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Everything posted by Marillionboy

  1. The whole sectarian divide thing seems to be unknown outside of Scotland, but hang about Glasgow on Orange Parade Day and you do get a big surprise. What bothers me just as much is the casual racism towards the English in Scotland which seems somehow justified, its an inherited racism and most people haven't a scoob about the history behind it. After England have won the football it seems a blind eye is turned to English people getting the shit kicked out of them on Justice Mill Lane. I once got accused of being English and when I then explained I was from Morayshire but had just lived away quite a while the guy was like "oh right, peace friend." For fuck's sake. And I could have been lying anyway.
  2. Victoria Park, in the ornamental gardens, getting some nosh and a child and his parents and grandparents all walked past. It was okay for my girlfriend as she had her back to them.
  3. Any time you feel like risking your luck in Cullen or Portsoy...or Banff... MIKE PETERS: I saw him supporting Marillion with the Poets of Justice in 1992, and at the Lemon Tree too!
  4. Its a very twisted but in places very horny book, bloody disturbing too but a terrific portrait of the area.
  5. Phew thank Fish for that Actually I'd rather eat my own feet than go see Statud Quo and that will never change. We're the same age mate so I don't feel so bad now.
  6. I'll be at the Moorings for most of March, can I just get fifty for that?
  7. I missed it, but the usual "weren't the names in Captain Pugwash dodgy" myths and "all children's shows of the 70s were concieved on drugs" comments exasperate me. Children's shows of that era were concieved by some wonderfully talented and imaginative people (I have been lucky enough to work with some of them) and people like Gina yashere seem to think that if something is far out or imaginative it couldn't possibly be the product of a talented mind, it could only be through drugs!
  8. Nice one Skittles: mine is now that lassie from suicide girls so thanks for that whoever it was!
  9. Juts out of interest (paranoia) what is considered "old"?
  10. And you've met Tippi, so neeerh! Blimey after her performance on TOTP tonight Avril L may just be ousting her...
  11. My maximum bid is about the equivalent of the cost of a new Mecerdes Benz. I would go higher but even I'm not THAT rich.
  12. There is nothing weird about me apart from the fact that I have hair that never looks the same two days in a row and that someone recently had the nerve as to say I looked like Jamie Oliver and claim it was a compliment. Tippi may well not be as cute as the girl in your pic, how do I know?
  13. I saw that too and wanted to check them out too. I'm being interviewed by the NS in a couple of weeks bless 'em, they're brill!
  14. Likewise I actually really love that pic of me and Tippi that's in the gallery here but I find whatever's on your desktop can mean familiarity breeds contempt!
  15. I've just discovered this book by Duncan Mclean set in the North-East of Scotland...feels like somewhere around Fraserburgh to me...has anyone else read this? Its bloody twisted but incredibly good!
  16. Ah, Geldof solo is a bit of a blind spot, seems I'll have to do some checking out. Having another Field of Crows phase at the mo, blimey its good that and Doves I'm stuck on at the mo.
  17. Talking of Geldof, do you know the Sex Age and Death album? The cover is ace, wondered if it was worth buying as it's so pricey!
  18. That Suicide Girls picture is buff! Mine changes every week usually: a nighttime webcam view of Aberdeen Docks, Cullen in the snow, THAT scene from Cruel Intentions, something from www.girlskissing.co.uk...
  19. That's the one! Let me know if it's any good! Read alot about it but never actually read it, and am a big Family fan too. I think Fish's semi-fictional-autobiography which he's writing at present could well end up being a fabulous read considering some of the stuff he got up to in the 80s!
  20. Isn't it! I was really surprised at how good it was! I can't think what it's called but there was quite a legendary novel written in the late 60s about a debauched rock band supposedly based on Family, who the author lived with for a bit, always wanted to read that!
  21. You're welcome to PM or email me the passages to have a look at, happy to help out. Who's your tutor?
  22. Video is absolutely terrific too, any band that includes schoolgirls snogging in their vids gets my support. That track is even better than the finest moments on the Last Broadcast, Satellites and Pounding were excellent but Black and White Town has something extra special about it. I hope it'll be appearing on jukeboxes in the Moorings soon!
  23. I love music biogs although often I finds Mojo is hard to beat for the amount of detail and the range of articles in any given issue. Anything Helter Skelter publsih tends to be good though. Ones I've especially enjoyed are A Saucerful of Secrets, Spencer Bright's book on Peter Gabriel, Hammer of the Gods, a scandalous book about Zeppelin, and the classic I'm With The Band by groupie Pamela des Barres. Best fiction book about music for me is Espedair Street by Iain Banks. Most disappointing book about music: any of the Marillion biographies: Mick Wall's writing style is infuriating, and the more recent one was far too wet and biased as well as lacking in detail or insight. A Hard Day's Write is an odd one: whenever I read a Beatles book I can'tr help but fdeel the writeris going over the top: I don't deny they are geniuses but I never saw them as the greatest lyricists in the universe.
  24. I did English at Aberdeen Uni (don't worry I got a 2:1 so I must have got something right)so maybe I can help...what's the qeustion and I'm happy to have a go for ya....
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