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Everything posted by Sam_b

  1. Kubb and Orson are absolutely abominable.
  2. I feel many bands have the potential to be better than Howard's Alias. Sorry Ben couldn't resist
  3. I thought the new songs were good!
  4. Aye, cos its really 'honouring' him by posting a message on a forum...
  5. Would it be controversial to say that I thought the sound wasn't very good for some of the newer songs? Half the time you could hardly hear Stuart's voice. Very fine gig, not as good as the Perth one last year but then again they did play almost all of Sinister that night Nae heard Dog on Wheels live before though.
  6. Cheers for the heads up man, just got mine ordered. There's a copy going for almost double on Ebay as we speak...
  7. www.myspace.com/sambeaton INNIT!
  8. That's them all right! One of my all-time favourite bands. Both albums and a cool 7" singles box have been re-released on Munster Records - hard to track down but well worth the bother. I'd offer you some MP3s but all my stuff's on vinyl (elistist prick that I am!). Good shout on the TVPs Alan. They were supposed to be playing in town I hear but somewhere down tyhe line it fell through Absolutely seminal though.
  9. The Swell Maps. The best post punk/experimental band this world has ever seen. Check out their debut album A Trip To Marineville if you can find it - it's genius.
  10. It was absolutely hilarious.
  11. There's nothing 'awesome' about them.
  12. Therefore meaning that the opinions conveyed on said website are different from their 'real life' opinions, thus making it even more ridiculous to 'upload some pig destroyer to the bitch'? What do you really think you would get out of 'destroying their shit board'?
  13. Gotta be Nirvana. Kurt Cobain 'such a legend' my arse. Sonic Youth > Nirvana.
  14. Is that a gap year with Project Trust?
  15. I'm not playing anymore at the Tunnels, so I may come along to this...
  16. It sounds very BNP indeed. Who really gives a damn about nationality these days?
  17. Well, y'know, if somebody made neo-nazi postings on a politics forum i'd kind of think they were a nazi, wouldn't you? Equally if somebody posted here saying they hated Nirvana, I would make the assumption they didn't like the band. Only me though. Lame. As. Fuck.
  18. 1. The Kooks - Eddie's Gun 2. The Paddingtons - 50 To A 3. We Are Scientists - The Great Escape 4. British Sea Power - It Ended On An Oily Stage 5. Interpol - C'mere 6. Adam Green - Carolina 7. Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) 8. The Rakes - Retreat 9. Littl'ans feat. Pete Doherty - Their Way 10. The Kills - Love Is A Deserter
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