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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Dan G

    Queers gig...

    I thought the Queers were ok but they were a bit too progressive for me. They should have played more than one song, although it was a very long song (about an hour long) The song didn't have much variation, but I did like the way they introduced certain lyrics again and again thoughout it, eg the "this place sucks" bit. Very conceptual and reminded me of parts of Dream Theater's "metropolis part 2" album...
  2. Its a shame you can't just get the 6 bonus discs because I have all his albums already (and one of the zimmers hole ones) What a deal though... I bought all the albums for 13.99 cheapest and 17.99 most expensive...and they're AWESOME! (especially ocean machine)
  3. I have all of those except orchid - which I plan to buy - and Cannibal Corpse. The best Cannibal Corpse album is "the bleeding" by far, but I'm not too big a fan of the rest of their stuff. "The Odyssey" by Symphony X is FUCKING AMAZING. I cannot stress that enough, and also like Ben says, Draconian Times is also superb. "Reroute To Remain"? I hope you have all the other In Flames albums because "colony" and especially "clayman" are FAR better.
  4. Dan G

    What is emo?

    Apology accepted.
  5. wow...the most convincing april fools I have ever heard.
  6. Dan G

    What is emo?

    Woah horsey, don't back up your previous accusations too much.
  7. Drakes is 6 years old... thats nothing - I'm 21 (and 2 and a bit months).
  8. Dan G

    What is emo?

    No it wasn't cos he's my band mate, it was because you were being a crotch-pheasant. Racist now? You get a fucking grip - there's a difference between being racist and pointing out generalisations in a harmless nature. Oh and yeah that's right. I totally posted that to make myself look "big". Fuck off asshole, I did it because he made about 10 pointless posts in as many minutes which I found annoying. You however jump on my back on accounts of my one post and do so in the most hypocritical manner. I still can't believe you told me to 'stop censoring' someone and then proceeded to tell me what to do and now saying I was out order. Man, what a 'tard.
  9. My dad, easily. Then my cousin who's a couple of years older than me. When you grow up listening to everything like Queen, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Led Zep, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple etc, rock music just seems like 'normal' music to your ears. Then Guns N Roses, nirvana and Iron Maiden were the first bands I properly got into, before my cousin sent me mix-tapes with bands like Pantera, Death, Slayer and Metallica and that got me into the heavy stuff.
  10. cool. It's just I don't want to credit myself for something I didn't do. A lot of these ace sounding metal bands get someone to produce it and then get Andy Sneap/Colin Richardson to mix it, basically because those guys are awesome! devin Townsend is also a pretty nifty producer...
  11. but in a lot of cases the band produce their own stuff. What do they have to do to get credit for doing so?
  12. Dan G

    What is emo?

    Here's some dark lyrics for you: "Son No More" by Korpse Fukka "stagger home at night alone you're eyes are glazed and closing, Believing that you're all alone and no one else is watching. The footsteps that you cannot hear, are not too far behind, I wait in shadows - knife in hand You're not too hard to find. Your movements slow, and consciousness fade The rohypnol works at last, It won't be long til my hard cock Is rammed hard in your ass. You shouldn't have come here tonight You shouldn't have 'come out' tonight Well I'm gonna come in you tonight And you're gonna bleed rectally" CHORUS: "Gordon you can't be gay Gordon you can't be gay Gordon you're my goddamn son And now you're gonna pay"
  13. In recording credits all albums have a producer... what EXACTLY does the producer do in the studio? I have a pretty good idea but a very accurate explanation would be much appreciated. cheers. (obviously production isn't the same as the engineering/mixing or mastering)
  14. Me, because I came up with the concept...
  15. Dan G

    What is emo?

    Wait a minute... so you're saying that it's ok for people to say what they want, when they want - and then you're telling me that I'M a douchebag and to "get off my fucking high horse" because I said what I wanted, when I wanted to. Nice one Mr Hypocrite. And did I censor him? No. Did I tell him to never post again? No. I said the majorty of his posts lack humour and that nothing he ever posts is of relevance to the topic. For example the thread about music theory to which he simply replied "spankin" There isn't a smiley for "fuck off you hypocritical cunt" so this will have to do:
  16. Not as good as useful contributions to a thread. Like this one for example.
  17. I've never really heard "Leprosy" because that and "Scream bloody gore" are the only two Death albums I don't have, but that's out of choice as I prefer the more technical/melodic/better produced records...
  18. Dan G

    What is emo?

    Importance? I could go into a hundred threads and find the most irrelevant posts ever made by yourself. As for being funny... you may want to look up its definition in the dictionary because you appear to have mistaken it for the word "rubbish"
  19. Anyone like them? Chuck Schuldiner is a legend. I've been into them since 'Symbolic' which in my eyes is on eof the best death metal albums ever, possibly second only to Carcass' 'Heartwork'
  20. Dan G

    What is emo?

    This is verging on the biggest load of shite I have ever read. I know you are from Germany, which excuses you from having a sense of humour - however it doesn't excuse you from speaking drivel.
  21. 'core' was originally the use of hardcore within a style of music. For instance metalcore bands fuse the technical and often melodic aspects of metal with many of the ethics and oveertones of hadcore bands. Take Killswitch Engage for example: Classic metal riffs and harmonies, but with pit-inducing beatdowns and shouty hardcore vocals. These days 'core' is practically synonimous with 'alternative music' as 'core' is often thrown on the end of a style of music to make it sound complete, eg Mathcore, grindcore. Calling a band just 'math' would sound a bit silly! Effectively it's just a way of labelling a band so explaining their sound is easier. Ben's post "pop metalcore" to me just means that the band in question are a metal/hardcore band who take a more accessible approach to song-writing. Which I find a lot more explanatory than if he just said "the new 36 Crazyfist album is good".
  22. I also bought the 'Rust In Peace' by Megadeth guitar book after about 2 months of playing. I think it collected dust for the next couple of years... BUT i finally learned ALL of Hangar 18 at Christmas just over a year ago and was I a happy man! (still haven't got any where near learning/being able to play a complete other song though...)
  23. Dan G

    What is emo?

    I'd say this post makes by far the most sense Why can't you all just be happy listening to the music you like without bashing someone elses music taste just because what they like is mainstream. I used to (and for that matter, still do) rip the piss out of emo but only cos of it's connotations with poetry, scarves and such like that are actually kinda funny... More and more these days I find myself sticking up for emo - even though I don't even like any of the 'real' emo bands. Also you have to remember that emo IS a fashion, in the sense that it has it's own identity regarding clothes etc. That's what happens, something becomes in fashion and it becomes more popular before dying out and letting something else take its place. With every trend comes a backlash and it's just up to people to be honest with themselves. If people genuinely enjoy listening to emo and dressing like 'an emokid' then let them. But it's those that do it just because it's popular that I don't really have any respect for... Trends come and go, and emo is gonna be around as long as needs to be, before dying out. Pointless whining isn't going to change any of that.
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