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Everything posted by jimr

  1. acid mothers temple - the assasins beautiful daugh
  2. tracy and the plastics - the city
  3. jimr

    E3 2005

    Yeah, history has shown us that obsolete consoles go up in value over the years. I'm going to sell my xbox tommorow.
  4. Yup, Craig said The Jacket was heaving with a jam packed 6 people in attendence.
  5. architecture in helsinki - one heavy february
  6. The hold steady - don't let me explode
  7. So what you're trying to get across is...you wont lie? What if a man, lay on his deathbed, having jumped infront of a car to knock his love to safety, grabbed your arm and asked if his wife was alright? Could you tell him that he had infact inadvertently pushed her into the path of a oncoming bus, in effect sacraficing himself for nothing? I think not. Lieing is great. Stop hating on the lieing.
  8. oh literal joy. squeeeeeze, splat, blood soaked curly hairs of dread.
  9. If this has been a dwarven sabbath tribute band I would have gone. Assuming that I had read this before just now. Which I didn't. KNIGHTS RISE!
  10. high water marks - five thousand
  11. I always had hard dance fans pegged as Dino's or Carlos' or Wolfgang's.
  12. I take exception to the name of this thread. Unless of course, you were implying that our lord was actually a girl and a witch. In which case I will see your head on a spike Blasphemer.
  13. woah, thats a 100 % margin of error there.
  14. Does the tongue mean you realise I'm talking about someone else? I'm not up to date on my internet ettiquette.
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