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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. To be honest, it's relatively silly to bother playing other cities until you've honed your craft within aberdeen and managed to attract a few people to your gigs that aren't just your mates. If I watch a really shit band in Aberdeen that aren't from Aberdeen who are 'on tour' I think "wow, these guys are a touring band and they are still this shit - there's no hope for them." So you can imagine what the people of Glasgow think when they see really shit Aberdeen bands... At least watching a shit local band you think "Ah well they're only young/just starting up etc., give them a couple of years and they might actually be half decent." But the thing is it is all monkey-see-monkey-do. Some bands see other more experienced bands playing outside aberdeen and think to themselves "if so and so can do this, then we can too." Then other bands see the less experienced bands trying to book 'tours' and suddenly feel there's competition and try and do the same.... Ultimately I wouldn't let it bother you Fraser because one of two things will happen; a) it'll be terrible 'tour', at which point you can snigger to yourself that the band totally failed and possibly learned their lesson. This can in a way can be good thing because the band will realise how extremely hard it is to book and expensive it is to be on a tour and maybe try and get a bit more experience under their belts before attempting it again. OR, b) against all odds it will be a resounding success at which point you'll be even more wound up about it for them actually succeeding, as well as being a fool for doubting them. I can pretty much guarantee that it is going to be the former though. It's all part of a learning curve, and if a band atill manages to stay friends and enjoy themselves spending every waking hour in a van being cold, tired, hungry and skint, after having 3 gigs 500 miles apart, one of which got cancelled, one where you got paid a tenner and one where 2 people turned up then all the fucking power to them.
  2. I'm with Scott on this one. Buying better gear doesn't mean that you are instantly a "better" guitarist/bassist etc, a great player on a cheap rig will always sound better than a poor player on a great rig. But a great player on a great rig will sound fantastic. However, I have found expensive gear HAS made me a better player; My guitar plays miles better than any other that I have tried, and my amp is so unforgiving for a high-gain head, that any mistakes I make are very plainly obvious - which has made me a tighter/better player. It took me an entire year to pay for my head (ooh er missus) but to me that was worth it, and I think that does represent some sort of dedication to your instrument - especially when you then see people out spending loads of money on drink at the weekend, and then complaining that they don't want to shell out a few hundred quid on a new valve amp. And also, for venues without PA systems the quality of your rig is far more apparent when you have to really crank it.
  3. Dan G


    A lorry load of tortoises collided with a truck full of terrapins. It was a turtle catastrophe.
  4. I gathered that YOU knew that - my comment was for other people's benefit...
  5. Sounds pretty good man. I listened to all three tunes last night. Drums take a bit of a back seat in the mix, but some nice intertwined guitar and bass work.
  6. Good luck tonight champ! I'll be down early to catch you guys.
  7. that album was recorded with a Herbert (and also sometimes combined with a VH4 too)
  8. You've obviously never owned a marshall AVT or Mg series amplifier
  9. Shit that looks pretty tight for time. Lucky there isn't 3 bands playing before ETID. megalolz
  10. Jesus Christ! It's Dr Evazan (from Star Wars)'s daughter!
  11. Hai guize is this still for sale lol
  12. It wouldn't lose much clarity at all dude. Firstly you 'feel' more than 'hear' stuff around 30-40Hz; you're way into sub-bass territory there. And furthermore, as well as still having everything above 40Hz you'd still have all the harmonics of the low B at 60, 90, 120Hz etc.
  13. Yeah, sounds to me like a little vocal distortion, and also that a High pass filter has been set higher than 'normal' on the vocal EQ. (Basically at a certain frequency, only frequencies higher than that pass through - which omits a lot of the bass frequencies in the vocals, hence the slightly telephonic sound. This would make a bit of sense as they have so much bass frequencies coming from the bass and guitar already...
  14. All fun and games until you have to lift them up 4 flights of stairs!
  15. Down and Mastodon, because those are the two bands I prefer - which of course is entirely relevant to your enjoyment. And Nola just came on my itunes this very second by coincidence.
  16. I'm with this. The word gig just isn't particularly nice to say. Shows/gigs - it's all the same to me. Crazy world we live in where there is multiple words for the same thing!
  17. I did say 'potential' financial loss to cover my tracks.... Good point about Drummonds though Ross - I think we've played there a few times since it's been Tunnels owned. In fact the ONLY gigs we have played in Aberdeen in the last six months have been at Drummonds! Ah well.
  18. He's not 'bi' - he's a full on sausage-swallowing flamer.
  19. haha - No, not at all. I used the disabled child reference so it made sense at the end; when I was comparing the parents' unnecessary suffering brought on by themselves to the tunnels potential financial loss. I considered using a younger and physically abled brother who just so happened to not know how to play the drums... but figured a dribbling retard licking and smashing up a kit all day long would be far more entertaining to visualise.
  20. Ewan, when will you learn. I'll put it simply in a metaphorical story for you, because I know you often fail to think before typing away on a keyboard: It's your birthday. A special birthday infact, your 21st. You ask for a new drumkit. Your parents say yes, and offer you just the one you've always wanted but never thought you'd ever get. Your parents buy it, and you see it all wrapped up in the garage. You've even seen the reciept. You're very, very excited. You've been a good boy all your life - worked hard at school, practised your drums whenever you can and can play to high standard, you've always helped out your parents at home and *generally* set a good example for everyone around you. You're very pleased that said hard work and effort will amount to a nice birthday present that will last you forever.... But wait! Just before your birthday, your parents inform you that you are NOT in fact going to get your drumkit, and instead they are giving it to your disabled younger brother because he has now asked for it. You ask why this is to be the case, and the only reason you're given is that you didn't help wash the dishes this one time when you were 8 years old (but that night you were at your best friend's sleepover party, so couldn't have helped out anyway). Why would your parents do this!? Even if you didn't actually deserve the kit, they're still now going to have to put up with your brother's hideous racket rather than your tasteful playing. Even worse, your brother is just going to batter the kit before trying to eat it's various parts, so it's value plumits within hours. FAIL.
  21. Of course you can't authenticate it because it's utter drivel. We turn down shows if we're not able to make them, which is far better than saying we're going to play a show and then cancel it. I'm sure we have turned down gigs all over the place, from the tunnels, to fudge gigs, to drummonds, to full on tours with other bands. It's absolutely nothing to do with the tunnels or anyone else personally - but we can't make every show they've ever offered us. On the flipside... We have played heaps of gigs in the tunnels since it opened 5 or so years ago - often to hundreds of people. At each of those gigs we've let all other bands use our backline and been nothing but professional etc etc etc. However, The simple facts are: We asked for the show first. We got told provisionally that we could have it. We said we'd play for free. We also offered to promote the living fuck out of it as Ben's last show with the band. I'm not going to outline why from a business point of view alone "it makes sense" to have us play on the bill because that would be insulting a lot of people's intelligence. I don't have a problem with Glass wolves or ASD for getting on this bill - I'm just disappointed that we didn't get this for the reasons I have outlined above.
  22. With all due respect, you sound like a bell-end.
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