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Everything posted by HeinzHines

  1. There can only be one name for your band and that is..... ' Caring for old is right....but fucking them is wrong...think of the irony' Dont know what the fuck i am going on about.....
  2. I think its time for some feedback on this the last ever drakes gig...here is my 2 cents.... Narcosis: Not my thing...too fucking loud for me! But i can see why all you people love them...technically very good and riffs that can make your mind boggle! Macrocosmica: Only the second time i have seen them live...the first being like 6 years ago supporting mogwai....they have come along away and maybe be one of the best 'unknown' live act. Project: Ven-Hell: This being my own band im not going to review it really. Want to say sorry for not playing too long....but thanks for the support...it was great! Filthpact: Holy shit....holy shit....holy shit....lets just start off by saying i fucking HATE metal/grindcore...but if any band is gonna turn me around its them. Tight as fuck and technical as fuck...vocals are strong as hell and i suggest fans of any genre check them out...they are the apitome of what makes up a good band....(to be fair this goes for macrocosmica and narcosis aswell....)
  3. Are u in sidca? Just wanna know cause what is happening with them after rory went to pish-hole??!!?? I want to see sidca again cause i fucking love it......
  4. Na....kasabian = stone roses rip off.....which in turn = we are both pish.....
  5. Cant really tell if this is sarcasm....but i really fucking dont.....dont get me wrong, if i get offered a million for making some pish im gonna take it....but people really shouldnt get hooked up on being a famous 'rock' musician...make music you like and if it takes you places then good on you...if not, who cares? just have some fun... In the words of the great motormark 'this is art and its a dirty business'
  6. Im now getting seriously pissed off with all you whining faggots being all like 'no one can get a record deal cause we all suck' FUCK OFF all of you.....who fucking cares about record fucking deals.....seriously this may seem like a joke....but its fucking not....we are all capable of getting a record deal if we want to...all you have to do is make a great song thats in the current music trend and get signed...simple.....but its FUCKING BULLSHIT.....stop your fucking whining about bands in aberdeen not getting signed....if they want to make the music they want to and its good to their ears....(even if it is their ears only) then who fucking cares if they dont suck 12inch cock at emi? leave everyone alone....and if someone comes up with chart worthey music then hand shakes all round.... On another related subject....90% of people in aberdeen only have their self to blame for the demise of drakes....not only did they give ALL us local cunts a chance...they had good music on every night of the week and most of us cocks didnt even go....good examples: played with my band and fuck-offmachete...turn out....about 6 people....fuck-offmachete are one of the best acts scotland has ever produced.....i hope with drakes closing everyone takes a big 'fucking hell i am a cunt pill' and swallow it hard.....we need venues like this....thank fuck jim and shaz are still around to put good shit on for us....u fucking NEED them to make an impact on our scene...you abused this and you fucking losed this....its your own fucking fault....end of rant....please take 50 of my presious scene points away from me from opening your FUCKING EYES.... lots of love.... s h
  7. Im actually pissed off with this thread....... Hookers Green#1 are an extremely talented band....with probably the most talented line up in the uk..... If you have seen them play crap then its just a bad day....too drunk maybe!!!.... As for everyones other comments about singing etc.. etc... Nick is a great singer who rivals tom york in talent stakes....i doubt the guitar is dischordant cause their players hail from other bands such as politik(copy_haho) and reasons are red......(nick the other guitar player is also very talented as i have seen him play on his own)..... Dan's saxaphone playing in my experience is spot on.....drums by neil (i think thats his name) are always in perfect time if not the most experimental drums you will ever see....joe heartys extra toms and synth playing is amazing..... and they swop roles in the band aswell which also adds to the individuality and greatness..... Im not being a dick but they are fucking awesome even if they are not your cup of tea....but to think they are shit is just down right wrong...and like i said.....if u have seen them play 'bad' then it really is an off day.... ( a record deal with snowstorm and an album due for release may prove my point)
  8. Check out.... Filthpact: (good metal band....and i dont like metal so they must be fucking good) Copy_HaHo: (formerly known as politik....fucking great post punk/indie band....really nice songs...really amazing band) Masamune: (Loud, technical, good show.....good songs.....always full of suprises) Reasons are Red: (the closest thing you will get to a scottish dischord band, think q and not u.....heaps of live energy) Fuck there is actually alot...so im just gonna list a few....maple....le reno amps...steccato set (sp?).....dedalus.....dear jon (lifeshade).......deadloss......karloff......so many more....so little time.....
  9. I agree with this in part......there is too much shittyness with other bands and that SHOULD stop..... But i dont think you need to support the scene just for the sake of supporting it....for example i aint ever going to pay to see a ska band etc.... its not my thing. I dont think that anyone is to blame for not being signed to a 'major' label....thats not what music is all about.....did everyone forget that just having fun is cool? And i think that some bands in aberdeen are good enough to be on a big label anyway....maybe their chance hasnt come.....and maybe with time it will... And you cant rag on everyone just cause they only go to the music hall to see a gig....if thats their thing then so fucking what....more fool them for missing out on good local music....
  10. Yeah.....thanks to everyone last night....was pretty cool of the shazbot and jim to book us for the last ever night.....cheers for everyone showing good support and stuff cause i know like 99% of you are metal fans and we aint gonna be your cup of tea.....but everyone was cool as fuck last night....so cheers!!! (war pigs was fucking awesome)
  11. I was humming a hahing myself about whether to play or not....ive been wanting to see that documentary for ages......
  12. There name has changed to 'Copy_HaHo'.......no need to worry about them quitting
  13. Maxwell sent me a song last night....oh so fucking good.....im looking forward to it....
  14. Mini from copy_haho/politik/project: ven-hell/doris mavis....i would ram it in him so hard.....
  15. Utter pish......the drummer was the most un talented fat shit (maybe a bit a like me) i have ever seen......the band as a whole were sloppier than a morning shit after 50 pints of stella.....but i do agree that they could sound slightly better than they did on tv cause the sound engineer deserved to be shot........maybe about as good as a sloppy shit after 40 pints of stella......
  16. No mp3's im afraid.....we have been too damn lazy to make a web site yet......there shall be one in the near future......
  17. Its not that private.....if people want to go all they have to do is ask.....and if there is space they will get in.....its like buying a ticket for a gig really......so its not unlike any other gig...so no need to close thread.....
  18. Its only a tenner at the In-Shops on market street....takes about 2 seconds......
  19. Sounds like a crazy mix between Wu-tang, GLC and some crazy french hip-hop i have on tape from years ago..... Good for a laugh i suppose!
  20. About fucking time......dirty junkie twat.....
  21. Dave.....you should have taken a photo of me getting brownie points with bob weston after the gig! I swear the photographic evidence would have proved my theory that he is my best friend.........
  22. Doris/Mavis are fucking awesome.....but will they ever play live?
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