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Everything posted by Scootray

  1. Gregory Fisher is the dude from Rab C. Nesbitt.
  2. I always used to get cold hands when I did exams at school. Which was really unbeneficial when you had a heap of writing to do, but couldn't really get your hand to move freely. The hall we did them in used to be absolutely freezing half the time. Then when we did sports in it, it would be too hot, because our heating was controlled by the temperature in Aberdeen.
  3. AFI plays in some advert about the Grammy's. Can't think of the track name at the moment...it's on ITV2 I think. EDIT: After listening to iTunes, I'm fairly sure it's Totalimmortal.
  4. Please don't write about hating Bush or shite like that...it got tiring a few years back.
  5. What a silly thought, but shouldn't you be saving lives?
  6. I don't see how it resembles a car...but nevermind.
  7. 19th February is actually a Sunday, not a Monday. I know because that's my birthday...
  8. I remember when I was in there playing with my band a few weeks back. One of the bands, I think it was Junkdust, had a group of underagers with them, and that Jim dude had no problem with them being there, he went over just to check on them a few times, but he seemed very reasonable as they were well behaved. Maybe you were doing something wrong which he didn't like that night, behaviour, maybe? I don't know, I'm just speculating.
  9. I played the same gig with them a few weeks back at The Tunnels, (I'm the drummer in The Shakes) and I thought they had a really cool groove going on. From the soundcheck earlier in the evening I could tell they'd be a pretty exciting band. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but I liked them.
  10. A pint at 16? That's shocking behaviour...Never see me doing that.
  11. Didn't your mother teach you anything? I want doesn't get.
  12. That's what I was thinking, but couldn't be bothered posting that at the time.
  13. It was indeed. I think there's going to be a new development up there, still keeping with the medical side though.
  14. I love using internet banking. It's so easy to check my balance, transfer funds, set up Direct debits, etc. Brilliant.
  15. Nope. Didn't hear that bit. I suppose the HUGE explosion made a hole in the fuel tank. At which point the whole plane should have blown up. In fact, no-one even got hurt by the explosion. Dearie me. I still love Neighbours though.
  16. Why doesn't the kid who got whacked sue them? That would be a good memory, plus, it'd fill his pocket.
  17. The bomb explosion was great. So much destruction...ahem. I also wondered why the plane went quiet, then Paul reveals that there was no fuel left. I thought they'd landed in the water at that point, and that Neighbours were shite at doing plane crashes. But I was wrong. About landing in the water that is. Not about shite plane crashes.
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