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Everything posted by Jeid

  1. Not to mention, scratch fuck out of your pedals. Get heavy duty velcro. It's the best way... seriously.
  2. This topic must've come up a million times. Velcro... seriously. I just bought one of their very expensive power supplies... mind you, it's cheaper than the Dunlop one... and better.
  3. I tried e-mailing him about changing the transformer in my boogie... i'm still waiting for a reply!
  4. I just built a 5w valve amp... it's pretty fuckin loud!
  5. The audio files from your pro tools session should be in the audio folder where you saved the pro tools session.
  6. you should be able to take the individual audio files and import them into Sonar.
  7. Mark could get you a great sound at The Byre... we did a session with him, if you bring Scrumpy... he'll be your friend ha
  8. Where you place pedals in your chain is up to you. Some people like the sound of modulation pedals in front of the amp, some like it in the loop. Some people prefer wah pedals before distortion, some after. It's subjective.
  9. I assume this was for the musicians forum However, if you get the code from the front of the speaker(you'll need to remove a speaker to get this, it should be round the edge) then go to the celestion website, they have a date thing there.
  10. Vheissu was a great album... this is definitely the next step for them. Anyone heard Dustin's solo album? It's quality!
  11. Anyone got this album yet? What's your opinions of it? Enjoying it so far. I love the Water part of it.
  12. My band recorded there in July, in fact, we're planning on going back before the end of the year. It's a great place. We worked with Mark Thomas(he does the sound at The Moorings) and he did a great job. He's a really nice guy and made us feel really relaxed. I liked how he worked. I recommend that you go. 300 +vat a day. If you work with Mark, a day lasts from around 10am to 9pm, depending on how tired you all are. The guy that owns the place usually only works 9-5. So you get a few extra hours with Mark. It's in the middle of nowhere which is good, because you concentrate more on your work. Plus... they have two big ass dogs
  13. I usually start off with a riff in my head. Then I develop it in my head, then I try to play it. Then I fuck around until I have a song. As for arrangements... I leave that to my drummer
  14. Jeid


    Tbh, if it's fucked, and you fiddle with it, then I'm pretty sure you'll void your warranty. Get on the phone. It's their problem to fix it
  15. Hrm, it would appear that people aren't to interested in how they look after their pedals. Check one of these bad boys out. It will look after your precious pedals Pedalboards, Pedal Board Cases, Effects Pedal Power Supplies and the Finest Hand-built British Guitar Amplifiers by Diago - Introduction You can get all the different types of pedal attachments as well (for the likes of Electro Harmonix etc)
  16. Jeid


    Agreed... practise? Fuck that!
  17. Jeid


    Not a hope. You'd be as well spending the extra couple of hundred quid and getting a good amp. Maxi.. different strokes for different folks I guess. I'm sure the amp choice is the best way forward though. Bob, you should try some shit out...
  18. Jeid


    I agree to a point with this. 100watts isn't essential. A good valve amp is loud, 50watts will be perfect. A JCM800 would be a good amp though. If you really want a Boogie, you could perhaps pickup a DC-5 at a not overly stupid price on eGay.
  19. Jeid


    Wouldn't recommend an MXR tbh. Having to turn your treble that low is bad news brown. Take your guitar to a music shop(amp as well if you must.. or use one similar to yours in the shop) and try a few out. Everyone can recommend pedals, but only you know what you're looking for.
  20. We did this a fair few years ago as well... was ace fun. I'll never forget shooting Dave Bradley in the balls twice
  21. Using lots of gain is over rated
  22. Use your Tubescreamer. Gain right down, volume right up
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