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Everything posted by lepeep

  1. not that I saw, there was only once copy in the row... but, If you want to hunt for it, It's in the racks to the left of the tills (looking out the door), opposite the stairs.
  2. if you like heavy grindcore, you should check out godstomper, fucking ace, a drummer and a bass player, sounds like hell on hearth.. check it ! http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/godstomper/
  3. I remember when belmont street felt a bit like edinburgh (a good thing in my book), then the Wodka bar started going "up market", the Siberia shite hit and then there was the Neds nest "priory"...and lo and behold, a slice of windmill brae / justice mill lane (wankers alley) was brought a little closer to the centre of town...a sad day indeed.
  4. hay, just think about avalanche, and fopp in edinburgh (right next to each other), both are always hoaching at the weekend... I just bought some 5 quid stuff in fopp today (and ween's "white pepper" for 3 quid !). some people just don't use their eyes when they go shopping...ho ho I think it'll be great, I can shopp in fopp and one up, in the same dinner time !
  5. no mention of LSD in that diary, just Gin... I must get some of that cheap Lidel gin, seems to work a treat for "creative writing"...
  6. if its a popular choice, then it has to be Franz Ferdinand if its a "future projection" bollox, it'll be keane if it's a "they deserve it, after all these years" it'll be B&S if it's an "urban nod", it'll obviously be TY if it's one for yer mum, it'll be Joss Stone. I'd like snow patrol to win...just cos my wife would beat me up if I didn;t....he he
  7. you know, I never bought the new fantomas record! I don't know, a "ghost story soundtrack" that lasts 60 mins just doesn't tickle my fancy... I suppose I should listen to it before dispelling it.
  8. got mine today, from one up, 17.99... amazing value, and such good discs ! ooh... and I also got the modest mouse CD, that's great value too, 8.99 for an LP ! wowee..
  9. there was an article linked from" bunglefever.com" : A recent interview with Trey Spruance can be found at Perfect Pitch Online. In it, he says of Mr. Bungle, "I think the band has a lot of fucking steam left in it. The best days are clearly ahead. Itll be incredible, but I dont know when its going to happen.
  10. He's got a new LP out on Ipecac at the end of the month, the previous "trio" work he's dones is amazing... jazz meets metal , but not in a cheesey way... I love what he said on Ipecac : "People ask me what kind of music it is and I never know what to say. There is counterpoint; there are power chords & atonal melodies. Sometimes it swings; sometimes it tries hard not to swing. There are complicated written passages & sections of free improvisation. Its not fusion but it does combine disparate styles & yet I like to think of forms developing organically as opposed to a cut-and-paste technique. Whether Im listening to Throbbing Gristle or Britney Spears I absorb what comes my way. Its all music to me, and why shouldnt it be? I consider myself rootless because I accept all. I have no ties & nowhere to go. And the music I write is a result of that."
  11. his pals play the instruments (his other band Fridge, have all three guys playing in it (adem, on bass)) I think he must just have a massive bank of jams and stuff, he probalby has an Idea of a tune, and gets someone to play it (from Fridge), or he's probably just a talented bastard and can play the double bass, acoustic guitar..drums... there are a few "plug ins" or filters you can buy now to do the micro-edits (the glitch / note stretching). probably based on the old time stretching you used to get in old DnB... Cuebase can get the filters for gitching... there are also a few "coders" out there that make their own algorithums to cut / snip sounds...clever bastards...
  12. this does look like a strange film... I saw a clip with Tom and Iggy a while back, but didn't have a clue where it came from...so now I know ! check it. coffee and cigarettes
  13. lepeep


    that LP was about the 5th one they relased... the first LP (pictures of starving children sell records was in 1986) the one you are talking aobut is "anarchy" released in 1998... I always thought they were shite...ho ho
  14. lepeep


    he he, white boy..."one for the keep fit classes"...you dance to the drums ! dont you! You should swing to the bass...then you'll last more than 1 song a night ! he he... for some fresh new "DnB", check out Danny Breaks, "retro future drum n bass", if drum n bass was ever made in the 60's, this is what it'd sound like (scroll down to the 2002 + stuff ("vibrations")...it's on my headphones right now.) danny breaks (real audio)
  15. lepeep


    that is a tough one... I always thought that jungle was "before" drum n bass (you'll probably find that Jungle has the word "jungle" in the tune somewhere !...I have a 1995 box set of "jungle massive", and the running theme is (to me) round slow bass, and amen breaks / apache all over the shop, mostly with a ragga stylee vocalist ("all dee massive", etc) Drum n Bass (to me) did seem to get a bit less defined, from tech step to that nasty "elevator / shampoo advert" stylee "drum n bass"... that's where I stopped caring about labels and names, and just looked for "good music" (as in most genres). haven't heard the new Soundmurderer CD, I guess I should go check it. jungle = old school (pre 1996) drum n bass = anything with fast drums and slow bass...or is it ?!....fuck knows !
  16. now that would be very special...very special indeed ! everyone would have to come to that, as he's everyones cup of tea...without being mainstream ! (ho ho...)
  17. lepeep


    we had a big discussion a while back about the future of Drum n Bass (on another message board), seems that most people think that the apache break and the amen are done and dusted now, so how can DnB be pushed forwards ? even techstep seems to be tired now. if you do check out that Ohms site, you'll find that "drum n bass" doesn't need to have the "classic breaks" that everyone associates with drum n bass. I have to say Stripey, I did enjoy your tracks, but I did feel that they were a bit "drum and bass by numbers", heaps of sequenced "classic breaks", you need more of a hook, or an edge to keep it interesting. (like mick Harris's Quoit pummeling speed, Fanu's Weird timings (1/2 in one song...now that is fucked !)) hope that doesn't come accross too twatish. peep
  18. lepeep


    dundee had a better "dance" scene that Aberdeen for a while, the club to go to , (not sure if it still is) was the subway (If I remember correctly), heaps of Drum n Bass guys would play there every weekend...I am sure there is still a scene. I saw a few amazing acts in there, Psychonauts, Bently Rythum Ace, Goldie etc... Bri from Streethreads had a gig swap thing going on if I am not mistaken. (when we had DJ vadim, DJ Cam etc...) You'll always find someone with similar tastes, especially if you are going to uni / college. (you could even START a scene...wow ! imagine that !) he he
  19. lepeep


    I havenae read all the threads...too many ! but, i will say, sounds a bit like tec-Itch... for more similar stuff, you guys should check out ohmsresistnace (a NY based drum n bass label, a "firend" of mine, Kurt Gluck owns it...he's had some brilliant artists collaborate with him... mick harris, Bill laswell, Temulent... check the link (audio available) http://www.ohmresistance.com/Paudio.html
  20. lepeep

    King Crimson

    thrak, one of the recent lp's, was pretty crazy, I remember putting it on in one up...didn't last long... I can see where TOOL got their later works "inspiration" from...
  21. Cryptopsy You are Cryptopsy! You're one of the most well rounded death metal bands around! You have everything anyone could want in a death metal band: speed, technicality, heaviness, and brutality. Lightning fast guitars, drums, and bass, amazing death metal growls are what you're known for! I am obviously a cunt, cos I've never heard of these dudes, and I thought I was going to be autopsy...bah.
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