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Everything posted by medichi

  1. I heard Simon Cowell had a hand in Pig Destroyer......
  2. NHS Direct? NHS inept more like. Mention chest pain, even if you're a 20 year old who just lifted a pile of bricks, and have had the pain for 3 years, and you'll be blue lighted in by your local ambulance crew.....
  3. Ben, seriously - SHUT THA FUCK UP! "Obession" is the most overhyped piece of CRAP released this year. Awful lyrics, recycled riffs, lack of passion. This one is going to run and run..... PS I haven't attatched a smiley to the above, cos I'm pretty sure you know its not personal......
  4. Ultraviolence - I remember them from the old earache samplers I used to get. Man they were good - where else dig you get tapes with Carcass, Godflesh, Bolt Thrower and UltraViolence back to back? *goes back to pipe and slippers*
  5. What, exactly, do you define as "fake" hardcore? Comes over a bit elitist..... Downloaded Misery Signals - it's alright. Better than 18 Visions anyway.....
  6. Err, I think I read it as the reason for the cancelled Head Automatica gigs....
  7. Is it true the new album licks balls?
  8. Really? I hated it at first, but I wanted American Nightmare mkII. Re-listening, there are some great parts, but there's so much of the "look how fast and crazy we can play" stuff leaking in from the Locust, that I can't get into the whole album. Sex Positions are MUCH better.
  9. Both albums are ace. Fuck you all. I reckon we will geta third album, but it'll be all about the drugs, bitches, and collostomy bags..... Incidentally, if he has had surgery, he must have had something SERIOUSLY wrong, cos they don't often operate on Crohns unless they really have to...
  10. I thought it was meant to be Blood Brothers, but I may have made that up. The more I see of 18V in the press, the more I hate them. *goes and hugs his copy of Vanity*
  11. Glassjaw - remember them? You know kids, the ones you used to love sooooo much, until Taking Back Sunday came along. [/patronisation] Anyway, looks like they're fucked....... Taken from Punktastic Hey Everyone. I wanted to write a letter about my current situation, and I thought the best way to do it was to post it here. Over a year ago in August, Glassjaw played our last show after years of touring and we decided to take a hiatus. We were all fried and needed time to do our own things. It got to the point where we were on top of each other way too much and it was starting to take its toll. Everyone decided to take some time off and do what they wanted to do for awhile..... Fast Forward to a few weeks ago. People start asking me about this Glassjaw show in December that I know nothing about. So I look on the computer and find that there is a confirmed show. After thinking this was a mistake I called Beck and just wanted to clarify. I found out Beck's vision of Glassjaw these days is vastly different than mine. As far as I know, Beck plans to play the show with only himself on guitar, Daryl, and two hired musicians on drums on bass. After seeing Beck's vision of Glassjaw I realized I was not part of it anymore. I didn't quit the band..... I'm just not in it anymore. I'm not really sure what the future of Glassjaw will be, if any ........ For almost 10 years of my life I've had some of the most amazing times with Glassjaw. I've met great people, bands, friends, and made great music that will always be a part of me. I didn't expect it to end like this but I have to move on................ Thanks to all of you guys for everything, your support has always meant so much. ................... A side band i put together while we were on break has now become my main project. It was called Easy Tiger, but we had some legal issues, and are still between names. Expect music soon........... Thanks again, hope to see you all soon. Stay in touch. tlerrone#gmail.com........ Oh and don't worry if you are going to that show in December it will sound great. Beck has a box of green line 6 pedals with the loop feature so you won't even miss me! - Todd Game over? Maybe......
  12. I suspect you'll like The Nothing best, and 100 Demons least. The jury is still out on Some Girls....
  13. Draw Blood - Just signed to Deathwish, sound very American Nightmare. The Nothing - The one MP3 I've heard is ACE. Members of Send More Paramedics with ex-Labrat man on vox. On In At The Deep End and on tour soon. Sex Positions - Had thsi album a while, but they don't get enough praise. Some next-gen sheezit right here. Also on DeathWish. 100 Demons - Only just heard them. Good stuff, pretty straight up hardcore, nothing fancy, but brutally tasty. Hey, they're on DeathWish too..... Trying again to get into Some Girls. Liking it better now than I did at first, mebbie its a grower.....errrr, also on DeathWish (I'm not a street teamer, I promise.....)
  14. Fuck you all! The motherfucking RISE are playing! Utter, utter awesomeness! Better not be bullshit.....
  15. Yeah, its a bit crap. Missing Eighteen Visions in Liverpool, can't go see SOIA, HeadAutomatica cancelled. Bollocks. What are ?uestlove and the Roots like? What should I download?
  16. A feeling? What've you heard, fucknugget?!? Hmm, makes my Liverpool based MCM vs INC debate easier....
  17. So I'm gonna be in London for a week doing a course, and wanna find a kick-ass gig for the 27th Noveber - a Saturday in London, you'd think you couldn't go wrong - but I can find FUCK ALL except Motorhead with Sepultura, the former I've seen, and the latter I don't wanna see until Max is back. Head Automatica were meant to be playing, but have cancelled, I can't go to SOIA the previous night, and I'm ENRAGED! Anyone know any gigs in London thqat night?
  18. Saw Winnebago Deal and TD in Liverpool - The Deal were ACE as ever, but the Dragons are root.....
  19. Gotta say, I like Leviathan better than Remission. Great band, probably gonna be HUGE, and "Blood and Thunder" is one of the greatest metal tracks ever. Think Burnt By The Sun are a better band overall though.....
  20. Oooh! Ex-Grade! Can't seem to find mp3s anywhere though. Anyone else tracked some down?
  21. Black Maria. No, me neither. Off to check 'em out on the Victory website.....
  22. Hmm. If I try and "get" one track, what should it be?
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