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Everything posted by jimr

  1. If this place isn't packed tonight i'm going to car bomb the next my chemical romance gig.
  2. not when i'm on my laptop and it doesn't work. actually thats a lie, i can check it through outlook express and now i have. I'll give you a shout tommorow.
  3. Holly. have fun last night loner boy?
  4. hey stink face, did you get my message?
  5. The only time you are allowed to talk during a set is to heckle, and only then in a good natured drunken way.
  6. Best - sonic yowth playing drunken butterfly Worst - some tink stealing my crate of red wine and my ex's crate of peach ming. So ming was the peach that the fuckers had the cheek to return it during the night. Funniest - tripping on acid walking back through the campsite one particularly muddy t, screaming "the goblins have my feet, let go of my feet cretens" I lost my shoes in the mud and constructed a new pair out of the daily star, and decided to go off in search of my lost companions. I got into a heated arguement with a midget which resulted in him taking a swing at me, me kicking him in the knee and running off hiding in someone elses tent closing my ears to the sound of said wegie midget roaring "come out so i can cut your todger off" I spent the rest of the night trying to scream like the guy from the el paso advert.
  7. For the whole of Scotland, and north england. We all know the guardian don't consider north england to be part of england proper. This was a calculated insult and you should have killed them where they stood.
  8. shipping news (morays or)demon
  9. More importantly Seth joined Enon. That er, actually looks good.
  11. xiu xiu - 20, 000 Deaths for Eidelyn Gonzales, 200, 000 Deaths for Jamie Peterson
  12. "heres my knife heres my knife heres my knife HERES MY HAND theres my knife IN YOUR BELLY!"
  13. silver jews - like like the the the death
  14. yes, mr seagull is now on bbc 1. Get off the fucking internet.
  15. It's good. It's so nice to see that the tango man is getting roles again, that guy is a hero.
  16. Mclusky - the world loves us and is our bitch
  17. all those going to oxes should go to les georges leningrad at optimo later that night. PIE PIE PIE PIE MINGO SHHSALHSHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHA
  18. Me and yousef are going to work on our heckling routine. random shouts of certain austrian 80's legends don't appear to cut it.
  19. liars - theres always room on the broom
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