised to make as much money as possible (at a time when America was on the tail end of a cocaine crisis and heroin-chic was all the rave) you simply can't believe whatcha read in the Goddamn papers!
  5. My view of Nirvana, is that the quality of the sound they produced, can in no way come close to the great esteem it is generally held in. I can't really see how anyone can argue against that, considering the mass of other, non-musical things that gave rise to Nirvana's popularity and seem to affect peoples' perception of 'the music', which is all we here care about....right?
  6. Some of the guitar bits sound ok, but are a bit muffled in places. Musically it just sounds like an bad reflection of your influences. I think that it's possible to write emotional songs without saying and sounding it so explicitly, and I think most people with taste are beyond being touched by over-used, typical chord progressions and lyrical cliches.
  7. The Kaiser Chiefs...are....so......bad.
  8. I've no idea; I'm not sure what the spectrum is.. It tries to hit the emotions, yet repeatedly conveys just the one: gushy, romantic self-importance.
  9. I disagree. I think it tries far too hard to be exactly the sort of thing people seeking emotional or enlightening journeys would enjoy. I find the whole thing really cringeworthy now; it's impossible to listen without thinking yourself pretty big and clever.
  10. Ah sawcutter, yes. Sorry. Onward:
  11. How does a cross destroy Jesus? I wish someone posted a screwdriver after my metal cutter.
  12. Herein lies the problem.. In my experience, anything under 200 first-hand is made for people who have never touched a guitar before - full stop - and don't appreciate what a guitar is required to do (i.e stay in tune). You'd probably be better off not trusting major, budget guitar manufacturers to deliver quality in the future: their profits rest on the naivety of the un-informed. It's a shame you've wasted 150 or so, but just be glad you didn't fall for the 'RG' range...
  13. Gio, the cheapest of the cheap, absolute rock-bottom model right? What did you expect? This thing is literally balsa wood glued together by a chimpanzee!
  14. Heh..Barry Nicholson did the exact same to me on Union Street the other day.
  15. I don't plan to earn money. Money is for capitalist pigs. University taught me that. Where's my Guardian?
  16. What's so bad about West Ham? I always had them down as cheeky, almost-lovable scamps..
  17. I'm getting that framed.
  18. Stop working and go full-time writing erotic short-stories.
  19. Hugely popular handheld video game machine developed in the nineties by forward-thinking Japanese company Nintendo, now bizarrely enjoying a stint as 'retro' icon for myspace-obsessives with dramatic photos, fashionable clothes and over-worked hair?
  20. Just finished Freakonomics, in which the economist Steven Levitt applies the tools of economic theory to unusual topics such as 'why do drug dealers still live with their mothers', and, 'what do sumo wrestlers and teachers have in common'. It's all about analysing data and considering peoples' incentive to act in certain ways, to understand situations and phenomena and not resort to conventional wisdom and commonly held beliefs that are often wrong.
  21. ..all I wanted was some further insight into all the 'problems' the 'agricultural community' is having 'these days'?
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