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Everything posted by HeinzHines

  1. I heard those rumours also......september the 1st 2004 that happened i believe......and you can drive a ven.....just say van in a south african accent and you will know what i mean......
  2. Im confused....i thought this gig was last night?! Cant make it tonight im afraid either alan....recording for album is tonight im afraid....
  3. Im gonna get fucked oot my box big style for this bad boy....looking forward to it. *cough* Project: VEN-Hell (im sick fed up of correcting people, name change is on the cards!)
  4. Yes go and see the videos....i thought id mentioned them...but obviously not!! And just to clear something up you crazy crazy kids....the title of our band is Project: VEN -Hell OKAY?!
  5. If you type in *#30# and press call on your phone....(mobile phone) its a code to show you with held numbers......sometimes works too.....but 99% of the time it doesnt....thats star hash 30 hash......call.......should come up with something to tell you it has worked or not....
  6. Red Sparrows you say? Neurot i believe......29th of march in glasgow? Shall be there on the 25th anyway.....might just take an extended weekend at mr maxwells (you know you wants it)
  7. Lots of memories......but Fuck OffMachete........need i say more? yes.....vomitus....motormark......elysim (somthing like that).....Mountain Men Anonymous.....Masamune.....HG#1.......Clive Ravensnoise........Politik (copy_haho)......so many more names....so many more memories.......i did enjoy flashing my fat, thong clad, ass there at christmas aswell......the memory of poor robin burns dislocating his shoulder at a project: ven-hell moshpit will stick with me forever.......guuuuuuuuts chants always cheered me up.....and i met a host of good guys there who are now my friends which is also all good......
  8. Might go to this gig cause i aint been to the tunnels yet.....and i missed a night to socialise with alan cynic at the last night of drakes cause i didnt have any fucking money......bitch moan whine....
  9. Well i didnt even need to ask....i already knew the answer!!!! Thank you sir stuart of maxwell.....guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts
  10. Yes he was 19 on wednesday....i love him! happy birthday!
  11. Am i mistaken or was your last avator a crazy photoshop nose jobbed photo of yourself anyway!?! And i am taking that this is also a photo of yourself? (maybe fucked with also...dont know cause i dont know what u look like!)
  12. I wandered cause i used to have hunted by a freak on cd and lost it...so i wasnt sure! If only it was the real huntedbyafreak i had on cd......downloadable joss for everyone!
  13. I was just wondering if anyone knows who does the song for the FilmFour advert that is on at the moment....it was on at the end of fahrenheit 9/11 last night.....it sounds like its by mogwai? (maybe hunted by a freak?) does anyone know for sure?
  14. I agree with this totally....and politik (copy_haho) do deserve more recognition this year...lets hope it goes well.....As for that Project: Ven-Hell.......they are the best thing since sliced cornbeef!! (self promotion) GOFONES will be appearing this year...OH YEAH!
  15. Im so glad someone brought him up....his song oxygen is now like one of my all time favourate songs....his croaky but tuneful voice is so delightful....and it makes a nice change to listen to something that mellow....great lyrics aswell.....when i get the cash his album will be bought for sure!
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