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Everything posted by Taylor_dB

  1. I would have to say it's because they are fucking idiots. That stupid frog would get Winston's fake female foot shoved up it's arse, no questions.
  2. The guys who organised this all were great and how good a job they did cannot be stressed enough. Great stuff. I have nothing to compare this to, this was our first gig, but I get the feeling there's not gonna be that many with crowds as up for it as that.
  3. I had a pretty sweet time last night there. I was trying to sneak Jager into my mates pints after they shoved three shots of it in mine and they took a pissy fit and fucked off to Liquid...benders. The great thing about Moshulu is you always meet someone you know...or you don't know, but they know you.
  4. "Uh...Pea.......uh.........Tear........hmm.........Griffin! Yeah, Peter Griffin...Oh crap!" Who in their wrong mind doesn't like Family Guy?
  5. I saw them in Glasgow a lil while ago at King Tut's. Fucking amazing show - only time I've ever skanked that much was when I saw them at the Barrowlands the year before or something. If you want a kick ass ska show then the Fish deliver each time. Everybodies doing the fish...Yeah yeah yeah!
  6. Anyone catch the show? What ya think? I thought Seventh Circle were fucking amazing! Rather impressed by them. I frickin loved playing, and we got a pit! More importantly, we got the Seventh Cirlce guys doing the Do-se-do to Centrefold! Woo! 3rd band were kewl, loved the cover of the fish! I was skanked out after that. Wish I caught the last band, but I had to go out for my mates birthday celebrations. Were they any good?
  7. I do believe the word is "Yeehaw!" I look forward to hearing some of the other bands. On the mention of ego's, I don't think mine needs anymore of a boost. Looking at the smileys reminded me of how wasted I'm gonna get 2moz night! Woo!
  8. Will we be on before 10? I have to be in bed by 10:30. *Looks at the time* Oops! Goodnight!
  9. Did anyone else cringe because the Shakey reminded them of their dad?
  10. Yeehaw! I love my band, hopefully everyone who goes will too.
  11. I love how easily the conversation can get side-tracked. I'd shoot the singer and take his place.
  12. My band are gonna be coming along this coming Sunday I think for a lil warm up for our first gig. It's great, you play, you drink, you go home happy.
  13. Taylor_dB


    I'd suggest trying to pick up a Yamaha Pacifica - I'd consider selling mine, but it's my first guitar and there's a strange link to it.
  14. Hmm! Ok, I want it! Plus I have 300!
  15. That it? That all you're giving away? How about a bit more info - how long you had it? damage? why you selling it? what you think of it? colour? etc. You not got a case for it or anything, cus it's an awkward bastard, ain't it?
  16. Hmm... What's the reason for selling them? What they sound like?
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