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Everything posted by Alphas

  1. Well after saying it's great watching the footer in the pub I realised I'll be out at my folks in Kingswells. Might get into town for the 2nd half in which case I'll most likely be in the Vic.
  2. It's on ITV. Still best watched in the confines of a pub though.
  3. After today I'd strongly recommend Sir Ian Wood. Surely an angry protester will have an impulse pot shot.
  4. That was the one I immediately thought of. The ball might have hit him on the back of the head if it hadn't gone in. It probably just pips the Strachan / McMaster dummy against Bayern. Only just.
  5. Looks a similar idea. Go to about 2.20 into the video to have a listen, not exactly crystal clear!! Probably to do with the type of mic as much though.
  6. Gouge or not, that is a looker of a guitar. I watched "It Might Get Loud" recently and Jack White was showing the Gretsch he had modified. He had a few things done such as a cutaway on the top to make it easier for him to play up the neck but he also had a retractable microphone fitted inside his guitar so he can sing even if he isn't near a stage mic. There was a clip of him soloing and then pulling this mic out the bottom of his guitar to sing.
  7. I think there may be a picture up near the front entrance giving a brief history of Ma's. It was a few years ago I noticed it so may not be there now.
  8. Alphas

    Pet Hates!

    Furthermore, the ones you find in airports. You get a fair wheech on those if you keep walking but folk stop on them and end up taking longer than if you walked past them.
  9. I'm supporting football. Or anyone who may win me money.
  10. When did Hart take a penalty? Remember that boy Chilavert who used to take penalties and direct free kicks for Paraguay? Mad as a box of frogs that boy.
  11. Sounds encouraging for Torres, Iniesta and Fabregas being fit for the finals. Got Spain in my work sweeper as well. Might be question marks over sharpness but having Torres and Iniesta ready to go back into the starting lineup will be a major boost for them.
  12. I've always felt Mackie is particularly suited to open games where he can run rather than get the ball at his feet. As has been mentioned, he is pish at football but will run his socks off all day and pester the hell out of defenders. Against teams who are organised in two banks of four through defence and midfield and not leaving much space behind the defenders he is pretty ineffective. I remember when we played Bayern Munich a couple of seasons ago he gave the Argentinian boy Demichelis a tough time just through his persistence. The next game I saw him after that was someone like Hamilton Accies and the big clogger he was up against that day never gave him a look of the ball. Go figure.
  13. Recent purchases include: Mansun - Six Jonsi - Go Gaslight Anthem - '59 Sound Gaslight Anthem - Sink or Swim
  14. Very pleasant. And pleasant in a good way as in it would make good music to chill out to, Dead on the Road in particular. I prefered DOTR but Matty's Blues had a nice Dylan feel to it. It might just be me but I'd like to hear the acoustic guitar a bit more in DOTR. I found the vocals overpowered it a bit and I thought it was quite an interesting guitar part that got a bit lost in the mix.
  15. Plus the fact he plays in defence with Titus Bramble. Wigan would let in less goals if they just stuck a couple of traffic cones in at centre half.
  16. There was talk of Killie going part time if they went down. I think they will seriously struggle next season so don't think it will be too long till they get relegated.
  17. So that's Falkirk relegated. Not a bad thing as Pressley is a cunt. Now for a summer of the World Cup!!
  18. Looks like it is the following: The Scandal Extracts - 9pm The Amorettes - 10pm Liars Dice - 11pm
  19. So how was this gig? Saw the setlist from the night before and looked like an excellent set.
  20. Fourthed. I have a ticket already but have been keen to check out Deportees. One stone, two birds etc etc.
  21. Got offered a ticket yesterday but can't manage to go. I'm ashamed of myself for knocking back a Pavement ticket. Hoping they play Glasto but even that seems unlikely now most of the line-up has been announced.
  22. I reckon Spain will win. Plus I drew them in the work sweeper so hoping they do me a favour. I did read that Xavi has torn a calf muscle mind you but they've a lot of quality in their midfield. For the outsiders, I reckon England have got as good a chance as they have had for a long time although there are sure to be a few metatarsals broken and half the defence have probably done a "Ribery" so scandal shall be just round the corner. I was thinking of sticking a bit of cash on Holland and/or Portugal as they are something like 18/1 to win. Not sure either will have it in them to win but might be worth a punt.
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