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Everything posted by Norseman

  1. After it was brought up in topic I thought I would watch Dog Soldiers and The Descent again last night, even better than I remember.
  2. Norseman

    Your current read?

    I like the display on it and it feels very well made. Mine is currently loaded up with scientific papers in pdf format as my missus has snaffled it for some studying over the next couple of days. Seems to be loads of free ebooks out there for it.
  3. Norseman

    Your current read?

    just started Warhammer - The Blood Angels Omnibus also bought one of those Sony eBook thingymijigs so will have to try a couple of eBooks out now.
  4. I only had time to see Thrashist Regime and Downfall but enjoyed them both very much. Very poor turnout though.
  5. I watched Jumper last night, more entertaining than I was expecting. Real switch your brain off stuff but good sitting with a few beers. Also watched the entire Sarah Conner Chronicles in one sitting the other night, thought it was very good and Summer Glau makes an ace Terminator. Saw Hellboy 2 at the cinema recently as well, not as good as I thought it was going to be but I still enjoyed it. Other recent watches were for the millionth time Aliens-Directors cut, brilliant action film and also Dark City on blu-ray, great film though it could have been ported better as the quality isn't great compared to some blu-ray films I have seen.
  6. I am presuming you don't have to specifically be an Aberdeen Uni student do you? I am a student at Birkbeck in London and my friend is ex RGU?
  7. Megadeth - Peace Sells Iron Maiden - Lonliness Of The Long Distance Runner Manowar - Flight Of The Bumble Bee will be loads of others after I think about it.
  8. Fighting With Wire back at The Tunnels tomorrow night (16th Sept), I think the tickets are around 5/6. They were very good last time, looking forward to seeing them again.
  9. 50/50 if I will make this Sunday, next Sunday would have been handier but hopefully I will be down for a beer with you Dead Metal guys again.
  10. As in Sunday 14th or 21st? The review of your last gig at the Tunnels should be up on hardrockhouse this coming week. Whats the lineup for this Sunday date?
  11. I quite fancy going along to that, should be a laugh though it will be strange being in the Tunnels on a Monday without seeing Dead Metal! :0) I will see if I can round a few bodies up for that one.
  12. good stuff, I will be along to this, missed Dead Metal the last couple of times they have been around.
  13. Norseman

    Euro 2008

    I am in Egypt over the Euro's so will need to search out a bar that has it on but chances are there will be loads as I hear the Egyptians are football daft. Toughie this one, lots of teams that can beat each other on the day. I am going to go for two, Portugal and Sweden, semi dark horses that can turn anyone over on their day.
  14. ah well, I am away on holiday then so another time but I hope it goes well for you. Some good bands in Austria, I lived in Graz for a while and it was pretty damn cool. I miss the odd pint of Puntigamer beer as well.
  15. cheers, you were in the initial support band were you not? Only caught the last couple of songs but wouldn't mind seeing a full set so will keep my beadies for the next time you are on somewhere.
  16. Anyone know the name of the main support for the Skindred gig and have a link to a site? They were rather good but couldn't catch what they called themselves and forgot to check the merch when ushered out.
  17. Won't be in Moorings tonight, going to the Skindred gig before coming down to Snafu.
  18. Any bands on tonight or just the DJ's?
  19. This one is a bit out of the blue is it not? Think I will head along though as I have never seen them.
  20. Hmmm, difficult. I don't watch that much TV and I am all over the place so I watch bits in catch up from taping or DVD box stets. Also doesn't help I don't have Sky and my Freeview reception is absolute rubbish even with a booster the size of a small fridge. Anyway here goes in no sort of order as they are as they come to me : 1) Firefly - Amazing series with great characters and killed off to early but always watchable when it pops up and on box set. 2) Stargate SG1 - Got back into it again when Claudia Black joined and then watched the loads I had missed. Good quality sc0-fi romping with plenty of action. 3) Heroes - Have been hooked since the first episode. 4) Numbers - Wasn't sure at first but now found I watch it religiously so it must be doing something right. Uber geeks solving murders. 5) Torchwood - Great bouncing romping naughty fun and even better now with "Spike" turning up. Captain Jack is a great character and he has no qualms shooting folks and aliens. 6) Dr Who - Daft and camp but tighter and sharper than the old ones. Tom Baker still my favourite but Ecclestone and Tennant have done a great job. 7) Supernatural - Pretty dark for mainstream telly and good watching. 8) Poirot - I know, don't ask but I do enjoy it. 9) Rome - Brilliant and I still keep re-watching. One of the best double acts ever on TV. 10) Coupling - Agree with the above sentiments, very funny and very clever with the multiple replays of scenes from different character viewpoints. bubbling under - Worst Week Of My Life, Shameless, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica(remake), Buck Rogers (uber camp sillyness but fun). I know some of these aren't current per se but my watching patterns are all over the place and I have stuff on my hard disc recorder from xmas I haven't watched yet.
  21. Pity it wasn't a bit later as I know quite a few people who are at The Quireboys gig tonight in Moshulu wanted to come along but it sounds like it will all be finished? With tonight and the next 2 Mondays having The Quireboys/Wednesday 13 & Skindred on at Moshulu it would be good to attract a lot of this crowd down to see whoever is on at Black Tooth but the Moshulu gigs probably won't finish till 11pm.
  22. Norseman

    Iron Man

    Agreed, she never really did anything for me before but she opened my eyes quite a bit in this film, especially in that backless dress, v nice indeed.
  23. Well the 12th May has arrived and The Quireboys with Dan Baird is tonight, looking forward to it, takes me back a decade or two.
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