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Everything posted by Sam_b

  1. How Do You Make A Swiss Roll? Push Him Down A Mountain! Lawl
  2. I don't see where Milner is slagging off SC to be fair. Line up a few for me man, I was absolutely ABYSMAL!
  3. Oh man, I really sucked last night (do I ever not suck!) Enjoyed Kitchen Cynics as usual and then boringly went home MISSED ACID JAZZ FURYNESS! GUTTED!
  4. Anyone have any idea what song is used in the advert (with the strings and piano)? I think its Boards of Canada but I cannot remember exactly. Cheers!
  5. Thats a disgusting and deplorable attitude to take. Most African Americans wer ein the same boat in the 1950s - does that mean that they should have 'dealt with' low pay, intimidation and prejudices? f course this is vastly different but i'm sure you can see the parallels. You could maybe join a union such as the IWW - they're worldwide. I'm sure bosses go around every lecturer and go 'oh look, he's working hard, i'll give him a pay rise'. Bollocks they do. As Dave says, it is your right to be part of a union and be able to strike. We should be supporting the lecturers in their action rather than mocking them. They don't like being out on strike any more than those who are possibly inconvenienced by it.
  6. Stereophonics Aretha Franklin Dionne Warwick Snow Patrol Scissor Sisters ....
  7. Thanks for such a high level of opinion about my music then Ross......
  8. The Zoghurt compilation's really good, mix of some really weird-ass beats and some guitar plonking....me likes! I should also apologise for my woefully crap CD for sale too - i'll do some decent merch next time!
  10. I forgot loads of words and how to play songs last night, deary me. Had a good laugh though and generally acted like an idiot so it's all good. I promise to tighten up for the next one Holy Folks were treemendoze, witty and with clever lyrics and catchy tunes. FATRB are hilarious and dancable at the same time. : ( had emo glasses. Enjoyable energetic set. whos up for another one next monday then
  11. Sam_b

    Joy Division

    How dare you question the production of such a classic album!
  12. Make sure everyone sticks around as well as there are some cracking bands on
  13. I have to say I think this is as much of a bad idea as scene points were.
  14. WRM were ace, but Duels were ten times better than they were supporting the Cribs.
  15. Nothing wrong with a bit of strat action.
  16. There will be a vigil held tomorrow in Aberdeen (and 99 other towns across the UK) to mark the 100th British soldier killed in this mess. The 99th soldier killed yesterday was an Aberdonian. 100 white candles will be lit and the names of the soldiers read out, as well as the names of 100 Iraqi deaths representative of the thousands who have died. Meet at 5:30 at the War Memorial (beside the Art Gallery on SchoolHill). Hope as many people as possible can make this event.
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