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Everything posted by Christy

  1. I'm with John W on this one. If you have it near-horizontal it is almost impossible to generate the same level of power with as little effort as when you hit down on it. Never trust drummers with two rack toms, and never trust drummers with one severely-angled rack tom. O, and never trust drummers with heaps of cymbals, obviously. Meg is ace though.
  2. Going to see him in Glasgow next month, and now in Aberdeen too. Delighted.
  3. Meg White...I'd smash it but I'd need to get over the fact that she looks like Jamesy. OK I'd smash Jamesy too She is an awesome drummer too. Absolutely perfect for the band.
  4. Two days on, and I'm still raging about Considine's red card. Disgraceful decision. As a former ref I tend to give the officials the benefit of the doubt and rarely buy into this 'Old Firm are treated differently' mentality, but that's the way it is in Scotland right now. There is simply no chance that, roles reversed, the Celtic player would have been sent off. none.
  5. Drumming is about feel. You've gotta know when to beat fuck out of dem tubs, and know when to hold back. When to flail around the toms like a madman (ie. rarely) and when a simple double snare hit is an effective fill. As Dallas knows, my number one pet drumming hate is the over-use of cymbals. Especially at small-ish venues when they stand out like a sore arse. I used to batter the bejesus out of my drums (as anyone who saw de Barros and Sirius will attest). Then it finally dawned on me that if I just relax a little and stop skelping them so damn hard they sound infinitely better. Plus I break far fewer cymbals, drum heads and sticks these days. That's not to say I don't batter them when need be, just that a little bit of dynamic and feel makes all the difference. Wazzock was a fucking beast at that. That fella fair hammered the drums, but his technique was so relaxed that he could move through the gears effortlessly. Ace drummer.
  6. The White Stripes were about the only remaining genuinely massive band in the world who were worthy. They didn't dilute their songs to just feature giant sing-alongs a la Snow Patrol, they didn't over-produce to the point of unlistenability like Muse, and they didn't disappear up their own arses in U2 style. A proper band. Fucking ace. RIP The White Stripes. Hopefully this means that The Raconteurs will start being good again.
  7. Did I see it wrong, or was the deflection irrelevant? Looks like he was offside when the Everton player played the ball towards Saha BEFORE the deflection. That fact that Saha then got possession says it's offside.
  8. That fucking cocksuck Neil Lennon has every referee in Scotland in his back pocket right now.
  9. Joke of a decision to send off Considine. Certainly not a 'clear goalscoring opportunity'. That monumental fud Craig Burley summarising is pathetic.
  10. Belfast til the tenth, then Im free as a bird. Luncheon ahoy.
  11. Certainly not me. The furthest from my flat I have been today was a quick sammich from RockSalt and Snails. Love me dem milfs!
  12. I bought my wifeburd a Jonathon Creek tshirt for her bday. True story.
  13. Charlie Adam would have rotted at Spurs a la Bentley. Huddlestone would keep him on the bench. Liverpool is the only logical move that fits for him imo.
  14. From Scotland striker Jamie Mackie's Twitter account (confirmed genuine): "proper disappointed that e diouf was in my ear while aim on the deck with a broken leg saying fuck u and fuck your leg thanks" Diouf at Rangers. A match made in heaven.
  15. In keeping with the Guthrie theme, how about Pastures of Plenty? We took The Deportees, and Pretty Boy Floyd is gone too.
  16. Speaking of untidy at the back...
  17. It's cheeky, but far from outrageous. I've done it before when I've been busto, and always been granted it sans quarrel. Just don't take the piss, and if they say no be nice about it.
  18. Y'know what I hate? When there's a skidmark on the toilet that, try as you might, your piss just will not budge.
  19. Good to know that, even on the Hat as opposed to the Stand Free Forum, every single thread descends into an Alan Gow debate. Kind of comforting.
  20. One of the proudest moments of my life was when Edgar Prais got 9/10 and a piece by John Earls on Plant Sound. Earls was God when I was young.
  21. Thread over at aberdeen-mad about the Ki situation. Seems like a strange one. Much as it pains me to say it, Charlie Adam is twice the footballer that Jimmy Bullard ever was. Totally incomparable. Of course Bullard at his peak far surpassed the SPL Charlie Adam, but for both of them, those days are long gone.
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