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Everything posted by Christy

  1. He is only comparable nowadays with the Gerrard/Lampard/Scholes of today. Even then, he is still in fourth position of four if I had to select one for my team. All three of those players in their heyday piss all over Barton at his peak. I think all the Barton hubris sort of clouds the fact that he has found his level; a good Premiership midfielder.
  2. Practice room at Deportees HQ:
  3. Hmmm....an article in The Sun that doesnt feature any quotes from anyone involved? Seems legit.
  4. Is that two different singers? In Golden Ecstasy he sounds like hes from Sheffield. In Neon Nights its broad Dundonian. Neon Nights is a catchy little number. Sounds promising!
  5. lol@Joey Barton being called a great player. He is only comparitively good because Dingland are so short of quality in his position. He is a good player who would be nowehere near the squad of a top international team. Plus, he is the type of despicable cunt who has exhausted all of his second chances and should not be revered by anyone. Born to play for Rangers imo.
  6. As in, you dont understand that she called the doll Jaki because it rhymes with...? Or you understand it and dont think that it is racist? Golliwogs unto themselves are not racist; it is a doll. However, what it represents (the jolly, cartoon black man providing the amusement for white people) is of course racist.
  7. I went out with a girl who denied her passive racism. She had one of those little female Indian dolls in pride of place in her bedroom. I asked her the doll's name. Any guesses? Jaki 'Aye but I'm not a racist!'
  8. Greigallen you sexy basturt...if I had any spare time I would jump at the chance to drum for you, you sexy bitch. Alas, Mathiesonian can fill my throne adequately. Snaffers imorn?
  9. First song I learned on bass was About A Girl. And I don't think I have bothered to learn another one.
  10. Cannae wait. Good luck with the album!
  11. Kids love angsty music that they can shout along to. When I were a lad it was all Nirvana and RATM. Nowadays it is probably the same. Never really liked them tbh. Hugely important band, though, and his death remains a great loss.
  12. Stevie P, Kai and I had a great time sleepering our way to see Nick Cave in London in 2006. As soon as everyone went to bed we played poker (not a euphemism) with the stewardesses until the early hours. Slept like a baby in the wee cabin thing and woke up for breakfast in London. So I guess the conclusion is that, if you have good company, it will be ace.
  13. I have genuinely never heard of a single one of the 'artists' ITT, except Rebecca Black (cheers, Facebook). Still not clicked any of those linkies either (is his mum worth enduring the inevitable hatred that I will feel towards a young kid?). In short, I am an old man and my finger is way off the pulse. On the plus side, I am listening to Mellow Gold right now, which is kind of modernish.
  14. New idea: any thread that is spawned from the Evening Depress is auto-locked. Weak as pish excuse for a newspaper that, heroically, aspires to be a tabloid. AJGTF.
  15. I dunno guys, this seems legit
  16. I'm not aggro about the music they choose to like, I just feel some rage when almost every bump ITT has been to discuss the (lack of) merit of Taking Back Sunday. Even when most people are admitting that they're shit (but...). This thread was ace until then. More confessions, fewer TBS discussions please! If there is a TBS thread on the Music Discussion forum I'll know not to open it. However, I don't want to have to avoid opening this one too, because it was good until recently. Confession: I have only heard one TBS song, and based my opinion of the band thereon. It was godawful. I figured that they can't possibly be good. The sample size is probably too small to truly deduce their level of shitness. Confession: I was delighted when Plymouth went into administration. I don't know why, but I HATE them. Confession: I cheereed once when Scotland won a game of rugger. What can I say, I got caught up in the moment.
  17. Jesus fucking Christ, dont we have enough forums already for discussing shit bands? Taking Back Sunday are not, and indeed never have been, good. You all know this to be true, so why fight or deny it?
  18. Um...that's called 'having a wank to porn', Stroopy. Pretty standaard wank fodder.
  19. In the nicest possible way, and welcome to the forums and all that, but that is the single worst band name that I've ever heard. Nae offence, and good luck with the bassist hunt. Seriously recommend reconsidering your choice of name though.
  20. Good luck to him. He's not Finnish, he's only 44
  21. Yeah my parents are kind of resigned to the fact that i won't be putting my degree to use for a while. The way I see it is that jobs are scarce in Aberdeen right now; I'm not borrowing money from them, and I'm not living at home with them. I'm doing pretty well with this poker malarky, and I earn more than I would in a 'real' job. So where's the problem? I showed them the end of year leaderboard on Sharkscope. That seemed to assuage their fears a bit.
  22. Can't get money on Stars for some reason. BTW I am now a coach for Team Moshman, Collin Moshman's stable. So technically I have a job. Kind of.
  23. It was so degrading...the look in his sallow, sunken junkie eyes. I didn't think it possible, but despite being pissed upon, I wasn't the most pathetic specimen in the exchange. FWIW I chucked out the jeans I was wearing. Had a spare pair in my rucksack.
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