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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Anything by Stewart Lee. He has two shop-release ones. Amazing. My brother just recommended me Tim Minchin... not checked him out for myself yet.
  2. I was really looking forward to MH but as everyone has already said it was horrible muddy sound as arenas often are, especially for support bands. Just as disappointingly, their set choice was pretty average in my opinion. Thought the set choice was pretty poor too. Metallica were outstanding. As tight as they've ever been. James voice was incredible - hit ALL the high stuff and didn't wimp out of anything. Kirk's lead tone was actually really good, and he's obviously been practising - he pretty much nailed his old solos as well as he has ever managed to live. The sound was 20 times better than MH (as expected I guess), and the light and stage show was immense. Only disappointing thing was that they only played for just over 2 hours. I expected/hoped for about 3 more songs (especially due to the absence of Harvester, Battery and Creeping Death which are all live classics...maybe even Am I Evil or Last Caress chucked in too). I would have loved a bit more from Justice... but that's personal preference. Extremely happy to see them being utterly brilliant and still highly relevant into their mid 40s, thought they even looked fucking great where recently they've looked a little old and haggard (a bit of hair-dye and a decent haircut does them wonders as gay as that sounds). I figured that this was the set (broken up into albums rather than the order they played them in - works out at being about 1 hour 50 minutes of material, but obviously solos and banter extend the stage time): The End of the Line (7:52) That Was Just Your Life (7:08) Broke, Beat And Scarred (6:25) All Nightmare Long (7:58) The Day That Never Comes (7:56) My Apocalypse (5:01) Of Wolf And Man (4:17) Enter Sandman (5:31) Sad But True (5:23) Nothing Else Matters (6:29) Die, Die My Darling (2:29) Turn The Page (6:06) One (7:24) Master Of Puppets (8:36) Fight Fire With Fire (4:45) For Whom The Bell Tolls (5:10) Trapped Under Ice (4:04) Seek And Destroy (6:55) The black album material, 2 cover songs, One and (surprisingly) the first 3 songs from Death Magnetic were highlights of the set for me - Metallica definitely seemed the most comfortable playing those. Thought a couple of the thrashier ones were a little sloppy in places, Fight Fire With Fire especially, some parts of Puppets because they play it so fast live that it's not possible to play properly and also My Apocalypse, but other than that their set was very tight. Amazing gig.
  3. I agree with a lot of that in principle. I'd be a Spurs season ticket holder if I lived in London, but alas I don't. I've been to White Hart Lane before and it was an incredible atmosphere, however I do still get huge adrenaline rushes just watching them on the TV. I'd say watching Mo FC is a different vibe altogether though. It's more of a laugh and banter than a serious game of football, where results mean precious little except to have a short-lasting one-upmanship over the fans of the other angus teams.
  4. I'll swap you it for an Encore replica "strat" that only had one previous owner..... ....James Bond.
  5. Be in an awesome band. Oh wait you already are. L O fucking L
  6. The way I see it - if you love football that much, spend 30 a month (which is financially about 3 pints of beer a week) and is also less than most people's ridiculous mobile phone bills. If you don't love football that much or are completely broke, just go down to the pub (and drink water) for the games you want to see. Then in the comfort of your own home you can enjoy match of the day and match of the day 2, which will also skip most of the boring parts of the nil nil draws that you don't want to watch anyway. But until your average snooker players get paid 80k a week, attract millions and millions of viewers, and your kids ask for Steven Hendry outfits for their Birthday you cannot compare Snooker and football.
  7. I'd love the six englishman rule to come into immediate effect. Spurs would rocket up the table and scummy Arsenal would be instantly relegated (unless Theo Walcott can remain un-injured and beat all the other teams on his own)
  8. And how many of these nil nil draws did people actually watch? Most of the nil nils come between teams like Wigan and Fulham, who are punching above their weight, largely through good defensive records at home. And yes, sometime the top few teams have a bit of a stalemate. But in between there are some cracking games. Being a Spurs supporter, naturally I'll use them as an example - but in the last couple of years they have been involved in four or five 4-4 draws, a 6-3 against Reading and more recently a 4 nil thrashing of middlesborough. Villa, Man City and Everton have all had interesting and erratic seasons, winning 6 nil one week and then getting beaten by a Hull or Stoke the next, and the gap between 7th and 19th is unbelieveably close... hence why most of the teams are being cautious at the moment! The premier league is fucking fantastic, and I am more than happy to see other teams draw nil nil, because it often is to the benefit of Tottenham. Oh, and it was Arsenal for all their "wonderful football" that just had four CONSECUTIVE nil nil draws... Although I do agree that international matches should be shown on terrestrial tv.
  9. The kid in the boot of my car. To get to the other side.
  10. It's pre-'power metal Pantera! I think Cold Lake is actually one of the very few albums that competes with St Anger in the "Epic fail"stakes
  11. I have the obituary cover of that song somewhere.
  12. Not disagreeing with the impact of celtic frost... pretty much responsible for the birth of death metal, not they were really a death metal band as such. But if you rounded up all the people who formed rock/metal bands and asked "who inspired you more to pick up an instrument and form a band, Metallica or Celtic Frost?" I think the response would be overwhelmingly in favour of the band with 100million album sales...
  13. That is some smart business by you then! I guess it is a case of different strokes for different folks.
  14. This is a horrible and utterly depressing thread. Major condolences to you, Bazz. I'd be devestated if this happened to me. I regularly leave amps/flightcases/cabs in my car. But I would NEVER leave my guitar in a car/van. (although It is 100% irreplaceable)
  15. That's a waste of 8 wishes. At the very least use a second wish to confirm that under no circumstances whatsoever will they ever return.
  16. Dan G


