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Captain America

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Everything posted by Captain America

  1. You know you could have got 90 cash from gamestation for the console alone. Nevermind your games as well...
  2. Oops. I was joking... I dont think we have ever beasted anyone. Ever. Last game i went to was against falkirk in the league. But that was about a 3 weeks ago...
  3. Pretty gid so far. I finished the first chapter and it was cool. Multi is quite enjoyable. Although i had to mute a few dicks on my team... o_O
  4. Yas, United beasted falkirk 1 - 0 in the cup!!
  5. I have freeview built in to my tv and so far havent had any problems with channels...
  6. Are amazing. Bambi's dilemma is a great album.
  7. I got guitar hero 2 ages ago. Completed all the difficulties up to expert, which i stopped playing because i felt what made it a great game was that it was so fun. And i found that expert mode sapped the fun out of it a wee bit. Also you think it would be amazing to play with your mates when pished. Which it is, but its just sooo impossible to do well at it when sloshed. Nae that it stops me trying.
  8. Action Beat were ace and destructo swarmbots were good, but only became really good when most of Action Beat joined in. Also the drumming in action beat was especially enjoyable. Although less so today as my ears still have a faint ringing in them.
  9. I dont. But my brother does, "if they do a good job". So you're nae the only wierdo...
  10. Now i just cant get the image of Kerry King with a slanty fringe out of my head...
  11. Maybe its more of a "Hi, im Johnny Knoxville" thing..?
  12. Anyone else seen the new England shirt...
  13. Oh indeed. I also like the fact we're playing 2 orcs in the center of defence. As it should be. Could still do with a more prolific striker though...
  14. How could we lose to Gretna... It was all going so well this season. Oh well Celtic next week. Easy.
  15. I liked bioshock. But it wasnt long enough and i cant replay it. I've tried to sit and play it again and i just cant. The story is a bit too linear. Should of had some side quests or something so you could get a different experience the second time through.
  16. Looks like Mourinho took some of his back room staff with him... very strange. They must have left in protest?
  17. As long as we dont have another game like 'that' game in the six nations we should beat Italy. We looked reasonably good in our last game, whereas Italy looked distinctly average against Portugal last night. Game will be tense, but i predict a win for us.
  18. Got a nokia N95 recently. Good functions, camera is very good only problem is in a major lack of battery life! So if you cant charge it every day and a half. dont buy this nokia, buy a sony. There battery's are usually decent.
  19. Captain America

    Formula 1 07

    Aaaaaaah. I missed this race (first one i missed this year) and now i cant even see the crash on youtube. Because of COPYRIGHT!!!!!! Aaaargh, this is gay.
  20. Dont get a D900, mine was great for about 3 months. Then just stopped holding battery charge and the camera isnt all that. Even though its 3 megapixel. Get a Sony Ericcson i got a secon hand one and its already lasted longer than the Samsung.
  21. Christ. Just go to town, eh? How long is it really going to take!? o_O
  22. At least they have sex appeal... o_O
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