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Everything posted by KimyReizeger

  1. Sounds about as relevant as David Beckham's crowning as 'Britains most powerful man under 40'. Boho is a non-event, and we may aswell admit the Arches a different league altogether. Snafu is way over-priced for what you get, which is a twenty minute wait at the bar and a battering of Daft Punk and New Order.
  2. Actually, coming to think of it, Stalin mentioned it once.
  3. I'd sell u a little Marshall for twenty five nicker.
  4. Hardly original, but some of the bits are clever. Must've taken a while to set up..
  5. Impressing posh birds at a dinner party or something?
  6. Granted the majority of people use the term 'classical' as encompassing anything that doesn't involve a drum kit, as opposed to referring to a specific musical period...for want of a better word possibly.
  7. Jeez, fancy keeping it simple and merely referring to the actual music for once? Besides, the Warp back catalogue is hardly top-secret.
  8. Get a bunch of ideas together that will probably represent about 4 bars of the song, when I feel ready hit record and fire a loose structure, then spend the next week adding intro, outtro, breaks, crescendos...probably the point at which the real song comes into existence; always end up diverging from the initial idea. Recently I've gotten much more patient, more willing to ditch things that don't work and re-do large sections. I don't really create in any hyper specific style, so I guess my music follows fairly generic patterns of western music (4 beats, 16 bars, kick / snare). I don't purposefully set out to be 'wacky', but I also get bored quickly..
  9. If all venues were consistent with one another, no-one would have the upper hand.
  10. I like the first chord progression. But he sounds like he's trying to be Mike Patton, and the pretend-geek thing at the beginning is lame.
  11. I wasn't expecting anything, having just stumbled across the gig by chance, and having never heard of him before. From what a few folk said before he played, I was led to believe I was in for some sort of treat. However, it turned out to be bored-ass, teenage basic-as-it-gets funk backing track / zappa tribute underneath a Donal Trump lookalike giving 'wacky' sax and cack-face strained vocals. I thought his wife was some nut off the street with a gin problem due to the way she kept girating through the crowd, grabbing and talking to people. However, it turned out that she was with the band, which made everything ok, cuz she's like, totally liberal 'n shit..probably smoked pot 'n shit..
  12. Tired, predictable, dated Dad-rock about half as 'quirky' as I'm sure it once seemed. Quite liked the support, Jynx, or Jynxes maybe.
  13. I really want that album, but haven't seen it cheap anywhere. The tunes on Dizzler are cool. Actually met him in Glasgow's Sub-Club about six months ago.
  14. Can that TV show be accessed? I never saw it; what exactly happened?
  15. Is it me, or was there a lot more activity on here a couple of years ago? It just seems utterly dead now.
  16. Yes - great performances all round. Of note Foster, Langers and Hart I would say. And of course the boy from Kemnay!
  17. Morcheeba - Be yourself. Main focus on the last twenty-something lines. http://www.lyricsdomain.com/13/morcheeba/be_yourself.html
  18. And this is ok with you, a music listener I presume? You wouldn't mind the thought that your favourite band are brain-storming this very moment about how best to get you to part cash? High fives all-round in the office!
  19. I've known a few mods in my time. In truth, most of them are just pedants, spakkers or (and in most cases) child molesters.
  20. I saw Marcia Blaine doing a live set at the Sub-Club in Glasgow a while ago. It was great, afterwards they spoke for a while about their set-up and what live operations they were performing (using Max MSP and Ableton I think). I'll definately go to this.
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