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Everything posted by Doc

  1. opinions are like arseholes...everyone has one and they are only important to the owner.
  2. What you need is a very accurate parametric equaliser with selectable frequency bands. It'll still remove bits you want to keep though. Bear in mind re-mixing is done with the originally recorded tracks.
  3. The best (and only enjoyable brits) was the one presented by mick fleetwood and samantha fox. Sheer genius.
  4. congrats mate. I've got two of the bastards, thankfully one's now in the army and we've just the girl to marry off and i get my life back!!!! Hope it goes well for you.
  5. In other words anyone who's had any degree of success whatsoever.
  6. Well, you never diappoint, you lot, I'll say that for you! I'm just waiting for one of "the comrades" to call RL a sell out capitalist pig and I'll be happy...all is well with the world...the sun will rise....all is still and quiet.....and the small minded, green eyed, insular bitchiness of the aberdeen scene shines forth like a beacon to mendacity and narrow horizons...merry xmas everybody.
  7. I see the usual disparaging comments are appearing about someone who dares to send a demo away. Come on then Aberdeen scene...call him a fucking sell out, non punk, pop/manufatured corporate whore then. You know you want to.
  8. One must remember that post office employees go on a ten week course on how to be annoying, obstructive, anal and downright rude as well as pedantic.
  9. This is how shirts were pressed in the armed forces until very recently. It's called box pressing because if done properly a pressed box is made of the pleats. It's very smart when done by someone who knows the technique but wearing a shirt straight out of the packet is, in fact, a minger's habit.
  10. Yes, but you have to realise that the majority of people going to this will not want to hear hardcore/punk/metal/grindcore ect. Horses for courses.
  11. Sinton is currently re-mixing the corries back catalogue for DVD, was trained by Alan Spence who was trained at abbey road and engineered Abba. Sinton has won a golden rose for composing Faire Ah Bhata and there's not enough space to list the acts he has worked with but they include edi reader, john denver, the BBC, pilot, ect, ect. The spook studio is small and drum kits make it cramped, but their clients have included colin campbell, the SNP, Breeve, Little big men , philomena begley and many local acts too many to mention. They cope perfectly well with drum kits, albiet using a mobile system and in fact recorded the swing band I play in with 10 members (and drums) with a professionalism that was remarkable. Both these guys are properly trained and members of professional bodies and work mainly in the pro game where they are respected and have many contacts. I'm sure they would be amused to hear describe them as mickey mouse.
  12. All you've done is manage to show this guy just how insular and incestuous the aberdeen scene is. As someone said this board is a tiny, tiny part of the music loving population and a bullshit-talking part too.
  13. The best record producer in the North East is davie sinton of skerries music, but he doesn't like hardcore punk or metal. Sinton's former engineer, stu richardson now has his own studio at spook music and is more enthusiastic about new music and is mobile too and is a close second to sinton.
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