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Everything posted by psydoll

  1. Hours of mirth from one statement! Matt Bellamy Slash Stephen Carpenter Kurt Cobain Mike Einziger At the moment I hesitantly put these guys top of my favourites. I bet I change it come the morrow though...
  2. I'm not even going to read this thread but I'll say this: I had an ace time ice skating to 'Fairground' when I was at school
  3. psydoll

    post reggae

    Like reggae with PJJ involved?
  4. I'm well shaving off my wrestling beard so I get IDed and kicked out! Yas.
  5. You're fucking shite Ross, I'll lend you money to bloody go and you can pay me back whenever! Booooooooooooooooooo!
  6. So add me on last.fm for the love of god
  7. Moshulu shall have both rooms open on New Year's Eve/Day for an undisclosed tarriff. I have heard nowt of any bands playing but avoiding the weather and Wet Wet Wet (mostly the same thing here) is surely worth it...
  8. Have you been listening to too much Aberfeldy again Dave? ^_^
  9. That seems less lesbiotic than I'd have expected from the original post.
  10. Wah.Wah.Wah. Air guitar that night innit? ^_^
  11. i was wonderin does anyone think it is a good idea to start a thread like this before youv played your first gig? wb
  12. Nae chance, I'm allergic. Me and my guinea pig manage just fine thanking you. ^_^
  13. I find them quite a hard band to pin down whether I like them or not, the album's at times irritating and at times quite catchy. Further listening required methinks. I thought they were playing Liquid at some point?
  14. Video removed! Wah! Arteta's goal's a fecking bullet though. Pick that one out indeed.
  15. Fudge needs to rip this idea off surely. It's been too long coming.
  16. I recall playing you Million Dead before in Bassment. Wah! Million Dead were ace. Frank Turner blew me away at Tunnels though. Excellent. So Meet Me In St.Louis aye?
  17. Local band member in killing animals and professionals shocker.
  18. Nah, there's nae grumpy Dave glowering behind the booth
  19. All bands who use cowbells immediately gain extra kudos from me. Bands with cowbells can be heard at Club NME at Moshulu every Tuesday sir, including Sunshine Underground tonight! Where are you and your indie ilk on said night?
  20. To be fair if you had that kind of influence and sales you'd probably be doing the same thing as well whatever sort of music/style you were endorsing. People buy into charts by magazines or sources they're interested in, you're interested in the Fudge awards non? ^_^ Listen to the music and if you don't like the magazine don't read it. Seems mildly like needless anger to me.
  21. Did everyone miss the "I'm not putting on regular gigs/being so involved with Arkade" malarkey before? The man works very hard at both his jobs as well as playing in a band who are all based in another city and has a girlfriend and social life to keep up on top of that. I would've thought the type of person who seems to keep tabs on said person's posts would have realised this kind of thing by now...
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