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Pierre Von Mondragon

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Everything posted by Pierre Von Mondragon

  1. Surely Scott & Cindi are finito!!? after all they spent most of the FX budget yesterday. not long now.
  2. Its all Logic round my neck of the woods, Steve our bassist is a bit of a whizz on SX, but is not online, and has never made his presence felt round these parts. I tried VST 3.5, but it was a nightmare, if I know any members with the knowledge I'll try and direct them to this thread.
  3. We were planning to make an own release album, and started to record it at the end of summer. Now we have 1 finished track and 2 nearly done. So its an EP then. On the plus side its a home laboratory job, so we are not faced with studio clocks seeming to run in double time. It must depend on how much you have worked out in pre-procuction, or if the studio is involved as part of the writing process. Other bands times will probably vary wildly according to budget and organisation I suppose.
  4. Surely that use of the word 'know' must have caused countless problems back in the day? Any way respec to Colin Cant & the Zimbabwe 5; none of them were called Colin, or were from Zimbabwe and I think there were 4 of them, but you cant argue with the quality monicker.
  5. Not only total neighboursmageddon, but the use of 'fruitboot' as an insult was a high point for connosieurs of Fake aussie TV swearing.
  6. I remember them at Ritzys no less with Danger Zone and others I only really knew yer man Roddy
  7. Fear not, there is always a week this friday 18/03 at Drummonds, with almost a straight replay of this one, so there is no excuse.
  8. The worst film ever is 'Congo', really it just is.
  9. Any relation to the Zimbabwe 5? Le Tigre-This Island
  10. I Suppose I could maybe go then, if its not sold out by the time I'm funded.
  11. Whoever made off with it must have hefty attributes, honestly the thing is that heavy.
  12. Someone must have seen the episode when Jim Robinson was lost in the woods and ate some magic mushrooms. Cue dissolving screen and tripped out sounds Vintage quality.
  13. If any one comes across a Peavy Renown 112 guitar amp on their travels could they please give me a shout as my one went missing after our gig at the Lemon Tree 18/02/05. I have chased up all my available leads and come up with nada. The thing weighs a ton, and has a feeble O/D sound but is very loud, it is marked on the front 'equipped with Scorpion' (the speaker) I do seem cursed to lose stuff there, a digitech RP 80 went walkies last time I was there. Cheers
  14. Reggae sounds much deeper on record
  15. I would like to point out the obvious typo, that on Sunday at Snafu it should read Harri/AKA the Fox, not Harri aka the fox, funny though it is.
  16. Thats actually quite fitting. Hope I dont get Eno's hairline. After all I do like synths.
  17. Art, yes please Far too many great artists to mention but a random Top 10 is (with examples) Check the Web Gallery of Art http://www.wga.hu/index1.html...good for older stuff. 1-Correggio. particularly Jupiter and Io Proto-Baroque North Italian renaissance master. 2-Titian. 'Flaying of Marsyas', one for the gore hounds. One of his last paintings c.1575/6 3-Caravaggio. 'Supper at Emmaus' (London version) Big exhibition on in London at the moment, cant afford to go though. 4-Jacques Louis David. ' Death Of Marat' or "Intervention of the Sabine Women' 5-Gustave Courbet. 'The Artist In His Studio' Really Real Realism. 6-Robin Philipson. '2 Winows IV' Abstract and expressionistic, this spectroscopic beauty is usually upstairs in Aberdeen Art Gallery 7-Anish Kapoor. 'Marsyas' I saw this in the Tate Modern, when it was installed as part of the Unilever series, awesome, and also visible as my avatar 8-Gavin Hamilton. 'Achilles Mourning the Death of Patroclus' One of the foremost Scottish painters you never heard of. The above work is at thge NGS, Edinburgh. 9-Atemisia Gentileschi. 'Judith and Holofernes' when you read her story, you know why these paintings look like they do. 10-Piet Mondrian. 'Broadway Boogie Woogie' A natural step on from his better known style Any other day this list would be different, just like music lists, but some of the artists would always be in there.
  18. Does the reduced rate apply to nominees? would I have to prove it on a conveniently locted guitar at the front door?
  19. Theme from S-Express Q-Project-Champion Sound Nightmares on Wax-Dextrous...mm I Just got all the Pre KLF JAMMs stuff, and now happily have a copy of 1987 (What the Fucks Going On?), or the one thet had to burn, My fave must be Hey Hey We Are Not the monkees Sampladelic
  20. Wow 11 000 votes is quite a big margin. , I didn't even know we were in this til tonight. Dont think we can compete with those figures though.
  21. First gig of the year (If you dont count 1am New Years Day at SNAFU), cant come soon enough now that the grim month has passed. Friday 18th, Lemon Tree- with Little Kicks, Dedalus, Headseen One of 2 or 3 before we head off to the Weej/Unthank to live in the rain, so intend to show definitively that we're up to the task, should be a good night all round.
  22. Mid 90s downtempo rocks, albeit very slowly, and mellowed out. I so want a copy of Maxinquaye but every shop charges about 17, have to get it in the weej. Glad Portishead are still on the go, they only ever sound like themselves
  23. The movie in question is "Look whose Talking" (small drum roll)
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