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Everything posted by Scootray

  1. True. Forgot about the picture.
  2. Another suspect could be someone from Affirmacom...
  3. Could be Darcy. EDIT: Or maybe Gus isn't actually dead...
  4. I did a bit of research on the Honda ad campaign for college a few months ago. They're all made by the Wieden + Kennedy company, who started it all off with the OK Factory ads. Anyone remember those?
  5. It worth seeing Ghost of Bongo. Played with them on Saturday at The Tunnels, good bit of funky stuff going down.
  6. While standing in line at a fast food joint, you take too much time deliberating on your order. A very hungry, very crazy man approaches you from behind and takes a large bite out of your neck. You quickly bleed to death. McDonalds will be the death of me.
  7. Galleries are fine, still no flyers at the top of the forums, but they are on the homepage. EDIT: Ignore me, they're back.
  8. There's no flyers now at the top of the forums, that is.
  9. It was a great night last night, I liked Ghost of Bongo, couldn't really hear the saxophone though, which was a pity, but their set was really cool. Screaming Butterflies and Junkdust were good too, the singer in SB has a really good voice, with a good range in tone I thought. Then from my playing perspective, drumming with The Shakes, I think we played a solid set, which I was chuffed about seeing as it was my first gig with them. Thoughts?
  10. Looks like I've got a fair bit of stuff to take with me then. Stool, stands, pedal, cymbals, myself. What about a snare and stand?
  11. So, any word on who coming now tha we know who's playing?
  12. Ta-da! Problem solved. Simple as Jodie Marsh.
  13. Just wondering if anyone else is heading down to see these guys in action? I've been waiting to see Clutch live for ages, so I'm really looking forward to it.
  14. Scootray


    Pre-empting a nuclear strike with a nuclear strike is just plain stupid. No-one actually wants to use the things cos they know they'd fuck the world over. Leaders of the world should realise the devastation in Hiroshima, and get rid of all nukes. Instead, the should play this game of "my dick is bigger than yours" with rocket launchers or something. Least that way, we'll have no zombies or birth defects coming from the aftermath of a nuclear strike. /rant
  15. It looks like he washed it.
  16. A lot of your friends are trying to drag you along? I'd think so seeing as you're playing!
  17. The other eye. PS. This question wasn't funny. But continue.
  18. I'll say Happy Birthday even though I don't know you. Your blogs are good though, so you deserve a Happy Birthday.
  19. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1180662760907882321 Someone, sign this guy up, please.
  20. The internet? What's that then?
  21. Be handy if he knew the words to the song, and where to come in. Dearie me.
  22. Kennedy should have never have stood down. If I was leader and 25 MPs told me they'd resign if I didn't leave by Monday, I'll tell them to head for the jobcentre. There was nothing wrong with Kennedy's leadership. The Lib Dems are so far up their own arses, with all this "We can't have an alcoholic leading us" bullshit, it pisses me off. Nope, Kennedy has made the wrong decision.
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