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Old Gold

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Everything posted by Old Gold

  1. 'The voters have clearly thought long and hard about their decision' What a bunch of bollocks. And how smug does the guy come across as when he mentions how there's a lack of new music in there? No shit. Especially if you see a Libertine's album as the best example of contemporary songwriting.
  2. Totally agree. Didn't expect to like it nearly as much as I do.
  3. Standard boss overdrive stompbox. 3 controls for Level, Drive and Tone. Some tiny chips in the paint around the rubber pad, but otherwise aesthetically and electronically sound. Bought by me brand new a few years ago, and only ever gigged once. Really pumps up the amplifier, and rattles the windows when put between some single coils and a valve amp. 35 quid?
  4. I must admit, 'she' does do a very good impression of a wifey, albiet not a particularly good looking one. Yet this didn't stop me mocking my mate to the full extent my childish mentallity would allow.
  5. Another thing to grind my gears is the Daily Record letter like notes one of my neighbours has posted on the front door of my building regarding me playing guitar during the fuckin' daytime. 'SOME people work nightshift' Some people might have the cojones to at least sign a name at the bottom of a note, or even instead knocking on my door and a) asking me nicely to turn it down, or b) beating me in unarmed combat like an 8 year old with no hands. Banging on the wall like a dick gets nothing solved either.
  6. My undisclosed mate decided that Sam was 'well hot' before being told about her hidden bells and whistles. Needless to say, he wasn't best pleased.
  7. I'd stick with the ol' black spaghetti. Don't need batteries, keaaaaan
  8. Awesome! What kinda vocals you going to opt for?
  9. This is complete grasping-at-straws RHCP bashing. It's a pretty standard chord progression.
  10. She had some code set up with her family. She'd be given a message saying her sister was ill if she got any bad press. Weird. Right unstable this year is it nae.
  11. Thanks very much old bean. I've already got a fuzzface built into my wah wah, so I'm definately after something with a bit of 'beautiful noise'. My new band requires me punching holes in the fuckin' wall, so I think the zvex is the way to go. I checked out Mansons and their prices are pretty standard. At least they're a reputable company. Nooow... should I buy the basic one or get the marvelous hand painted job? Decisions...
  12. Sounds like a riot. We'll pitch in an Up Satellite/Iomega team, seeing as we share a member. Sundays good n all.
  13. Awesome mp3s on the Kill Baby... Kill site. May have to go to this un after all.
  14. Delerium: Masters of time travel.
  15. Wow... that's an impressive amount of commitment.
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