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Everything posted by Taylor_dB

  1. Hahahahahaha! You're the kind of person that makes me laugh.
  2. Haha! I've been asked if I want to go to that gig by the same person, and I'm avoiding it like the plague! This chick's gonna think I really don't like her, heh.
  3. Noooooooooo! I asked a mate about this gig and I swear she said The Shotgun Love Affair were playing, so I steered well clear! FUCK! That's pretty gutting! Sounds like it was a good night, shame I didn't go. I'm back online on Aberdeen-Music now so at least this won't happen again!
  4. Meh, how someone looks doesn't tell you shit about them.
  5. Everyone's scene. Just a different scene. But being described as scene is seen (wahey) as a derogitory term as it emplies you're a 'wannabe', and are indeed just following a new trend. I don't quite get it all, I despise it all to be fair. MySpace is the devil I tell you.
  6. Manowar American Head Charge Avenged Sevenfold Busted (perfect for the type of band they were)
  7. Well, about as much as most other threads of this nature in The Wasteland. Is that ok? o_O
  8. Gutted the festive period is over? It's not! Winter-een-mas is on people! It's a gaming holiday celebrated by gamers, strangely enough. In short, get out your favourite controller and game away the dull month of January. http://www.wintereenmas.com/ On this note, anyone else a fan of the Ctrl-Alt-Del comics? http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com
  9. I'm sorry (I'm not really) but that guy has hut the nail on the head! He's damned right! Read his MySpace rant thing in his journal thingymaboab! It's all spot on. Scary? The truth can be scary. What's scarier is seeing all these scene kids gather. I dunno why, but I always imagine them hanging out saying "Yeah, I only like old Green Day and old Blink! The new stuff is rubbish!" and then they go home and the only two CDs they own are American Idiot and Blink 182's self titled album. Oh, and how dare I forget Fallout Boy, From First To Last and whatever other band seems to be flavour of the week. Nothing wrong with the bands (I ain't heard any FFTL, but Fallout Boy is admitedly (sp?) quite catchy if you're in the mood) but it's just how they are not considered good bands, but "the sex". Anyways, I'm getting off the point so I'll leave it at that.
  10. Every night I've been drinking I usually will have had something to munch (chips and cheese/kebab/pizza or something) and a good pint of water. Hangover count: 0 I was damned close this morning though. Felt a lil touch and go.
  11. Hahaha! I wish I was drunk when I typed that.
  12. That's pretty...um...well...gay.
  13. Am I the only one thinking it's a good idea?
  14. About the gay thing...do the same rules apply for chicks that take it up the ass then?
  15. This is a nice festive thread. If you need some Christmas cheer then go watch The Muppets Christmas Carol...really did it for me tonight.
  16. I'm absolutely useless at this! Anyone wanna fill me in with what the hell I'm meant to do? o_O
  17. This is where another joke should come in and save this thread...
  18. Dude, nothing will ever ruin breasts!
  19. ?( What was so funny about it? I was being serious.
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