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Everything posted by Jeid

  1. I have JJ valves in my preamp... they're quality.
  2. I'd love a Mesa cab... but fucking hell, they're expensive!
  3. I actually have a Tele which I might be selling... I'm away first thing in the morning. I'll have a think about it.
  4. If I wasn't going to see the woman this weekend, I'd probably be all over that. Good luck dude!
  5. Opinions are like arseholes... everyone knows one I'm not a fan of the whole Marshall sound at all. Not on it's own anyway. Their cabs are well constructed... but that's about all I'd buy. I love my Mesa... I compared it with a TSL100 and fuckin hell, the TSL was pure utter pish. No life to it at all... just toppy upper mid range bollocks. There was no beef to it. I owned a 900, it was my first amp, it was ok... better than the TSL. Marshall's time was in the 60's... they've been riding a wave ever since if you ask me. But again, I'm just being opinionated...
  6. Mind you... tonal qualities and acrylic don't mix all that well... how well does it resonate?
  7. Maxi knows his stuff... a good amp... although more expensive... is WELL worth the investment. Unless you get lucky like me and manage to pick up a Mesa Boogie for 150
  8. The graphics on the PS3 are better.... oh, wait...
  9. an EMG? Lolz.. Get a good passive pickup...
  10. I'm with Maxi... the amount of people who buy AVT's is stupid. They could get a proper amp for that price!
  11. My girlfriend's dad has a USA Strat with Lace Sensors... they just have "Lace Sensor" printed on them
  12. I'm pretty sure it's the same company...
  13. I'm sure he could arrange that actually. He works for a company with a depot in Aberdeen, dunno if this will be what he wants though, I just know he's looking for a new bass amp.
  14. I might know someone who'd take it off your hands. I'll not see him til sunday though...
  15. Jeid


    I bought something from a German company last week, no confirmation e-mail... they're closed until January 3rd though
  16. I lug around an external power transformer(PT)... it's not the end of the world. It's either that, or an extra few hundred quid on an amp. You choose I got my Mesa Boogie head for 150... it has an external PT. I don't mind since I got it so cheap. After Xmas I'll be saving for another amp I think.
  17. According to Ampeg yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. I've also checked out a few forums and I've seen the same question asked by people in Australia(who also work on 230/240v) and they've had their amps changed to work in their country. Hell, if you look at the back of the SVT-450, it says 110/120v or 230/240v. I've found this SVT-4 on a forum. The big bitch is on postage, some companies will rape you on that shit. Seriously. This guy who I'm getting the amp from has checked the amp and through him postage is $158... some company wanted to charge me $400. Insane! The SVT-4 is above and beyond our needs, but it seems like a great piece of equipment. Even if it's not suited to my mate, he's going to be able to sell it at a profit.
  18. I've done some reading on this, all new Ampegs come with the multi-tap transformer. It should just be a case of moving a few wires(about ten of them apparently) and hooking it up. I think this has something to do with Ampeg's new cost cutting measures. Make all the amps with the same components and then ship them out with whatever Voltage is needed for each country. Clever I think. I'm hopefully going to talk my bass player into buying an SVT-4 Pro head next week. I've worked out a deal for around 470 delivered from the states. His budget is 400... I'm willing to throw in the postage cost. He's upgrading from an Ashdown Mag combo... and extra 100 isn't going to get him a whole lot of Amp(eg) in the UK... so I've been scouring the interweb for something decent. 470 is a fucking steal. I've checked Thomann and they are 1099!!! o_O Now... All I need to do is find someone selling a cheap 4x10 or 6x10... and we're cooking with gas!
  19. I like the Angelus-HGS model... I think their strats style guitars are pretty fugly
  20. I'm using a transformer with my Mesa... not one of your light ones... one of those super heavy building site ones. We once travelled halfway to Inverness and realised we'd forgotten it... bad times... had to drive all the way home and back
  21. I'm trying to get my bass player a new amp and I think importing is going to be the cheapest way. I can get him an Ampeg with almost a 3rd off even with taxes and shipping... sometimes more than a 3rd off.
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