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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. has there been a better time to post this:
  2. As far as I can remember they reviewed their own band here, and gave themselves a brilliant review. To be fair it was deserved though because it was a brilliant gig. In fact I will find the thread for you now mr Johnology http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/feedback-forum/39967-awesome-gig-4-decipher.html
  3. There's loads of relatively decent motivational posters, but the format has worn kind of thin now.
  4. Because listening to them is more painful than going into labour.
  5. Don't these people celebrate Pete Doherty? Anyone that glorifies someone so utterly un-talented (never mind all his "extra curricular activities") doesn't deserve an opinion on anything. The only danger Slipknot pose, is a world eyeliner shortage due to the massive influx of 14 year old boys wanting to look like Joey Jordison.
  6. The best band in Aberdeen. Apart from Decipher.
  7. This one is amazing. And this one always cracked me up. Wonder why Ince got sacked.
  8. Dave you are a sirry birry. Aporagies accepted! See you rater!
  9. Probably not better than my Malasian though. HERRO DAVE ROWRANDS! I rike your band Abrach. Sound bery bery brutar. Rong rive heaby metar from Scotrand!
  10. Good stuff chaps! Although spelling 'scottish' correctly, and pluralising 'master' on an album launch poster would have been wise. Cool artwork though.
  11. 2 main advantages. 1) it's a lot cheaper. (so if you need loads of cables it's worth doing) 2) you can cut them to your own size. This is useful for people with complex rack based rigs where you want as little as possible extra cabling floating around everywhere. Planet waves cables are great in my experience. ALL my cables outside my rack are planet waves, and unless you're planning on a a huge rack, it's worth sticking with planet waves cables... unless you have the knowledge and equipment to help you solder stuff together, in which case go for it.
  12. Not true! I'm on my lunch after a very busy morning drawing precast concrete and granite blockwork schedules.
  13. Scott and I recently made a bunch of custom length leads for my rig. I considered George L's which are apparently fine for stuff which is gonna be permanent, but in the end bough a bunch of Neutrik jacks and Cordial cable (as recommended by peter Diezel himself!) Thought I'd be useless at that whole soldering malarky but Scott showed me how to do it and it's pretty easy if you have the tools. Here is the stuff I got: (researched it thoroughly before buying) CORDIAL CGK 175 SW - U.K. International Cyberstore NEUTRIK NP 2 X-B - U.K. International Cyberstore NEUTRIK NP 2 RX-B - U.K. International Cyberstore
  14. FAIL. Actually it's Jealousy.
  15. Glad to see we've both grown up these days Mr C.
  16. Neither is a Peavey 5150 amp. But if someone started a thread saying; "I really want to get that 5150 sound", and then someone randomly pitched in with; "I just bought a Line 6 PODxt and it's got loads of different effects" it just seems a little bit "me, me, me" with no real use or relevance to the topic originator who is clearly just interested in a Stingray rather than hearing about who recently bought a subjectively more versatile bass than what he's after . Anyway, sorry for being an ass about it - because I'm being an even bigger waste of time by pissing and moaning. Let me apologise by not returning your negative rep points in a playground manner And just so this post isn't completely wasted... I like Stingrays. If I worked for Ernie Ball/Musicman, I'd suggest bringing out the limited edition 'Steve Irwin' model.
  17. Shame this thread isn't titled, "what is the most versatile bass you've played", because then your post would be of some use.
  18. So THAT'S why you were in such a rush to get your last piece done. Still can't believe you actually got the Brokencyde logo across your back.
  19. Wait 'til you hear my and Scotty's hardcore band... &
  20. This is true. But the way I see it is if you keep listening to/playing what you genuinely love then even if it happens to become trendy/popular/ruined by morons it'll soon enough go out of fashion again. 80's/hair metal > grunge > nu-metal > emo > metalcore > whatever it maybe next, because metalcore has nearly finished it's 15 minutes of fame.
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