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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Yeah saw this the other day - utterly incredible. The strength and balance to be able to do shit like that is unreal.
  2. Far more likely to be due to dehydration, unless you took on heaps of water pre/during/post run?
  3. Nah... "Chubby munter","dozy bint" or "cauliflower-faced wench" would be rather harsh things to call my wife. Peasant has a mildly playful sense of charm about it.
  4. I just pay a peasant to chop firewood and put it on my fire.
  5. Mark & Spencer or perhaps J. Sainsbury's, depending on whether scallops are readily available.
  6. Shopping in Asda full stop represents class divide...
  7. I didn't read any of this thread because most people who post on this site are peasants with opinions far less valid than mine.
  8. They're nothing like us. (we're only a five-piece)
  9. Anyone know lots about electrical stuff? To power my rack I need 3 sockets: 1 for my power conditioner, 1 for a 12V adaptor for wireless, and a 9V adaptor for a pro rack G. I figured the best idea is to have a 4-way extension lead attached to my rack tray. But I don't want the huge long cable attached to the 4-way dragging around inside my rack. So, is it possible to do the following: 1. Buy a 4-way extension lead and chop off the cable so there is only a couple of inches of cable left. 2. Buy a male IEC adaptor and solder it to the 4-way in place of the plug. 3. Then fix this to my rack so it's always there with my various bit of equipment plugged into it. 4. then whenever I need to power it, I can take a standard female IEC power cable and plug it into my modified 4-way. I've done a diagram to make what I'm talking about a lot easier to understand: Any help would be great! Cheers
  10. Well said. In addition, John Petrucci used to play a stinking Ibanez that looked like Picasso just shat out a game of twister on a guitar. But again, not what you associate with him. And stage lights make black/blue painted guitars look green or red anyway....
  11. We'll make an anouncement soon - all amicable to be honest, just a few little reasons here and there. Nothing too exciting really! Yeah man. I was actually so excited when I heard about this gig. I would never, ever be as arrogant as to 'expect' to get any gig... but with this one it was like the fucking planets had aligned.* *for the record I think astrology is bullshit
  12. Worryingly, and pathetically that is very accurate. All of MMW (but especially Ben) are huge ETID fans, and we were hoping to make this gig Ben's last show. It would have been a fantastic send-off for Ben. But what I can say, my family who I see 3 times a year live 600 miles away and I wouldn't sacrifice spending Christmas and New Year with them for the sake of a tunnels gig.. ...I can see why they hold a grudge.
  13. yeah although I had nothing to do with that - I'm sure that Jamesy, Ben and friends that started that up.
  14. I miss rune like rune misses having parents that aren't related.
  15. Who actually drew that, again? It's very, very good.That was me! Totally forgot about that.
  16. Good times. Good times.
  17. Well said. That album is the be all and end all of FF in my opinion. I think Raymond's lack of fancy filling makes the FF sound what it is - it adds to that sterile mechanical vibe. And also the reason there were no Tom's on Demanufacture was because Colin Richardson (producer) lost them during the recording process! Effectively a huge error helped give that album a lot of it's character.
  18. it was Abel Xavier, who was busted for doing drugs (and portugal, not roma). I did this one which is a bit more current/relevant:
  19. Not if you only eat at burger king and the only exercise you get is fapping over teh internetz.
  20. These aren't laugh-out-loud funny, but a series of images I did for a Spurs forum.... Squirrels were an extension of Berbatov's love for squirrels when he was at Spurs, hence the bottom one, which started it all.
  21. If you're going to quote people you might want to actually read what you are quoting. For your benefit, I'll reiterate and highlight part of my original post that you obviously missed. ...this was the set (broken up into albums rather than the order they played them in)
  22. Last time I checked that makes him kind of a big deal.
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