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Everything posted by Alphas

  1. That boy is a ridiculously good drummer. I remember playing a gig at the Lemon Tree with them a couple of years ago and you couldn't even see him behind his kit. All you could see was a flash of sticks followed by a noise akin to Animal from the muppets.
  2. Was Joe Cole injured? I thought he would have been a better option than bringing on SWP and a better option to start than Milner. Was impressed with USA though. They kept possession well and make the right passes. If they had a decent striker then they could be a damn good side.
  3. Yes! I watched the game in the pub tonight and they had the subtitles on for the post-match interviews. Apparently Gwen is going to be in goals for England for the next game.
  4. False. A few pints to watch the football was enough for tonight. TPBM can't understand why Rocky Balboa gets knocked on his arse in every film but still gets up to win.
  5. Oh dear, it wasn't even a squiggler. I was quite surprised Green got the nod before the game. I've no problem with England doing well but they always seem to play as individuals and never pull together as a team. Rooney seemed to be playing too deep (which I'm assuming was a tactical thing from Capello) and you could predict Heskey was going to miss the one on one. England will improve throughout the tournament but could struggle against one of the better sides on tonights performance.
  6. False. It should be Kevin Kilbane. The return of Zinedine Kilbane! TPBM thinks Michael Dawson owes Emile Heskey a pint and a cheeseburger.
  7. I'm going 2-0 Mexico and 2-1 Uruguay. France seem to be in a bit of a mess just now but as I've predicted against them they'll probably pull out a world class performance.
  8. I was thinking of Spain with Villa top scorer as well. With the group Spain have got I could see him getting a good few in those games. Was thinking of an e/w bet on Holland and/or Portugal. Good odds with Portugal but with the howler of a group and the strong possibility of Spain in the last 16 then it will be tricky for them to get too far. Hence the good odds I guess.
  9. I forgot about him! I used to occasionally see him around Rosemount/Berryden areas and the last time was probably just over a year ago when he was getting refused at the Rosemount bar. Looks like he had been up to mischief previously. Can't for the life of me think how the barman recognised him mind you.
  10. Alphas

    Pet Hates!

    A couple of years ago I was on the train coming back up from Edinburgh. I had hoped to god for a quiet journey as I had a stinker of a hangover but managed to get lumbered in the same carriage as a stagger who spent the whole time singing the horn section to Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. All the way to Dundee going DA DA DA DA DA DAAA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAA! They being a right bunch of pricks as well but got a way with it as there were so many of them and nobody (conductors included) wanted to get any bother. Thought I was getting some peace after they got off then a little girl smacked me in the face with a toy umbrella. Thanks for that. I was on my way back from Edinburgh yesterday as well but managed to get a lift to Perth first to avoid problems on the line. May have scored there by the sounds of it.
  11. Looks like Benitez is about to be shown the door. BBC Sport - Football - Liverpool offer severance deal to boss Rafael Benitez
  12. True. And a potential paedophile. TPBM has seen Teabags' cock.
  13. May be tempted by this, especially if BSP are supporting. Saw the Manics a couple of times a few years ago and they have a back catalogue worthy of a good show. I thought Send Away The Tigers was a pretty good album, bit dissappointed with the last one though.
  14. False. But I was painting my living room today and ran out of paint. Dang it! TPBM believes the Lighthouse Family should be compulsory for secondary education.
  15. Singer/guitarist and a bass player are looking to start a new indie/rock band. We have played in a band previously, some songs can be heard at www.myspace.com/staticinthecity. A set of songs have pretty much been written and some rough demos can be emailed on if anyone is interested in joining. We're looking for a drummer to get things off the ground and get a few practices. We're also interested in a lead guitar and also possibly keyboards. Influences include The Smiths, Radiohead, Doves, Blur, Interpol etc. If you are interested, please PM or reply to this message.
  16. Boyd definitely leaving according to teletext. Looks like Newcastle may get their man.
  17. Jeezo, you give your opinon and you get death threats!
  18. I reckon being known by DF would be a major help to get selected. Since the T Break showcases were wound up it is one less opportunity to give your band a chance to impress. I guess from DF's point of view they'll want to know a band can impress live rather than/as well as having a good recording. Makes it all the more impressive for bands like Be Like Pablo getting through though so they're certainly doing something right.
  19. I reckon Muse would do a good one. Best - Nobody Does It Better Worst - Whilst I can't exactly remember how it goes, the Madonna one got on my tits.
  20. Trust me, you need to watch the next episode. Some girl delivers a beezer of a right jab to the chin of the local tart. TV gold.
  21. I'd be interested to see how Boyd would get on in the Premiership. I think he would actually get on quite well. The obvious agruement against him is whether he would cope with the better quality of defenders but give him a ball and a yard of grass and he'll score goals.
  22. I'm off to Glastonbury this year and wasn't overly fussed about U2 pulling out and it meant a bit more anticipation about who may headline. I was hoping Radiohead, assumed Coldplay and got Gorillaz. I think they'll be quite good and will put on a decent show.
  23. You can blame this guy for bringing it into the mainstream, bloody well ruined everyone's fun. Dirty Den indeed.
  24. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago Had my first listen this morning and very impressed.
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