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Everything posted by Christy

  1. Aye that last pint was a mistake fo sho. Good night though.
  2. McArdle was the only really poor performer tonight, but we need more from most. It's a good job that Hamilton are pish, because they had so much of the ball in dangerous areas and yet created hee haw. Aluko, Diamond, McNamee and Bebo were the best of a bad bunch. Disappointed by Smith and Vernon, despite their effort. Experienced plaaaars should show better composure on the ball.
  3. As with most things, 'it depends' is the correct answer. Give him an email: I can confirm that his rates are hoorin' reasonable though EDIT: ups, grunch.
  4. Off for a wank now. This thread gives me an erect penis. EDIT: o yeah, option 2 ldo. Pattillo and Kai are welcome to the skanky sloooot.
  5. Without doubt the worst major festi lineup that I have ever seen.
  6. That is a quality read. Classy situation.
  7. Cannae believe all the bummers ITT. Dairy can GTF.
  8. Falkirks stadium did not prevent us from getting relegated. That is one of the myths of Scottish fitba that has been perpetuated by ignorant arserags like The Sun and The Daily Record. It is, quite simply, false, but dont let the facts get in the way of a good dig
  9. The My Decaying Leg performance at the first Fish-stock was the single greatest local band performance that I have ever witnessed. And I dont even like loud music.
  10. Beat East Fife 6-0 just t'other month
  11. Gotta wait it out. The food will hit yer stomach soon and you'll feel all fat and contented
  12. Yes I agree, there is no moral or unspoken obligation to tip the hairdresser, but I always do. I always tip at restaurants and tip a good bartender (unless I'm just buying one or two beers or woteva), and a Chinese/pizza delivery guy. Personal preference. I don't feel superior beause I tip or anything. I feel superior because I am superior
  13. I always tip the hairdresser. Always. EDIT to add: I went out with one for two years, and they get paid terribly for the job they do.
  14. Frosty - that is a cracking read and a tale that resonates with me and I am sure Kris and Steven too. Our story was very similar (although we never expected to make any money). Any chance you could edit it with a few hits of the return bar? It is tough to read but it deserves to be seen. i very nearly didnt read it because of its wall of textiness.
  15. I have a song to sing when we next play Dundeh Yinited (to the tune of Artful Dodger/Craig David): Good - Will - Eee. When the girl says no, molest her* Think it will catch on? *allegedly
  16. Not only is Lafferty a despicable excuse for a human being, he is also an abortion of a footballer.
  17. I dunno anything when it comes to this, the gayest of all sports that arent rugby. However, I saw this vid and pissed mysel. Those crazy wrestlers! Sorry if its old news and youve all seen it before YouTube - That's the Most Illegal Thing I've Seen in the History of Wrestling!
  18. Shaki has dominated this thread
  19. It's a miracle we achieved as much as we did. given the choices we made. If we had 'played the game' so to speak, I have no doubt that we would have certainly amounted to bigger things than we ultimately did. No wonder Jamesy was tearing his hair out. I can't imagine managing Kris, Steven and me being an easy job. When all is said and done, though, we toured as main support to Kaiser Chiefs, The Automatic (aye, when they were a big deal, ken), Noisettes, Good Shoes (see 'The Automatic'), The Rifles, The Pipettes....plus more that I can't remember. We had a debut single that got rave reviews, and an album (that we never completed) that was hotly tipped. We played plumb slots at TiTP, Belladrum, RockNess, and my personal highlight was playing Club NME on a Friday night to a jam-packed Koko in Camden (the very venue where Steve, Kai and I, under considerable influence, decided to form a band. Then Kai went down so we got Kris.) Easy game. In short, I spent my early twenties making ace music around Britan with my two best friends. We made some decisions that most bands would sell their souls for, but we stuck to our principles. I am fiercely proud of what we achieved, and we certainly could have gone onto achieve a bunch more. Thanks for indulging my wee trip down memory lane.
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