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Everything posted by medichi

  1. Was re-listening to the Nailbomb album, and wondered if there was anyone else who did the same kinda crust-industro-punkoid-metal stuff? C'mon, I expect a flood of replies from Hog et al.......
  2. I Shot William H Macy is also a crackin tune. Most of the album is ace, except Head Automatica Sound System......
  3. Fair enough - they're not a band I'd rush to defend, especially as the last album was a rancid turd, but I stand by "Full Collapse" as a great record. Can sse how the vocal may grate for some, same with Glassjaw......
  4. Totally fail to get Napalm Death - but am a HUGE fan of most of the offshoots - Cathedral, Carcass and Godflesh are some of the greatest british bands of all time - yet I've managed to see ND twice, and none of the rest ever! *sob*
  5. Where the FUCK did the Liverpool date go? Fuck 'em, I'm off to listen to the new Chariot record......
  6. Odd choices to pick out as particular targets - Thursday at least do something interesting with the screamo/emo/hardcore (whatever..) template, and Full Collapse is a great album. HIFH, whilst never really striking a chord with me, are a good live band, and continue to drag themselves round the country independantly. I would barely shed a tear if they split, mind.... Anyway, going on the GlassJaw flash animation, I'm not so sure they've actually split. AND they're ace. So nyah......
  7. Bleeding Though will destroy. At The Gates-Core to the max. Rune - emo? wtf? BT are essentially a death metal band with beatdowns........ CoL are great too, but I must say, I prefer Isis. If I lived in Aberdeen, I'd be there in a FLASH.
  8. Right you fucking cunts, one of you PM me and tell me who it is - NOW!
  9. Dear Christ, I've just noticed that Converge, Mastadon and Isis are touring Japan together! magine if that came to the UK.....
  10. Does Thuriaz know who EVERYONE is? Do you know who I am? I know you, but every time we've spoken, you've been STUPENDOUSLY pissed. And a bit scary.
  11. Some people prefer cliche-ridden metal. For the record, I tend to find bands like ThrowDown and Hatebreed to be a bit meat-headed, usually preferreing my brutality a bit more cerebral. However, if it's mosh-core you want, there are none finer than TD. AND they played "Roots", a metal tune a million times better than anything LoG have produced. I fail to see why people get so excited about LoG, while actual talented metal bands such as Burnt By The Sun get only occasional press....
  12. Alexisonfire make you want to play hardcore? Why, to slay their fucking PISH band? Dear god, they're bad.... AND you insult The Bled? You're heading straight to music hell - Enya on repeat for eternity......
  13. Saw the same line up in Liverpool last night - As I Lay Dying were OK, but nothing special. Throwdown, on the other hand, were AWESOME! Just stupidly great - and when they started playing "Roots Bloody Rooooooooots" the place went OFF! Lamb of God, however, were pish. Watched two songs, got bored, left. Death to crap metal.
  14. Liverpool sold out 3 dates in 2 hours. Dammit.
  15. Almost as exciting as seeing Iron Maiden. i.e. not at all.......
  16. LETS GO DROPKICKS! Ace band. Saw em at the Cas Rock (RIP) on the "Gangs All Here" tour. Love 'em.... Riot tonight, everybody LETS GO! Gonna start a fight, but with who, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!
  17. ...and you stop Ross developing an ulcer.....
  18. Argh! I was gonna go to the London date, but was foiled.....
  19. Actually, the disection room in Marishal is just behind estaminet, and was still in action when I was messing about in there. Not sure if they still do disection anymore - I certainly did a fair bit, but that was *gulp* 7 years ago now. Jesus, I must nearly be dead......
  20. Yus! On The Turn is one of those albums that never gets dusty. Wilt were awful.
  21. Hoorah! My copy Of LoI popped through the door with Reclamation Process free! And it's GREAT. Less electronic than Signal To Noise, with better songs, and holds together as an album a lot better too. Good sheezit. On the down side, the Rise I have a tickets to see in London next week, have turned out to be a folk band......
  22. I like the QMU. Seen the Deftones, Ryan Adams and Fear Factory, all sound great, in a well proportioned venue with a decent stage. Bollocks to the rest of you.....
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