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Everything posted by WoodyRATM

  1. Yeah i'd be up for using your services too? We're playing moshulu on the 12th and Tunnels (1 id assume) on the 18th. Dave
  2. Mic'd bass? yass. How much does it cost? Basic recording, not like mixing etc? I really want to record with my ampeg. EDIT: 30 per hour..looked on that site.
  3. This made me think... does any of the tattoo studios in aberdeen (or dundee) offer a "walk in" service. ta
  4. hmmm this seems interesting..... Just a bassist needed yeah?
  5. I've got mine a new camera and someother smaller stuff.
  6. I got one of these from my sister yesterday shame i booked tickets 20 mins before hand.
  7. I've got one of those. Not a bad toy... good for a quick idea. IF you keep a battery in it (mines died so just used mains). Dont use it much now though.
  8. Me too. I dont understand when people say "oh if there was no beatles there would be no music nowadays" Bollocks. Another band woulda came along and did the same thing IMO.
  9. I'm all sorted Party at a mates house then moshulu.
  10. Okay - It is now reserved.... RF scott, drop me a call when you're sorted. (Your mailbox has exceeded its limit) Cheers
  11. WoodyRATM

    Dead Set

    I watched the first one last night thinking the trailors looked decent. how wrong was i.... i was bored after like 2 mins....Also why do all zombies look the same?
  12. IMO kings of leon and The killers are both over rated. I've saw both live and heard their albums and just find them really boring... (with the exeption of the 1st killers album which was okay)
  13. I'm willing to end that auction now and sell for 100. Could probs also deliver!
  14. Sansamp programmable Bass Driver DI on eBay, also Effects Pedals, Accessories, Guitars, Musical Instruments (end time 01-Nov-08 16:27:02 GMT)
  15. I'm having dinner at the girlfirends then a "saw-a-thon" - watching saw 2,3 and 4 before seeing the new one.
  16. What dates are available?
  17. I think im the only person who found this complete pants.
  18. Anyone got any company details so i can get in contact?
  19. Hey, i'm thinking of getting laser treatment done to my eyes. I'm sick of glasses and struggle getting contacts in and out. Has anyone here had treatment done? Any companies who are really good (and not majorly expensive.) or any places to avoid? Any help would be great. Cheers Dave
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