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About tcake

  • Birthday 10/22/1982

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  1. What about the OCELOT? very cute big cat - actually its quite small, bout the size of a dog, but its classed as a big cat - anyway its gorgous coat made it nearly extinct a while ago but its now on the comeback - check out the link http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/animals/ocelot.htm
  2. pappy() - you so ace (pffft)!! yeah man i am a fellow GEO-GEEK haha, its pretty damn cool, and no, i actually didnt hear anything about it in the lecture, sux. im at aberdenn uni! yay
  3. Well its 9.23 am and im away to go to my Geo-science lecture, so im pretty sure il hear all about it. its very cool when volcanoes erupt - i was almost about to put a link to let you guys see some volcanoes erupting - then thought how uncool that was - im a geek!!!
  4. i really wish i could say cool things like surfin - but im at university all day every day over the summer - joy!! Still - i may go over to france for one days snowboarding with my mates, hmmm that costs bout 140 for a single day but it may be worth it, we shall see. but off with the wife to her parents 2nd house in spain afetr i am done at uni. cant wait!!!
  5. Coconut ass - well cheers, i was hoping for a slighly more intellectual thread but u kinda put all his music into o ne fat nice reply - meaning the others have to be content with have boring usual easy samey stuff like usual. Gumpy - hehe.....
  6. How many movies (or tv) can you name that have GUSTAVE HOLST in it? It is the rugby theme - been on pirate films, etc. Its classical, and you will know his famous acts such as THE PLANETS. My fave one is 'Jupiter - The bringer of Jolity' So.... where have you heard all these, and what films? Just a brainteaser - ps. dont move this thread please, its a movie association one! Ta
  7. VERY GOOD FILM! yes i enjoyed the movie and yes, it was the best Batman movie so far by a long way (liked the build up and bruces training - liam neeson is ace). All the cast were ace and a really good fit cept joey, or katie holmes as she is 'known' was a bit crap, playing the same type she always does! Bit too many one liners from alfred at the wrong times - like when bruce is trapped under the burning beam etc. And Bale was brilliant and it all - jeez he has filled out, pecs wahey - except for the voice when he is Batman, it s a wee tiny bit too much. Overall - for a Batman (or any comic book movie) is is a 9.7 but for an overall movie its about 8.2. Good entertainment - now think i can fly from buildings - away to try it, lol
  8. However - i could be wrong. It may mean bring your own body, in the wrestlin world - but im not a seasoned fan........
  9. Lauren - im 99% sure it means Bring. Your.Own.Booze. i think..... heheh
  10. good company - especially my girl good wine to go with the company good chilled tunes to go with that family and days in sunshine snowboardin in sun waking up to birds being noisy (flyin birds) my pets doing silly dances with my mates to ace old rock tunes writing a good chapter to my book really good food good long movies and shitloads more i bet
  11. Meaning?..... My gf cant kiss my head?..... or roll her eyes?..... Ok i'll tell her!
  12. Me and DOOFUS have two yummy wee cats who live with us - a boy and girl car, called merlin and keera (from Dark crystal and The labyrinth)
  13. Well..... dont want to meet any of you now - all my posts are jokes, except this one. Some of you people out there put harsh scene points on me with pretty fuckin harsh comments - am i not allowed to have a laugh??? Do not put sneaky comments on it again - i dont care if you do coz its very very very cowardly, mwa ha ha. Tell it to my face you pussy! - Tsk tsk - you know who you are - and so do i. Oh well......
  14. true - haha, actually she is off to listen to dave grohl, who she loves. sigh...
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