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Captain America

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Everything posted by Captain America

  1. Maxi you going to this? could be intersted
  2. I think theres another gig next friday there as well (19th?). With Late landing once again featuring on the bill (joy). Headlined by My Minds Weapon. It would be surprising if no one gets glassed at this one.
  3. Meet me in St louis - Variations of Swing Oceansize - Frames Mogwai - Happy Songs for happy people I'm enjoying Meet me in St Louis the most so far.
  4. Rory was shocking against the argies. He should have been off a lot earlier.
  5. CaptAmerica1987. evenings/some afternoons.
  6. I tend to say "Oh snap!" If i snipe someone... You'll enjoy it if we are on the same team...
  7. Thats what I thought as well. Surely you cut the supports sets? Not the band that everyone has payed good money to see..? o_O
  8. Oceansize were really good. Shame about the shortened set though. Just for the fecking clubnight!
  9. The corner shoppy on Bedford road has them. Yum.
  10. Aye. Im only playing it on legendary. Cant be bothered with normal. I would play heroic but i only really play it coop with mates, and heroic is too easy.
  11. Its mainly campaign stuff, like finishing on legendary and finding skulls etc.
  12. Wasn't really that impressed to be honest. Thought Emanuel were especially gash and the only semi decent thing was Fightstar being aright. But that may have been because I was pissed by that point.
  13. Yes you can do that. I've done it before.
  14. Indeed. I do enjoy the old death grenade... :L
  15. Da ken. You can still book one on ticketmaster tonight to pick up at the box office.
  16. Her chin looks as big as Bruce Campbells... but not as cool.
  17. I was on fire in the last game i played. Three double kills and a triple kill. Hells yes, team lost though... So even with my fine effort it was in vain.
  18. Could have an ab music game of multiplayer...
  19. This is also achievable in the home however. As my friend discovered. On my laptop.
  20. Yas. Hamilton at home. That should be easy enough. *touch wood*
  21. Oh well then. I didnt see the highlights of last night... I bet our goal was a spectacular 2 yard poke in! Anyone see it?
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