    Do you get holidays? I usually take 3 weeks of my 4 week holiday allowance to tour each year. Then Scottish dates/tours can be done on weekdays if they're close enough, or weekends if they're futher away. Where there's a will there's a way!
  17. Totally agree. Although Hollow (to me) doesn't get going til the riffs kick in, but when they do... wow. My favourite Pantera song is still Slaughtered. Fucking brutal. The chuggy palm muted section around 2 mins is so, so heavy - and then the almost death metal riff that follows it. Incredible. Strength Beyond Strength, Becoming, 5 Minutes Alone, Shedding Skin are also amazing.
  18. The lack of snare drum for 2 minutes annoys me! To me that song doesn't have riffs or grooves that compare with the likes Clash With Reality or Domination. I'm all about: Heresy Domination Shattered (Pantera trying to be judas priest) Clash With Reality Art Of Shredding Cemetery Gates Cowboys From Hell (the song) is also good but I've heard it soooo much...
  19. I fucking LOVE pantera man, Seriously. A top 3 band of all time... but Reinventing The Steel wasn't that great. Inconsistent at best. Cowboys had some filler like 'medicine man' and 'primal concrete sledge'. Trendkill had the odd average tune too. Vulgar and FBD though... Just incredible. But phil vs james and dime vs kirk aside, Metallica still a) had great songs, and b) Pantera were pretty massively influenced by them!
  20. Dan G


    Neither do Girls Aloud.... Although there are a lot of extreme things you could do to them.
  21. Dan G


    Hog, trust me on this: If you can't build up a fanbase or succeed in Aberdeen then you are fucked. Building up a fanbase in other cities is FAR harder. Different cities don't actually have very different attitudes. The difference is that bigger/"better" cities get heaps of great bands so you'll seem worse/insignificant by comparison. If anything, you are lucky in Aberdeen because it is pretty big population-wise, but with the benefit of being well away from other cities - which highlights how little we get spoiled with lots of good bands compared to Glasgow/manchester/london. Bonesaw and Uncalm aren't really that heavy or fast either. Both are good bands, but neither are exactly super extreme. Furthermore, the more extreme a band is, the LESS appeal they will have to the general music-loving population. So extremity isn't an issue. Also, both bands' fanbase (assuming they have one!), didn't appear from nowhere. They would have earned them either through hard work or simply by being objectively good - possibly both. This post is in no way me trying to give a negative reflection of element 106. Not at all. My point is that your band not having gigs full of people to see you is absolutely NOTHING to do with the people in Aberdeen or Aberdeen itself.
  22. I'm selling an Ibanez DE7 for 45. Delay AND echo. Good pedal!
  23. I'd rather have a nice big banana in me... Oh dear oh dear.
  24. Haha, I was more just surprised at his pomposity to say "as said before, I define selling out as..." when a) he hadn't said it before, and b) it was me that did! I'm not after a coconut or anything though Remember johnny rotten making money from adverts and going on reality tv shows? That is coming close to selling out, although not quite in a musical sense.
  25. He just said exactly what I said at the start of the thread!
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